This documentary captures the lives of young people who have moved to Higashi-Chichibu, a village in the northern mountains of Saitama Prefecture. The area is rural and full of nature and the village is listed as a place with the potential to disappear. Recently many young people have begun to move there to prevent it from happening. Their number includes Nishi Sayaka, a native of the village, who returned from Tokyo. Takano Koichi, a former bank employee from Tokyo who became integrated into the community while developing a specialty product using nogombo, a traditional wild plant in the village, a young man who aspires to become a washi paper craftsman, and a woman who graduated from an art college. (Source: Edit Translation
- English
- Español
- Português (Brasil)
- 한국어
- Native Title: 若者は山里をめざす
- Also Known As: Wakamono wa Yamazato wo Mezasu
- Genres: Documentary