Before Wu Ze Tian ascended the throne, the Tang Dynasty experienced a temporal anomaly known as Heaven's Fall. Amidst this anomaly, a mountain city underwent self-division, splitting into ten identical mountain worlds, each existing independently of the Tang Dynasty. Any identical matter existing in the same mountain would cause the entire world to be obliterated. People trapped within this temporal cage clung to life with no way to return to Tang territory, unable to see hope or escape. Fortunately, the chivalrous Gu Ran entered this strange world. As an outsider, he could freely travel between the mountains, bringing a glimmer of hope to this sealed space. However, after being framed and defamed, Gu Ran tragically became a tool to be exploited and was even caught in a bizarre murder case, the truth of which held the key to the safety of the entire world. With the help of Zhang Zhao Zhao, an expert in astronomy and mechanics, and after a series of perilous trials, the true culprit was revealed, and the cosmos began to unveil its hidden secrets. (Source: Chinese = Baidu || Translation = MyDramaList) ~~ Adapted from the novel "Bu Dong Tian Zhui Shan" (不动天坠山) by Liang Qing San (梁清散). Edit Translation
- English
- Español
- Português (Brasil)
- 한국어
- Native Title: 不动天坠山
- Also Known As: 不動天墜山
- Genres: Historical