The Hidden Moon (2024) poster
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Ratings: 7.2/10 from 983 users
# of Watchers: 5,562
Reviews: 18 users
Ranked #8454
Popularity #3018
Watchers 983

It is set around a creepy old house in the middle of the forest. As fate leads Khen to the mysterious place, he comes across the house’s owner’s son, Mas. Soon, the two develop a deep relationship. However, it will not be easy, as the supernatural occurrences and the house’s cruel secret constantly haunt their lives. (Source: ~~ Adapted from the novel "The Hidden Moon" (เดือนพราง) by Violet Rain. Edit Translation

  • English
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  • Country: Thailand
  • Type: Drama
  • Episodes: 10
  • Aired: Sep 7, 2024 - Nov 9, 2024
  • Aired On: Saturday
  • Original Network: One 31 WeTV
  • Duration: 45 min.
  • Score: 7.2 (scored by 983 users)
  • Ranked: #8454
  • Popularity: #3018
  • Content Rating: 18+ Restricted (violence & profanity)

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The Hidden Moon (2024) photo
The Hidden Moon (2024) photo
The Hidden Moon (2024) photo
The Hidden Moon (2024) photo
The Hidden Moon (2024) photo
The Hidden Moon (2024) photo


19 people found this review helpful
Nov 9, 2024
10 of 10 episodes seen
Completed 7
Overall 5.0
Story 6.5
Acting/Cast 5.0
Music 5.0
Rewatch Value 2.5
This review may contain spoilers


Why, Khen, why?

Why did Mas have to keep calling your name in that irritating tone?

Why did you go back to the past and leave your computer? The internet was not invented, so what would you see? Where would you get connectivity? Why, did your battery last that long?

Why after showing how the story began, did you not recognize Mas as the boy in the library when you went back to the past?

Why was a ghost allowed to have sex with a human? If a maid had entered during the deed, what would she actually see?

Why did Khampaun refuse her husband before she found out about his lust for Sompho? Why did she blame Sompho and not the husband? Taking it out on the unwilling mistress never ends well?

Why was it important for Sompho to have her story told? Did it bring any meaning to their story?

Why was the repetition of Mas back story necessary when it did nothing to enhance the story?

Why did Mas ask Ken to bring the box during the party and openly speak to him? Wouldn't he appear to be mental laughing and speaking to himself? Especially in the age when cell phones and earpieces have not been invented as yet?

Why did the girl next to him not notice?

Why when all realised that they were dead, why did they have to meet in the dry bush before beginning their journey? Why didn't they go to collect him? Like "Bro, you're dead. Let's go?"

Why was Mas filming on the computer about his home when the info would have corroded with time if it's not preserved? Again, why would the computer exist in time travel?

Why (humor me) would Khen carry Mas to the future if he wasn't a ghost to time travel?

Why show the ending with their meeting but start the beginning with the death with a whole lot of disconnected fillers to elongate the story leading nowhere?

Why was a story with such promise end up being so nonsensical?

Why didn't the screenwriter and director have a chat with those from IFYLITA to see how it's done?

Why was Mas' acting so bad?

Why did I waste my time hoping that it would get better?

Why, hmmmm, why?

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BL Compilations
5 people found this review helpful
Sep 8, 2024
10 of 10 episodes seen
Completed 3
Overall 5.0
Story 3.5
Acting/Cast 7.5
Music 8.0
Rewatch Value 2.5
This review may contain spoilers

The Hidden/Slow Plot (cut version) - watch suggestions

Overall: the first episode made me intrigued but it devolved into a non thrilling/confusing mess. Aired 10 episodes about 45 minutes each on WeTV (uncut episodes were about 10 minutes longer)

Content Warnings: death, attempted suicide, sexual assault/rape?, self harm, scary images, violence, blood, mental health struggles, choking

Watch Suggestions (suggest watching the cut version except where noted, this focuses on sweet moments between the leads)
- watch episode 1
- episode 3 watch part 2 beginning-3; part 3 beginning-1:15, all of part 4
- episode 4 watch all of part 1; part 2 start at 7:12; part 3 beginning-4 and all of part 4
- watch episode 5 part 1 4:30-end
- watch all of episode 6 uncut, they cut out kissing/implied sex
- episode 7 watch part 1 16-end, part 3 3:40-end and can watch all of part 4
- episode 8 watch part 1 before the credits for a quick kiss (uncut version has a longer kiss but it's more of a dead fish lip press) and 12:20-13:15
- skip episode 9
- watch episode 10 uncut from 40:20-43

What I Liked
- intriguing premise with mystery/horror/supernatural elements
- at least they asked why the ghost sensitive one wasn't seeing them
- sweet moments especially in episode 6
- supportive mom
- some of the production value* (the off key music at the end and then the music at the end was especially fitting)

Room For Improvement
- *choppy at times (even in the uncut version it felt a little choppy)
- confusing and slow plot
- Khen and a friend had several moments that made me ship them which was especially bad because the other ML wasn't introduced until the very end of ep 1 (this was less an issue in the cut version)
- odd that a character went from trying to kill another character to suddenly liking him and then back to hating him, did not feel chemistry between the leads
- did not care at all about the drama in the past and it was confusing because a character made it sound like she didn't want something but then she seemed to want that when she talked to her friend later
- I was going to give this a 7 but the very confusing/rushed finale/dead fish lip press dropped it to a 5 (the uncut adds 9 minutes at the end but it basically shows Mas and Khen almost meeting and how Khen was recruited to join the rest of the group and go to that house, they aren't together
- the idea that Mas would watch reincarnated Khen grow up and then get together with him when he was 40 and Khen was 20 was icky (this is how the cut version ended)

Episode 1 cut ~43 minutes vs uncut ~57 minutes (the removal of the following scenes may have added to choppiness but it was good to have less romance coded moments between Khen and another character and that they reduced the sing-along)
- parts 1 & 4 didn't notice any changes
- beginning of part 2 they cut a scene when they are back at the house, a brief group conversation, then Khen brings sweets and chats with the housekeeper
- in part 2 they cut a scene where the group is by a river, a character tells Khen that he senses a spirit hanging around him and then a library scene where Khen is trying to find additional info about the house, later cut out them doing additional research
- in the beginning of part 3 they cut down some of the singing/camping stuff

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  • Drama: The Hidden Moon
  • Country: Thailand
  • Episodes: 10
  • Aired: Sep 7, 2024 - Nov 9, 2024
  • Aired On: Saturday
  • Original Network: One 31, WeTV
  • Duration: 45 min.
  • Content Rating: 18+ Restricted (violence & profanity)


  • Score: 7.2 (scored by 983 users)
  • Ranked: #8454
  • Popularity: #3018
  • Watchers: 5,562

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