The members of the Special Investigation Unit, including the team leader Kunikida Seiji, Asawa Naoki, Komiyama Shiho, Aoyagi Yasushi, Yazawa Hideaki, Shindo Ryo, and Takao Yuma, all have strong personalities. However, their ages, careers, personal circumstances, investigative viewpoints, and approaches to their work are all very different. Therefore, clashes occur on a daily basis, but based on the trust they have built up over the years, they are a team that can honestly admit their differences in opinion and work together. On the other hand, the crimes they face are also becoming more diverse with the times. In the new season, they will depict not only cases that reflect the "current" world but also various human dramas lurking in the background and the detectives who face them with all their might in a complete episode format. (Source: Japanese = TV Asahi || Translation = MyDramaList) Edit Translation
- English
- Español
- Português (Brasil)
- 한국어
- Native Title: 特捜9 season7
- Also Known As: Tokusou 9 Season 7 , Tokusou Nine Season 7
- Screenwriter: Tokunaga Tomihiko, Yamaoka Junpei
- Director: Hama Tatsuya, Toyoshima Keisuke
- Genres: Thriller, Mystery
Cast & Credits
- Inohara YoshihikoAsawa NaokiMain Role
- Hada MichikoKomiyama ShihoSupport Role
- Mukai KojiMitsuya ShoheiSupport Role
- Fukikoshi MitsuruAoyagi YasushiSupport Role
- Taguchi HiromasaYazawa HideakiSupport Role
- Yamada YukiShindo RyoSupport Role