Miya, an ordinary office worker, lives in the bustling metropolis. At the age of 26, she is friendly and responsible at work, although she sometimes has to take the blame for others without a chance to defend herself. The nine-to-five job is monotonous and demanding, but Miya finds happiness in her free time after work. Usually, single Miya does not rush home after leaving the office. Instead, she intentionally takes a detour down a street lined with restaurants and eateries, sometimes popping into her favorite one to savor familiar flavors or trying out new dishes on a whim. After satisfying her appetite, she will let out a contented sigh. Such a girl, who knows how to live, is the kind of person you just want to sit next to and savor a meal with... (Source: Youku) Edit Translation
- English
- Español
- Português (Brasil)
- 한국어
- Native Title: 去吃饭伐
- Also Known As: Qu Chi Fan Fa , 去吃飯伐
- Genres: Food, Life
Where to Watch Let's Go Eat
It had potential...
The positive points:+FL is cute. (+1)
+FL and ML's interaction was cute. (+1)
+I can relate to FL the way she goes crazy over the amount of delicious options in a menu and struggles to choose from and ends up ordering a bunch of them. (+1)
+I also like the way she talks to herself in her head and the food narration while she eats is good as well. (+1)
++The shots of food were absolutely beautiful and mouthwatering. (+2 extra because I'm biased to food representation)
The negatives I could say are as follows:
--- at first I was happy that they didn't put mics on her throat to force the viewer to hear the chewing sounds, but they decided to add some weird eating sounds which annoyed me a lot. (-3 points for that because I had to drop it due to those sounds)
-I wish they paid more attention to cast better extras, cause sometimes they are a bit cringe to watch. (-2 points)
-the obsession with foreigners to prove somewhere is famous was lame! places filled with locals are the gems in food spots. (-1 points)
(The positive and negative points are even, so I'll give this a 5.)
Sadly I'm dropping this.
I'm not a fan of listening to people's eating sounds and that's a no no for a food drama imo!
If you don't mind those sounds, go ahead and give it a try.