Set in 1983, it centers around a modern woman who, labeled as a “corporate slave” in that era of transformation, bravely steps into the turbulent world of business, determined to dismantle rumors and forge her own path. Starting from nothing, she rises steadily, embodying the resilience needed to grow in adversity. Faced with numerous challenges and hardships, she relies on her relentless efforts and exceptional intelligence to carve out a place for herself in the business world. Throughout her journey, she not only transforms her own destiny but also helps those around her solve their problems, creating heartfelt stories along the way. (Source: Chinese = Douban || Translation = MyDramaList) ~~ Adapted from the novel "Chong Sheng Ba Ling: Xi Fu You Dian La" (重生八零:媳妇有点辣) by Bao Zhuang Cheng (宝妆成). Edit Translation
- English
- Español
- Português (Brasil)
- 한국어
- Native Title: 你好1983
- Also Known As: Again My Life , Here I Come , Ni Hao, 1983 , Chong Sheng Ba Ling: Xi Fu You Dian La , 你好,1983 , 1983我来了 , 重生八零:媳妇有点辣 , 重生八零:媳婦有點辣
- Director: Huang Chun, Zhu Dong Ning
Cast & Credits
- Zhou YeXia Xiao LanMain Role
- Zhai Xiao WenZhou ChengMain Role
- Dong XuanLiu FenSupport Role
- Lawrence WongDu Zhao HuiSupport Role
- Zhao DaLiu YongSupport Role
- Kevin ZKang WeiSupport Role