Yoyogi Johnny, a slightly unusual high school boy, spends his after-school time at his own pace, making his strong-willed girlfriend angry, spending all his time talking in the squash club room with the eccentric members, and meeting his childhood friend who is a recluse. However, with the arrival of a passionate new member in the squash club, Johnny starts practicing properly, and meets a girl who came to Tokyo from the countryside for some reason and is working part-time at a local used bookstore. They are attracted to each other. Johnny's daily life changes little by little as he is faced with romance, friendships, and club activities. Meanwhile, the day of the squash club's team match is approaching... (Source: Japanese = motion-gallery.net || Translation = MyDramaList) Edit Translation
- English
- Español
- Português (Brasil)
- 한국어
- Native Title: 代々木ジョニーの憂鬱な放課後
- Also Known As:
- Genres: Youth
Cast & Credits
- Imamori MayaIzumoMain Role
- Matsuda MioAtsukoMain Role
- Nishio NozomiNanamiMain Role
- Ichinose RunaKaguraMain Role
- Kato AyanoBatakoMain Role
- Yoshii ShieruDekoMain Role