Your Sky: Uncut (2024) poster
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Ratings: 8.2/10 from 832 users
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Reviews: 10 users
Ranked #1624
Popularity #6775
Watchers 832

Due to an unforeseen situation, a naive freshman and the campus’s popular senior agree to pretend to be a couple—but their fake deal begins to affect their real feelings. (Source: ~~ Adapted from the novel "Your Sky" (Your sky #กี่หมื่นฟ้า) by 25.15.66. Edit Translation

  • English
  • Français
  • Español
  • Português (Brasil)
  • Country: Thailand
  • Type: Drama
  • Episodes: 12
  • Aired: Nov 17, 2024 - Feb 2, 2025
  • Aired On: Sunday
  • Original Network: iQiyi
  • Duration: 58 min.
  • Score: 8.2 (scored by 832 users)
  • Ranked: #1624
  • Popularity: #6775
  • Content Rating: 18+ Restricted (violence & profanity)

Cast & Credits


Your Sky: Uncut (2024) photo


Pinoy Ares
9 people found this review helpful
5 days ago
12 of 12 episodes seen
Completed 0
Overall 7.5
Story 6.5
Acting/Cast 7.0
Music 9.0
Rewatch Value 8.0
This review may contain spoilers


Fluff, fluff and fluff filled with so much fillers and sprinkled with a few unneeded NC17 scenes.

This is hard to write - there was a lot of hype and i must confess that i fell inlove with the series in its first few episodes that i kinda overlooked all its shortcomings. It has all the elements of a Domundi series - extra rich leading men paired with very young (immature) boys; the extra super cute boys; and the almost obligatory sex scenes. However, through all the sheen and all the beautiful faces, it is an overstretched storytelling aimed to check all the BL boxes and offers nothing really new.

First let me discuss the good things i loved:
1. The very good looking cast - Thomas, o Thomas, where have you been hiding all this time (he actually caught my attention in that ill-fated The Middleman's Love Story but since he was just almost just an extra there i immediately forgot about him) - this series has poised him to be a star. Kong is just adorable. Do i need to mention how cute Por and TeeTee are? And of course Save ang AuAu.
2. Marakot's Babe!
3. If you put your critical thinking hat off, this show can be really enjoyable - Its just light and easy series to watch. And oh, have i mentioned Thomas?

Now the things that i find a little eyerolling:
1. Teerak is just too bubbly of a character for me - almost like he is living in his own Glinda bubble. This very child-like behavior also makes me think that the guy is not ready for a mature relationship -he is like a 13 year old boy wanting to be an adult all of
a sudden. The kiss-me-on-the-hair antic is ok at the beginning but it turned too cringy and borderlined overacting - imagine having a college dude acting like that in real lfe - it can be really really annoying. Plus, that fake girlfriend angle, can you really imagine Teerak having a girlfriend - the dude is a walking flower dashed with a few drops of mist and with its own ray of sunshine. THe girlfriend angle IS SO UNNECESSARY.
2. Can somebody please tell these recent wave of writers that a teenage-looking boy isnt believable as ultra successful CEOs or high level executives? They just arent. Even if you are from a rich family, it takes a certain pedigree and maturity to actually run a company. Muenfah is still just a baby. Somebody in Domundi has a fetish for hot looking young CEOs, i get the appeal, but a line has to be drawn somewhere - and they didnt have to use the same character type in every show.
3. Mike is too good for this role and too out of place in this series - im sorry to say but he looks too old to portray a college student next to the other members of the cast.
4. The school project exhibition. After making Muenfah an impossibly young college student/business owner the series came up with a story line for Teerak that he and his friends are suposed to present (and exhibit) their big big project - only to come up with Teerak's strawberry eating fox figurines in that snow-filled forest (which by the way they didnt even bother to make a snowy background), Joy's crochet keychains, and Punlee's silkscreen printed shirts. Really? They are college stidents and thats all they can come up with? And they passed with flying colors? Muenfah is closing big business deals and thats the arc you come up with for Teerak?
5. With the materials and footage that they had (and lack thereof) they could have compressed it to an 8-episode series and it will still be an enjoyable compact series. If they really needed to make it a 12-episode series they could have elevated the 2 other pairs to secondary lead status because for heavens sake they already casted 3 (or 4) very good looking pairs but did not utilize them all properly. I would have loved to see more of Real-Hia, Babe-Dom, and my babies Punlee-Klaijai (i could have used more of that flirting scene at the coffee shop).

Overall, its an easy series to watch. I would love to see more from these actors in the future, but Domundi has to spend a little bit more money for good script and extensie acting workshops. Will i recommend? A big-fat YES! WIll i rewatch - just to ogle at those cute boys.

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BL Compilations
2 people found this review helpful
5 days ago
12 of 12 episodes seen
Completed 0
Overall 8.0
Story 7.5
Acting/Cast 8.0
Music 8.0
Rewatch Value 7.5

a comfort show with a few hiccups

Overall: the sweet/caring dynamic was fun to watch, but there were a few plot/character missteps. 12 episodes about 45 minutes each. Uncut on iQIYI ; episode 1 cut on YouTube (not available in Japan or South Korea) I added up the timings in ep 1 and the uncut was about 1 minute longer - I didn't see any difference between the cut and uncut versions.

Content Warnings: manipulation, non con touching/manhandling, punches, non con picture taking/sharing, coercion, transphobia, non con touching, victim blaming, homophobia, manhandling

Watch Suggestions (uncut version)
- watch episodes 1-6
- episode 7 watch beginning to 3min and 52-end
- episode 8 start at 13:30
- episode 9 skip 31:30-35 and 38-44
- can watch all of episode 10 though the second couple annoyed me
- episode 11 watch 4:15-21 and 47-54:50
- watch all of episode 12

What I Liked
- showed a main character as kind through his actions at the beginning
- caring/sweet dynamic and that they communicated
- one of the few child-like characters who had agency (actively made his own decisions without being manipulated into things)
- supportive friend group
- Fah's loving and supportive family
- non cliche ex girlfriend
- intimacy and check ins, continued intimacy/not rebuffing intimacy

Room For Improvement
- character exposition dump montage with voice over for the other main character
- though Rak had agency, his continued child-like demeanor got on my nerves after he and Fah were intimate
- the stereotypical trans woman character
- nonsense stuff: so drunk he couldn't recognize someone but still able to stand/walk and talk, friends didn't seem to know what was going on but everyone else did in ep 2, that the antagonist didn't switch his focus to someone else
- in episode 6 they needed to show them filming so viewers realized that it was for the student film and didn't really happen (on/near the beach)
- in episode 7 what a character did could have killed another character, that was too violent and though the couple did briefly talk later, I couldn't totally trust a character that showed that level of violence
- a character randomly showed up to comfort Oh, they could have weaved that character in earlier
- nonsense in episode 8, there was plenty of time to say something to another character
- in episode 8 a 3rd couple came out of nowhere, could have built that up better
- the victim blaming in ep 9 was infuriating
- continuity error in ep 9 of no pants and then pants
- some of the camera angles were odd
- episode 10 with the apology letter and shopping part
- episode 11 a character acted totally different (and other characters hinting at it didn't work because what I saw as a viewer was different), the other adults not saying things right away, the manhandling, the 180 shift, none of it worked for me
- episode 11 and 12 should have reduced the family drama and spent that time better developing the second and third couples
- (neutral) comedy sound effects

Question - I'm wondering if the nickname "Saggy Cheeks" would better be translated to "Squishy Cheeks" - if anyone who speaks Thai can talk about the translation please let me/us know. "Saggy Cheeks" has a negative connotation to me but I had the impression that it was a silly nickname, not a negative nickname.

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  • Drama: Your Sky: Uncut
  • Country: Thailand
  • Episodes: 12
  • Aired: Nov 17, 2024 - Feb 2, 2025
  • Aired On: Sunday
  • Original Network: iQiyi
  • Duration: 58 min.
  • Content Rating: 18+ Restricted (violence & profanity)


  • Score: 8.2 (scored by 832 users)
  • Ranked: #1624
  • Popularity: #6775
  • Watchers: 1,660

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