The story of an intelligent robot "No. 8957" from the future, who met a modern girl Cheng Meng in 2022. After Cheng Meng experienced 8957's meticulous care for her in work, life, and social life, she gradually developed feelings for 8957. However, 8957 was always hesitant about whether he should have feelings for humans. When 8957 was about to return to the future after completing his mission, Cheng Meng was attacked by bad guys. At the critical moment, 8957 used his body to protect Cheng Meng and was taken back to the future by a wormhole in time and space. In the future, it was Cheng Meng's son, Professor Du, who sent 8957 back to the past. What Professor Du did not expect was that sending a robot for the purpose of protecting his mother almost had a serious impact on the course of history... (Source: Chinese = Douban || Translation = MyDramaList) Edit Translation
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