From Hilarious Heartwarming to Fire Chaos Sibling's Show
It starts off as family sitcom show to romance and end as chaotic drama.The concept is one of a kind, the casts are all unique and charming. We can see the cast's trueself once they talk to their sibling. It has comedic relief in the beginning and moving family stories. But as there is nothing more to show from the siblings, it leans toward dramatic dating show in the second half. I must admit, the sibling's concept is what made me stay, it is so fun we get to see variety of sibling relationship and their dynamic. Their "Blind Date" game/mission is also exciting as we can see the sibling become their own sibling's biggest supporter, ally, or even... use each other for their benefit?
One more good thing I want to mention is the panelists! They are all so funny and have witty comment. I feel like watching with friends while listening to their views. Also, despite the chaotic drama towards the ending, I still enjoy the show nevertheless. If you are looking for refreshing dating show with uncommon theme, come to watch this series but dont forget to create a room for disappointment in some casts ;)
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Sigh, what is there to say
This is going to be a review focused on events and behaviors rather than individual cast members.Recommend For: Anyone who likes relationship Drama with an emphasis on the capital “D”, complicated relationships, playing detective/armchair psychologist (I do not mean this in a derogatory way at all—I dabble in both), or learning healthier relationship dynamics (in this case, a lot of it from a what NOT to do perspective lol)
Do Not Recommend For: Anyone looking for a “feel good,” “peaceful,” “not like other dating shows” program. If that’s what you are looking for, drop after episode 3
Okay. Wow. This show started off very peaceful, very heartfluttering, very soft. And ended the complete opposite. It will give you whiplash and, depending on which couples you are rooting for, you may even feel very depleted/down/anxious in real life after certain episodes.
The showmakers did a great job creating storylines—the middle section (before Singapore) dragged a bit but things really picked up once they were in Singapore (the last few episodes). Lots of drama, lots of twists, lots of building up mystery of what certain contestants will do. I think this show went from “Oh yeah, it’s obvious who will pick each other at the end” to “Hmm, this could really end in three+ different ways.” So that element of it is great.
The showmakers tried to make it a heartwarming, deep show, but unfortunately it ended up being a messy drama due to two castmembers being very confused and confusing. Literally, there is no one on the show the two didn’t confuse at one point or another. So I really don’t blame the showmakers for how the show turned out. They did a phenomenal job crafting the familyvibe and making space for the siblings to show love for each other and acknowledge each other in a way that family sometimes forgets to do in regular life. A good reminder for all of us to let those we appreciate know how and why we appreciate them.
Moving on to the main bit: I think this show should be shown in high school health class (remember the healthy relationships module?) because there is SO MUCH to learn. From this show, I’ve become more mindful of:
• Words
o There are times when a castmember is sensitive to words they receive, but then turn around and dish out hurtful words too (not on purpose, probably just didn’t think carefully about the impact of their words or thought they were making a joke when it wasn’t actually funny). It makes me reflect on things I’m sensitive about others doing but excuse when I myself do the same thing.
• Clarity
o Confusing people is hurtful and causes harm over a longer period of time than just telling the truth. Rip the band aid off once instead of tugging at it over and over. From watching the cast, I also learned key things to look for if I suspect someone is being insincere or playing with my emotions:
Are they clear? Can I ask them a yes/no question and actually receive a yes/no?
How do I feel when they speak to me? Do I feel anxious, confused, and like I’m always having to *guess* what they’re thinking?
Do our conversations go anywhere or are they in circles and jumbled?
• Walking Away
o Part of maintaining healthy relationships is knowing when to walk away. I realized that even if all the butterflies and attraction are there, sometimes it is best to just cut the relationship off at the very beginning if it’s already creating anxiety, negative tension, huge yo-yo-ing of emotions. I realized that I personally just want something peaceful and calm, that makes me feel good without the unnecessary anxiety over whether my partner actually likes me or not. Of course, the castmembers are in a situation where they have a limited set of people to pursue for a period of time, so I don’t at all mean this as a dig at any of them who chose maybe not the healthiest connection.
• Values
o Having similar values means you can share a similar foundation. If I’m liberal but my partner is conservative (in terms of family roles, expectations of behavior, etc) it may require a little extra attention to make sure we both feel healthy and supported. There are some differences in values that will prevent a relationship from being healthy and fully supportive of all sides, no matter how wildly the partners love each other.
• Self Care
o Dating when you haven’t worked through your own traumas and issues can mean that your defense mechanisms, built in response to trauma, can hurt your partner. I don’t think I have to be “perfect” before I get into a relationship, but I will definitely be working on my communication and processing. I noticed a lot of pain came from a castmember keeping everything inside and only at the last minute expressing their real feelings (even to their sibling!), when it easily could have been avoided by saying something like “Hey, I’m interested in you but I’m also a little confused about if my feelings are real interest or just fleeting. I want to find out if it’s based in something real and want to let you know about my current confusion so you can make the best of your time here as well.”
o It is impossible to please everyone. Be yourself, be honest (but not curel) with your thoughts and feelings, and you will build a community that supports who you really are as a person.
Anyway, very long review. I didn’t want to write too much about my thoughts on the psychology and behavior of the individual castmemebers (although, believe me, I have a LOT of thoughts, and have shared a lot of it in the comments already lol) since we all interpret their behaviors and character differently, but wanted to instead focus on what I took away from the show. I appreciate the dating programs that also, through the cast, provide insight into a healthier way of creating, maintaining, evolving, or ending relationships.
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An Original Reality Dating Show without the Need for Catty Drama to Drum Up Ratings
Unlike reality dating shows that hail from the West, My Sibling's Romance is absolutely unique and in my opinion, 99% unscripted and 100% wholesome and interesting to watch.Four pairs of siblings (a brother and sister pairing) live in a house to get to know one another for three weeks. Within a day, they start requesting for a secret date with someone they find attractive. Siblings discuss in secret whom they think would be a good match for the other and their relationships are not revealed until midway through the series.
Drama unfolds when misunderstandings arise between love interests or when the interest is only one sided. I love how the siblings have got each other's backs - aiding the other in gathering information about their love interest and even standing up for them if they feel their sibling has been taken for a ride.
What I find most refreshing is how honest each cast member is and how the audience gets to know their true character and personality over the course of the series. They are not looking for fifteen minutes of fame. With the exception of perhaps one cast member, they are genuinely looking for a potential life partner.
One more episode to go before it is revealed which cast members agree to leave the show as a romantic couple and which ones decide to fly solo.
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this show had 2 sides...truly
The concept of having the show with your sibling was very refreshing and it was fun to guess who is whose family in the first few episodes. We could also clearly see all the different types of relationships siblings can have so it was interesting to watch. In the episodes they filmed in korea, most of them were working so the time they had to go on dates were limited, however in the second half when they went singapore they have alot of time.Throughout the show there were so many changes in my feelings as an audience as well because of the twists. Seriously something we would have never thought they would do suddenly happens and everyone is just left confused and shocked.
The episodes are really long and i watched this show weekly, i feel the producers made the show exciting to watch because sometimes the cast were tested and restricted on who they could go on dates with. I was also glad the show did not only focus on the romance but showed us many moments of the siblings and how they help each other. Having a family member there to support you probably was the biggest strength the cast had because you could tell it was really hard on them.
i dont want to reveal much because you really have to watch from the start to feel the betrayal all the watchers felt haha
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One of the Best Concepts
I’ve recently been watching a lot of Korean dating shows and I came across this. I have to say this is one of the best ideas and concept I’ve seen so far. The journey follows 5 groups of siblings of opposite gender and their story of finding love. I think it was really interesting to see how our siblings and family influence our relationship. I was really drawn to Cho A and Cheolhyeon’s story. The fact that they had to rely on each other must have been hard hence coming into a house with family, they felt welcome and had home cooked meals and which was heartwarming. It was also interesting how a sibling would get close to someone and thus encourage a relationship between them and their other siblings. I think this is especially good for couples looking to settle down and have a family. There were some annoying moments obviously but overall this was a good watch and I’ll definitely recommend.Was this review helpful to you?

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eu trocaria o final de alguns.
Jae-hyung e Se-seung mais fofos, Yong-woo e Ju-yeon os que menos gostei, Cheol-hyun e Cho-a os mais bonitos, Yun-jaes e Yun-ha o melhor casal. Jung-sub deveria namorar uma IA. Ju-yeon … coitada!!! Jae-hyung deveria ter confiado no seu secto-sentido. A mãe da Ji-won acertou a escolha dos filhos!!!os ligares visitados, tanto na Coreia, quanto em singapura, são fantasticos. as casas são sensacionais. O fato da Cho-a ter que trabalhar a prejudicou. Ela e o irmão foram pegos de surpresa, eles entrariam depois.
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BRO. I don't have any expectations for this but I CRIED, LAUGHED and FELL IN LOVE after watching on all nighter. Like everyone said this is a good show and a healing one!The concept was new and weird that I thought that it wouldn't surpassed GOOD but hell no. It was so great and i'm happy i found this. Although it is a new concept which is better than old reality concepts, it showed me their siblings life and i can relate to! The editing isn't misleading which is good and the matched couples are equal but there's more ep so we have to watch out for it. I'm rooting for Yoo Woo and Cheol A siblings the most!!!
I saw everyone compare this to xchange and boy they were right. I got so stressed over xchange drama and want to stop watching then tried to watch this. I can't say anything other than YOU SHOULD WATCH THIS RN. You will learn why everyone said so.
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This was an Unique concept for a dating show which turned out successful in my opinion
This show was very heartwarming. All the cast were very beautiful and charming. My personal fav was Jae-hyung and Se-seung. Their singing performance is still stuck on my mind. I would love to see them do duet on more songs in the future. Chul-hyun and Cho-ah were very lovely! Ju-yeon is a really sweet girl! Other siblings were also great!!! TYSM for making this.Was this review helpful to you?

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my favorite k-dating show ever
i started watching this with 0 expectations (since i had just finished watching TL3 at that time and was fairly disappointed) but this show gave me so much warmth!!! i feel like im a part of the family 3the casts are so so fun and lovely people they have amazing chemistry with everyone. the siblings are all so cute and i loved seeing them communicate with eachother and trying to understand eachother better and being there for each other!!!! love love love..
despite JWYW endgame LOL the show was genuinely so fun and i looked forward to it every week especially for JungSe hehe eventhough.... yea.... but it really felt like everyone (exc uknow who) came on the show with sincere hearts and i really love that. don't think i'll find a dating show where im this attached ever again HAHA
lastly,,, jaehyung choa cheolhyun deserves so much better and they deserve the whole world and more. most genuine people ever i love them so much. also i love seseung ,, just hv to say that
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All in all a wonderful insight into sibling dynamics and dating decisions.
Terrific concept executed really well.Pairing up your sibling on a dating show was a bold move and it paid off. This aspect of the show was very heartwarming as we see the interactions, some sweet and caring others snippy and defensive, evolve as the show progressed and the sibling dynamics became very supportive of each other.
The panel were at times hilarious. They resonated with the unfolding drama and their reactions disclosed how their own dating past had unfolded. It was fun to guess along with them about which siblings were related and who fancied who.
The participants are to be commended. Spending two weeks living together in Korea and a week in Singapore with 4 potential dating partners may seem like a terrific opportunity but it has its drawbacks. These individuals are constantly miked and on camera so they know every nuance is being viewed and critiqued by the audience. There were times when the interactions were completely off the cuff and natural and some netizens moralised and pointed fingers. Personally I think the 'flaws' were the honest charm of the show. Loyalties switched and surprising pairings occurred keeping us the audience keen to know what happens next.
The format was also clever as new rules were introduced giving everyone a chance to interact closely with the other potential partners. The singing duet talent show was fabulously entertaining. The flash back videos of each family brought tears and deeper understanding of the sometimes difficult challenges the participants had faced.
Random Note: does anyone else see Yon Woo's likeness to a younger version of the American actor Ben Afleck? I was reminded of the character he played in Gone Girl who keeps smiling at all the inappropriate moments and is wrongly accused by the judgemental public.
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