In the first tale, Junjun, a horseman working at the resort, finds himself irresistibly drawn to Fourth, a mysterious guest whose arrival stirs up deep emotions. The second story follows Paris, a vlogger from Manila, who falls for Taylor, the daughter of the resort's owner, sparking a passionate romance amidst the stunning backdrop of Sky Valley Park. (Source: Oxin Films YouTube channel) Edit Translation
- English
- Español
- Português (Brasil)
- 한국어
- Native Title: Sky Valley
- Also Known As:
- Director: Xion Lim
- Genres: Romance, Drama
Cast & Credits
- James LuceroJunjunMain Role
- Tim TuppilFourthMain Role
- Angelgrace AmericaParisMain Role
- Lienel NavidadTaylorMain Role
- Jericho del RosarioJaboMain Role
- Jake VillamorDaveSupport Role
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