This show is a remake of a popular Norwegian show called "SKAM" which already has numerous remakes in other languages.As someone who has not seen the orginal skam I had no clue what I'm getting myself into. But from the very first episode I found the story and characters very engaging .It hooks you from Start to finish .The whole series consist of 8 episodes of 20-25 min each .Each episode are crisp and concise .
The story is expertly paced, with unexpected twists and turns that maintain suspense and curiosity.
The characters are well-developed and relatable, with distinct personalities that shine through. The cast delivers impressive performances, bringing depth and authenticity to their roles.
The soundtrack is equally impressive,with songs that match the vibe of the show.
Overall, I highly recommend this drama for its addictive storytelling, memorable characters, and stunning music. If you're a fan of high school dramas, this one is sure to resonate.
Recommendation: A must-watch for fans of high school dramas, particularly those who enjoy shows like 'Riverdale,' 'Gossip Girl'
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Abrupt ending
I found out about this show by chance, I didn't know it was the Korean remake of SK4M, but the resemblances can be seen very early. I watched until Ep. 8 thinking there were other episodes like in the original, but the last clip of Ep. 8 is also the last clip of this season... The ending is so abrupt and basically non existent; the final scene just gets interrupted. I get it's for views, but it feels like neither the protagonist nor the season got any type of final conclusion. it just feels... cut. I really hope they release something more because it feels a little bit like a wasted opportunity.Was this review helpful to you?
The story and cast was great it really tells what was going on now a days but as a watcher I think it need to clear the concept of the story for me it was a confusing drama cause it has short episode and I think I know that you were just keeping it until the next season , I was really confused if it was going to be a boy love drama or it just a literally a drama of teens but because of the ending It feels like the drama is hanging! Petition for the season 2 to be out also this year!!! And I will give a over all 10 if it was going to be a boy love in season 2 hahaha 😂.Was this review helpful to you?
Review Of Fragile
**Review of "Fragile"**"Fragile" is a powerful look at the lives of teenagers as they transition into adulthood. The series honestly captures the everyday struggles and worries of its young characters, making it easy to relate to their experiences.
What I love most is how the show tackles important topics that teens face, like complicated friendships with the opposite sex and the thrill of risky behaviors. It addresses these issues head-on, showing the real emotions and challenges of this stage in life.
The writing is engaging, and the characters feel authentic. Each episode highlights their fears and desires, reminding viewers of their own teenage years.
Visually, "Fragile" is beautiful, with great cinematography and a soundtrack that fits the mood perfectly. The young cast delivers impressive performances that bring their characters to life.
Overall, "Fragile" is a heartfelt series that resonates with anyone who has experienced the ups and downs of growing up. I highly recommend it!
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good remake
I don't get the low reviews I thought it was a very good remake and it's one of those remakes that tries to keep the main aspects while also adapting to the culture of where it takes place. I thought it did a realistic job at showing how the original storyline would happen in korea. it did feel too happy go lucky at times and I will say some of it felt rushed due to them trying to fit in all the main points in 8 episodes so that's disappointing but it also draws you in as you WANT a season two. I cannot wait to see what else happensWas this review helpful to you?
This review may contain spoilers
Needs an additional episode to flesh out some of the endings.
I wish it was longer! Certain relationships make sense to keep short and sweet but there are moments that had the potential to get an episode dedicated to it. Especially with The main female lead's old friend group. They seem reached a conclusion which is satisfying but I wish we got a scene where the 3 of them could actually talk or the third girl who always felt left out could have another moment.And then there's San who made me gasp and run to the next episode button only for my heart to close because there's no next episode!
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This show is awesome!
I LOVE SKAM AND I LOVE THIS REMAKE, PLEASE KEEP IT GOING PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE!!!!!! NEVER CANCEL THISSSSS. IF IT GETS CANCELED ILL CRY :(((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((The acting crew was great.
Acting was super duper
The plot is spot on
And I cannot wait to see more!
Keep it up and I'll watch every season, through and through! :)))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))
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Gostei dos personagens em geral, apesar de ter me irritado um pouco com a Park Jiyu (que tinha boca, mas não falava) compreendi que a personalidade introvertida fazia parte do enredo e para a evolução da personagem. Na cena do oitavo episódio quando ela leva o Chanseong para casa e explica como ela se sentia no relacionamento com ele, compreendemos o porquê da dificuldade de se expressar. Minha impressão da personagem era de que ela carregava o peso do mundo sobre os ombros, chegava a andar se arrastando. Depois da conversa ela parecia mais leve e feliz com as amigas. Aliás, uma das grandes qualidades do drama é a amizade entre as meninas. Sempre bom ver um drama que coloca a amizade feminina como potência e não para rivalizar e causar intrigas. Amei essa parte.
Com relação ao San, fiquei preocupada que a versão coreana não tivesse coragem de manter a essência do personagem original, mas fiquei satisfeita que eles tiveram coragem de contar a história dele como deveria ser. Apesar de ter ficado um pouco irritada quando ele começou a namorar a Mina porque achei desonesto da parte dele enganar a garota que tinha acabado de terminar um relacionamento onde ela também tinha sido usada.
Não gostei muito do final abrupto. Espero que eles tenham terminado daquele jeito porque já estão com a continuação engatilhada porque deixar o espectador nesse suspense foi de muita crueldade. Além disso, preciso da continuação da história da Seo Ara e do Yoon Suho. No geral gostei bastante do drama, uma pena os episódios serem tão curtos e apenas 1 por semana. Com certeza é mais divertido maratonar todos de uma vez.
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