Jeong Su, who possesses psychometric abilities, uses his powers to pose as a fake shaman, earning money and seducing men. Su Hyeon, who secretly harbors an unrequited love for Jeong Su, helps him run the fortune-telling business but can no longer endure Jeong Su's reckless lifestyle. In desperation, Su Hyeon seeks out a powerful shaman named Gi Hwan to remove Jeong Su's abilities. (Source: MATCHBOX Vimeo) Edit Translation
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unique premise with disappointing plot
Overall: I gave this an indie bump but the manipulation made me not want the couple together. 27 minutes long. Purchased on Vimeo for $5USD Warning: manipulation
What I Liked
- the shaman character and a non stereotypical character
- the initial premise
Room For Improvement
- due to the manipulation, I wasn't happy with the end couple
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