The film follows the daily lives of three people, Haru, Yukiko, and Tsuyoshi. While searching for directions on the street, Haru happens to meet Yukiko, a woman around his mother’s age, and they arrive at the café that Haru has wanted to visit. Seeing it is closed, however, she becomes dismayed. Yukiko decides to take Haru home and makes her an omelette instead of turning her away. Later, Haru meets a middle-aged man named Tsuyoshi, and they talk. The exact details of their conversation remain unclear, but there comes a moment when Haru’s story brings Tsuyoshi to the brink of tears. What is it about Haru, Yukiko, and Tsuyoshi that makes them so intertwined? (Source: ~~ Release dates: Sep 6, 2023 (Festival) || Jan 5, 2024 (Cinema) Edit Translation
- English
- Español
- Português (Brasil)
- 한국어
- Native Title: 彼方のうた
- Also Known As: Kanata no Uta
- Screenwriter & Director: Sugita Kyoshi
Cast & Credits
- Ogawa AnHaruMain Role
- Nakamura YukoYukikoMain Role
- Mashima HidekazuTsuyoshiMain Role
- Kaya Support Role
- Fukasawa Shiho Support Role
- Araki Chika Support Role