Ongoing 10/10
26 people found this review helpful
Mar 26, 2024
10 of 10 episodes seen
Ongoing 0
Overall 9.0
Story 7.0
Acting/Cast 9.0
Music 10
Rewatch Value 10
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Lead chemistry saved this show

The good:
The song "Ikuokukonen" by Omoinotake is an absolute banger. I've been following this band since they made the ost for the "Twittering Birds Never Fly" movie, and I'm glad they got their break with "Ikuokukonen".

Chae Jong Hyeop's acting is seriously great! He exudes that golden retriever energy without being cringy, and his subtle acting with his eyes when the tone gets serious makes me emotional. I've been following the producers for the show and Jong Hyeop contributed to some of my favorite scenes!

The Cast:
I've been following the show's Instagram/Twitter/TikTok accounts, and the chemistry between Chae Jong Hyeop and fumi nikaido and with the staff heals me lol.

The Bad:
The story needs a lot of work. I read on the producer's Twitter account that he worked on this story since 2021 and it still needs work. The added drama with Min Ha Na and the book was unnecessary and contrived. They added some lore that had something to do with Ainu people that looks like went nowhere. IDK, the plot is a bit of a mess after episode 5/6.

I see people criticizing the people criticizing the FL's acting, but even Japanese people have been saying it's bad on (which is like the Japanese version of IMDB). I kinda agree, but I feel like it's the fault of the director and how they characterized her character.

Anyways I love Chae Jong Hyeop and he really carried this show for me. Overall I like the show, and its a comfort show for me. Something easy to watch and makes me feel all warm inside lol. I watched episodes 1-3 three times already and Tae-Oh still gives me butterflies in my stomach lol. He smile is to die for.

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26 people found this review helpful
Apr 15, 2024
10 of 10 episodes seen
Completed 6
Overall 5.5
Story 5.0
Acting/Cast 6.0
Music 5.0
Rewatch Value 5.0
This review may contain spoilers

Cute moments but cliché, plot all over the place and an annoying FL

I really wanted to give this series a higher rating because it has such cute moments and the premise was interesting at first but especially in the way the writing went it's just not possible.

I'll start with the positives of this show that I liked and that make all the points it has for me. First of all I do think the best acting here was Chae Jong Hyeop and his character although cliché in many aspects was also a softie and I enjoyed his more quirky aspects. The premise of the story was interesting at first and it had enough material to keep going and make a good plot out of it, sadly this was not utilised, so I liked the premise in itself only. I also liked it was a story between a Japanese and Korean and the nuance it added, although in my opinion it could have been used more. I also liked the different environments and also the inclusion of a mention to the ainu, not something you see very often.

In things I didn't like the main ones are for sure the way the plot developed as well as the FL. The acting of FL was very stiff and amiss at times, it was a bit hard to watch but especially the way they decided to make the FL's character was.... UGH, where to even start. It's not only the fact she's immature in her reactions and way of doing things, it's the fact she's supposed to be in a position of responsibility as well. She spent the whole drama letting others do everything for her. Tae Oh is the one that has to push her to tell him she likes him, Hanaoka and Mahiro have to push her to do things during the series as well at different points. In the whole series she has basically done nothing, because even at the end when she finally decides to do something she took so long that someone else has already done it for her. She was a total flowerpot, sorry. Their "more intimate" moments were awkward, at some points I thought might as well Tae Oh be kissing a wall or something. She only put a bit of effort in the last kiss. Sure, I know many shows in Japan don't really kiss more than touching lip area so to speak, but I've seen it done with a lot more grace than hers.
I get it, the girl was rejected once in her teens because of her power, and she has a complex. Universe forbid she had worked it out herself in the more than 10 years since then. Her teen self and 30 year old self are the same I guess. It was just too unrealistic for my taste, but this was not even the worst of it. The worst was Tae Oh still interested in her even though she keeps the on-off game continuously. At some point towards the second half of the show I just wanted to slap her very hard, she was very irritating. This was aggravated by the fact their chemistry was just about and that they didn't match at all. I wished at points the FL had been the girl in the office that spoke some korean, she matched better with Tae Oh's vibe in my opinion.
Obviously at no point FL makes an effort to find out anything about her power or anything, I mean, I can't say much better of the author of the book. Everyone then meddles into the relationship because of a kids book a woman wrote without doing any research whatsoever, she didn't even know what her boyfriend died off? WHAT? haha Absolutely RIDICULOUS! Even when she's telling Hanaoka I kept thinking, ok, but what did the boyfriend die of? Where is the story that links it to her power? It obviously never came since it was all a joke. I had hopes there for a second when they introduced the myth in the ainu's folklore that it would actually have some decent plot for the part of her power, but not at all and it was very disappointing the way everything is solved. The cherry on top is showing Mahiro and the others doing the research so quickly so they can be together and then they don't do it in the end because all of a sudden it didn't matter anymore. Congratulations to the writer for getting paid for writing such a nonsense, it's an achievement.

Hanaoka was the most interesting of the secondary characters but he's underdeveloped as is everyone else. Onoda was interesting as a character but it's also kept very superficial. I didn't like much the acting or character of Mahiro, and it was so stupid when she's told of FL's power and she's scared. Anyone would have thought she had just been told that FL's was a mass murderer or something. Hanaoka learnt of it as an afterthought in the show and didn't think about it two seconds.
Iiyama acting and character is very bad in this show, probably the worst of them all. It's extremely exaggerated and I get it wants to be a bit comical but it's just plain bad and cringy. The main problem I have with him though, it's that early on he's already being introduced as the one that knows something, a bit mysterious under the good and comical façade, but turns out that it was only because he knew of the accident but the actual information about the power of hers is only discovered when FL does and just by reading the same damn children's book. Says a lot about his research skills? Who in their right mind, and even more a researcher, would read a children's book and meddle in someone's relationship because of it? Ridiculous...
The pace in this show was ok the first half but it drags the second half and it's time that could have been used to develop the plot so it wouldn't have been the mess it is.

If you want some cute moments and watch Chae Jong Hyeop being cute and the extremely dedicated boyfriend type then I would say go ahead, it's a good dose of sugar and sometimes you need those. Otherwise if you're interested in the plot I would say this is a miss and to avoid, and that's without even taking into consideration the amount of plotholes and questions it leaves you with. If you don't like annoying main character I would suggest to avoid this too, she was very frustrating to watch most of the time.

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7 people found this review helpful
Apr 16, 2024
10 of 10 episodes seen
Completed 0
Overall 9.0
Story 9.0
Acting/Cast 10
Music 7.0
Rewatch Value 9.0

Super Cute Main Couple makes the day

I really enjoyed this series. Watch it!

The Good:
- I love Chae Jong Hyeop, and have seen him in KDramas. He did a great job here, his acting being heartfelt and in a way innocent without being too sappy.
- Contrary to what some others have said, I also really loved the FL, Nikaido Fumi. I think that she was natural and engaging and did a great job.
- The FL was, in a word, classy. Her dress, makeup, expressions. So well done. Her smile was glorious.
- The story was cute, and even though I am not into fantasy dramas, I think the main hook and how the Korean ML fit into that, was a clever idea.
- Some very beautiful cinematography.

The Sub-Optimal:
- Yeah, the story had some holes in it. As another reviewer noted, the whole Ainu connection kinda fizzled. The way the relationship was saved kinda just came out of nowhere, which irked me. This was the reason I rated the series a 9 instead of a 10. It was just too cute to go below 9 :-)

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7 people found this review helpful
Mar 28, 2024
10 of 10 episodes seen
Completed 0
Overall 10
Story 9.5
Acting/Cast 9.5
Music 10
Rewatch Value 9.0
This review may contain spoilers

A heartwarming and sweet story perfect for kdrama addicts

If you haven't watched this drama yet, or if you put on your PTW just because of Chae Jong Hyeop, or if you've never watched a J-Drama and are into K-dramas more, then I strongly recommend this drama to you
Since I was the case too, I always wanted to see how Japanese dramas unfold but never dared to start one, but when I read the synopsis and found CJH there I gave it a shot and I'm glad I did
In this situation I could understand the ML better and feel the difference in culture and language more since I'm a Kdrama addict so I felt like. I was a Korean going to Japan for the first time and trying to cope with its people and understand their language better
I was a bit annoyed by the FL and how cowardly she acts but it was understandable
Also, the second lead syndrome is strongly present here too
The second couple is sweet too, the amount of funny misunderstandings between them is even funnier
Anyway, I feel like I wrote an essay here
Hope you have/will enjoy(ed) this drama as much as I did

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6 people found this review helpful
Apr 15, 2024
10 of 10 episodes seen
Completed 0
Overall 8.0
Story 8.0
Acting/Cast 8.5
Music 8.0
Rewatch Value 4.0

Korea meets Japan with all it´s cutness

This is an easy watch that truly seems to bring out the essence of K and J romance dramas, it doensen't take the best from each side but rather takes the typical from each and combines it in to this pretty decent yet average drama.

An enjoyable watch with mostly lovable leads an adorable scaredy cat and a sweet sweet puppy, fun slightly over the top sides part fantasy, part business, part odd environmentalism done really, really strange and part researcher. And while it was an easy binge it was not as memorable as one might think the concept of K meets J could be as I am sure this may end up as one of those that I will look in to and forget I ever Eyed it... or at least most of it, that said there are som memrable paarts, mostly our female leads fantasys and male leads smiles and there where points where I wonders if the writer wrote the plot while listening to hits of the 90´s mostly Ace of Base but some other hit songs too.

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3 people found this review helpful
May 14, 2024
10 of 10 episodes seen
Completed 0
Overall 7.5
Story 7.5
Acting/Cast 8.0
Music 8.0
Rewatch Value 7.5

Strong leads chemistry but not enough to compensate for uninspiring fantasy plot

Subjective Gut Rating: 7.75

“Eye Love You” has so much potential yet the writing and execution did not live up to the high expectations after a very lovely start. The adorable Chae Jong Hyeop carries the show on his back with a little assistance from his co-star, female lead, Nikaido Fumi.

The best part about “Eye Love You” is the chemistry between the leads. They are so adorable together: from their initial encounter to Tae Oh assertively courts Yuri. Chae Jong Hyeop has such a cute, puppy face that when he smiles, he lights up the screen and there’s no way anyone can say no to him. Nikaido Fumi is beautiful with big round, emotive eyes. Together, they are a beautiful pair with good chemistry. However, there are some frustrating moments as well. Tae Oh might be a tad obsessive and pushy, while Yuri is quite wishy-washy and indecisive.

The show knows viewers would love their romance, thus, might have intentionally or unintentionally dedicated more than 60% of the screen time on their cat-and-mouse romance. I was watching this for a unique fantasy romance, but what I got was a slice-of-life drama with the sole focus on the romance and nothing much for 6 - 7 episodes. When they finally got to the mystery of the special power, it was like child’s play. Why and how did she get the superpower? Is it really because of the accident? For such a serious consequence for being in love, everyone just believes in whatever that person says? The last couple episodes were rushed and the ending is just OK.

I would also love to know more about the business operations of ‘Dolce and Chocolat’ and how two environmentalists would team up and open a company together. That initial one or two liners description is not enough. There’s a lot more potential to give the business plot a little more light.

Nevertheless, I can’t deny the fact that I enjoy the main leads’ romance (to a certain point) but not the secondary romance. That one is weird and seems like an afterthought. I’ve loved Chae Jong Heyop since “Love All Play” and I was happy to see him in “Eye Love You”. I am not sure if he’s fluent in Japanese, but he made me believe he is. It also doesn’t hurt that we have a lovely second male lead who is very handsome.

I would only recommend this drama if you are a fan of the leads, and if romance is all you need but nothing else.

Completed: 5/13/2024 - Review #439

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3 people found this review helpful
Mar 15, 2024
10 of 10 episodes seen
Completed 0
Overall 9.0
Story 9.5
Acting/Cast 9.0
Music 7.5
Rewatch Value 9.0

This quaint Japanese drama is a great surprise hit for me.

Fumi Nikaido as Yuri Motomiya and Chae Jong-Hyeop as Yoon Te-O. This is a May/December pairing.

I believe that Chae Jong-Hyeop did a great job. He was very good when speaking Japanese, but his cadence is a little slower than native speakers. Don’t worry about the origin of this drama, most everyone will adore it.

This is a quaint and cute decompressor Japanese Drama about a girl (Fumi Nikaido as Yuri Motomiya) who can hear what people are voicing in their minds when she looks them in the eye. Her world consist of work and more work, since she is the CEO of her company. She does not have time for a relationship or time to cook. So she orders out constantly. The delivery guy (Chae Jong-Hyeop as Yoon Te-O) who drops off her food on a table by the door is a Korean living in Japan, while going to college. He starts leaving her little notes on what foods to buy and from where. His food choices are a hit for her and a familiar connection evolves. At first, they chat through quaint little notes. Will this Foodie and the Delivery Guy ever meet eye to eye? They do finally. However, she discovers a glitch with her hearing the voices in his mind. The Delivery Guy thinks in Korean. She is Japanese. Therefore, even though she can hear his thoughts, since she does not know Korean she does not understand what he is saying in his mind. You will rush through these episodes. The showcase of all that delicious looking food will make many hungry for Korean food.

Note: Many Japanese actors are tiny. Chae Jong-Hyeop towers above his female co-Star and other cast members. Besides his native tongue of Korean, Chae Jong-Hyeop speaks Japanese and English.

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3 people found this review helpful
May 1, 2024
10 of 10 episodes seen
Completed 0
Overall 6.0
Story 6.5
Acting/Cast 7.0
Music 5.0
Rewatch Value 5.0

Good Enough

Japanese Drama '' Eye Love You '' is a fantasy-office romance with a cute couple, but a messy fantasy story.

First of all, the love story was enjoyable. The couple had chemistry, which aided the drama a lot, and the comical misunderstandings were cute. The second couple was entertaining as well.

The office drama was also nice and the relationship between father and daughter was so sweet!

However, the fantasy element was all over the place. The drama seemed to forget about it for most of the series' length, and then, they tried to add some melodrama to it towards the ending, but they only ended up mishandling the whole affair.

Finally, the performances were great by everyone in the cast.

So, overall, six out of ten.

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3 people found this review helpful
May 18, 2024
10 of 10 episodes seen
Completed 0
Overall 10
Story 10
Acting/Cast 10
Music 9.5
Rewatch Value 8.5

Really cute, original story in the fairy tale genre. The initial idea is good.

Really cute, original story in the fairy tale genre. The initial idea is good.

10 stars for the Korean actor's acting. Cute couple.

The main actor Chae Jong Hyeop really lifted this series because he is so credible when he expresses the depth of his feelings for the FL. Thanks to his performance, we felt a great romantic intensity. He is spontaneous, very affectionate and his smile is bright.
Well done.
We literally fall under its spell. Plus, he knows how to cook with love. His Korean dishes looked quite appetizing.

I had aslo watched his other series he starred in. Particularly the Korean series ''The Castaway Diva''. A pure musical marvel.
Also a small role (Na-bi's childhood friend cook) in the realistic series ''Nevertheless''.

Here It was also nice to hear a mix of Korean and Japanese languages. This mix of 2 cultures gave a lot of charm to this story.

We are often confused by the acting of Japanese actors and the storyline of Japanese series. I completely understand the criticism.

The FL character behaves too shyly for her age and the position of responsibility she holds.

Additionally, she had a hard time expressing her feelings.

But I think that's not the real personality of this actress.

We feel that she is actually extroverted and not shy, just by looking at the quality of her manicure, her outfits and hairstyles.
A more playful, assertive, more modern attitude of her character would have highlighted her more.

It's a shame.
Because this excess of shyness greatly disturbs some spectators. I admit that it was annoying and even frustrating.

This habit of showing women with little confidence must be specific to Japanese culture. But it is confusing to Western audiences. I don't find this rewarding for these women. Points are often lost because of this.
This deserves a better thought-out second season.
Special mention to the Japanese actor Taishi Nakagawa whom I really like and to the actress Mizuki Yamashita who gave a good performance

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2 people found this review helpful
Apr 27, 2024
10 of 10 episodes seen
Completed 0
Overall 9.0
Story 9.0
Acting/Cast 10
Music 8.5
Rewatch Value 9.0

Super cute, quirky but lovable

Yes this absolutely has all the quirkiness of a Jdrama, but hey thats why I love them. With one of my fave K actors, it felt a little trippy at first experiencing the two combined. Glad for my Korean understanding because not all his thoughts are subbed (not sure why).

The story is cute and the chemistry between the too is sweet. Here we have an already introverted FL carrying a heavyweight of a secret and plenty of PTSD it seems. She is only going to shine with the likes of out Teao from Korea. Fun, kind and loving throughout he’s the perfect partner for Yuri.

It slows a little in the middle, but the whole drama is short enough its no matter. Even the oddball research buddy comes into his own eventually ❤️

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2 people found this review helpful
Apr 27, 2024
10 of 10 episodes seen
Completed 0
Overall 8.0
Story 6.0
Acting/Cast 9.5
Music 4.0
Rewatch Value 1.0

Why are Japanese FLs always weak, shy and indecisive women?

Japanese series (with a typically Japanese production style and format) but with Chae Jang Hyeop as ML.

Meeting between a chocolate factory CEO, who hears thoughts by looking into the eyes, and a young Korean living in Japan. He becomes an intern, then an employee in her company, and they fall in love. But she is afraid that her secret power will be fatal to them...

+++ Very good actors, production without downtime, clues given at the right time, a touch of Fantasy.

### The FL in perpetual doubt and hesitation (such as Japanese directors love their heroines), is really annoying; Very Kawai OST; the story is even not realistic (breakup just because of a children's book??); some characters, present for a touch of humor, are truly caricatures.

=> Watched it for Chae Jang Hyeop (whose talent I appreciate), but I won't watch it again.
Série japonaise (au style de réalisation et au format typiquement japonais) mais avec Chae Jang Hyeop en ML.

Rencontre entre une CEO de chocolaterie, qui entend les pensées en regardant dans les yeux, et un jeune coréen installé au Japon. Il devient stagiaire, puis employé dans sa Cie, et ils tombent amoureux. Mais elle a peur que son pouvoir secret leur soit fatal ...

+++ De très bons acteurs, une réalisation sans temps mort, des indices donnés au bon moment, un brin de Fantasy.

### La FL en doute et hésitations perpétuelles (telle que les réalisateurs japonais aiment leurs héroïnes), est agaçante ; OST très Kawai ; la story n'est pas très réaliste (rupture juste à cause d'un livre pour enfant ??) ; certains personnages, présents pour la touche d'humour, sont vraiment caricaturaux.

=> Vu pour Chae Jang Hyeop (dont j'apprécie le talent), mais je ne le regarderai pas à nouveau.

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2 people found this review helpful
May 3, 2024
10 of 10 episodes seen
Completed 0
Overall 7.5
Story 8.0
Acting/Cast 6.0
Music 1.0
Rewatch Value 1.0

Sweet cross-cultural story

I've watched several cross-cultural dramas in the past with Japanese, Taiwanese, Chinese casts. This is by far the best. It probably works very well because Chae Jong Hyeop seems genuinely to have a good command of Japanese. It's hard to act and relate to your co-star if you can't speak the same language.

The story itself is cutesy and not very well developed but I liked the innocence of their love story. Don't expect too much from the drama in terms of plot or character development but it's a warm and light hearted show - good for a dinner time show.

If I wasn't learning Japanese and Korean, this show would have far less appeal for me and I'd give it a miss. But this show uses easy Japanese and Korean so it was great for me!

One thing I will comment on though, perhaps it's me being too jaded but I felt he was just slightly stalker-ish. She seemed to be resisting him but he was going full throttle. I felt quite uncomfortable with it but maybe that's considered a full-on courtship.

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