The film revolves around Zhao Ming, a young man born in the 1990s, who started his own business with his first venture capital after graduation. In the early days of his business, he knew nothing about technology. In a bidding, he lost his first financing opportunity due to suspected plagiarism. The company was in urgent need of funds and faced bankruptcy. At the same time, Zhao Ming's family also suffered a heavy blow. His younger brother needed surgery due to illness, and he had to apply for a small loan for the sake of his family. Under the dual pressure of career and family, Zhao Ming's girlfriend chose to leave, and the loan company kept calling him for collection. His life seemed to be in a desperate situation. On the edge of despair, Zhao Ming stood on the rooftop, struggling internally. Should he give up or persevere? In the fierce inner struggle, he finally chose the latter. He firmly believed that as long as he had faith and did not give up, he would be able to overcome difficulties and usher in the dawn. (Source: Chinese = Baidu || Translation = MyDramaList) Edit Translation
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