The special episode The Great Adventures of Inept Detective Fujishima Chiyo, that follows Chiyo, the daughter of a wealthy merchant who idolizes Soma as a detective. The story depicts her efforts to solve the disappearance of Soma and Kanoko. One day, Detective Hanasaki visits the Iwai Detective Agency to relay a request from his sister Miyabi only to find that Soma and Kanoko are both absent. The entrance door was left wide open. Discovering a debt collection notice, Hanasaki suspects they might have fled. Worried, he explains the situation to Tatsuzo at the restaurant and they decide to go to the Iwai Detective Agency together. After seeing the debt collection notice, Tatsuzo mentions that Soma had previously disappeared to escape from debt. Around the same time, Chiyo, a merchant’s daughter who admires detective Soma visits the detective agency to meet him. There, she discovers a suspicious figure leaving the office. Learning that Soma and Kanoko are absent, Chiyo becomes convinced that something has happened to them. She resolves to solve this case by herself… Will Chiyo, inspired by her idol, be able to unravel the case? (Source: Drama-Otaku) Edit Translation
- English
- Español
- Português (Brasil)
- 한국어
- Native Title: 嘘解きレトリックの番外編『迷探偵・藤島千代の大冒険』
- Also Known As: The Great Adventures of Inept Detective Fujishima Chiyo , Usotoki Retorikku Bangai Hen: Meitantei Fujishima Chiyo no Daibouken
- Director: Aizawa Hideyuki
- Genres: Historical, Mystery
Cast & Credits
- Katayama YukiFujishima ChiyoMain Role
- Mikata RyosukeHanasaki KaoruSupport Role
- Ohkura KojiKurata TatsuzoSupport Role
- Kitano KieHanasaki MiyabiSupport Role
- Miyazaki ShutoKoukichi [Chiyo's driver]Support Role
- Shibuya SorajiKurata TaroSupport Role