by Chemburlee, August 8, 2013

Episode 1 Recap

Okay guys. Honestly, this type of drama is right up my alley. I love horror movies and jump scares are my absolute favorite, so within the first couple of minutes, I was hooked. That being said, on with the recap! 

The episode opens on a dark and stormy night (dun dun dun).

Our protagonist is introduced as a maintenance keeper for the building.  This is Tae Gong Sil. While sorting the recycling, the landlady calls her to clean out room 404. This room curiously never maintains a tenant for long and the landlady even speculates that it might be due to a haunted chest (nudge, nudge). 

Gong Sil reluctantly heads up to room 404. As she opens the door, the room is dark and messy--very cluttered as if it had been ransacked. A flash of lightning shows a figure in the corner, but once Gong Sil turns on the light, it's gone. As she cleans, a wardrobe opens on its own, and all of a sudden the light shuts off and the door slams shut. She she turns she comes face to face with this fantastically creepy ghoul popping up out of nowhere! 
Yay Jump Scares!

She runs off, with the creepy ghost in pursuit. She hides in her apartment and tries to hold the door shut, as the ghost keeps rattling the knob, looking for a way in. Which leads to the question, why can’t the ghost just walk through the wall? Well, spoke too soon because BAM! It’s right behind her.

But it’s okay, creepy ghost lady is just a sad halmeoni who needs a favor.

Gong Sil makes her way to a funeral to give the halmeoni ghost’s son his mother’s bankbook (she left money to pay for her funeral and pay off her son’s debt) and to deliver the halmeoni’s last demand of her son.

Gong Sil leaves the siblings to fight over the money and coolly nods to the halmeoni ghost on her way out. Halmeoni ghost vanishes, her last wishes fulfilled. Peace.

Next we open up with our other lead character, Joo Joong Won. He’s the CEO of Kingdom and is in negociations with an ahjussi to buy his house so he can build a golf course there. This ahjussi wants to renege on their deal though, because he believes his late wife’s ghost still inhabits it (in the form of a flower), and she opposes selling.

Here, we meet Sassy Joong Won.

We don’t need your sass, So Ji Sub. JK I love your sassiness please continue

Joong Won approaches the flower and snarkily gives it an ultimatum: If the wife doesn’t want to sell the house, nod the flower’s head. If the flower doesn’t nod, he’ll cut if from its stem.

We can see how that turned out. There’s a difference between sass and just being a jerk.

The infuriated husband curses Joong Won, but Joong Won reminds the husband that he had already signed the contract.

The husband accuses Joong Won of lacking empathy, implying that things can exist weather you see them or not. He curses Joong Won to be hit by lightning. Joong Won accepts, stating if he’s wrong; he wants to be struck by lightning.

Nothing happens, so Joong Won leaves with a sassy congratulations.

However, he does show some moments of wisdom, foreshadowing perhaps?

In the car, we discover Joong Won is dyslexic; as he tries to read over the contract, the characters move and rearrange themselves. Maybe that’s why he’s so sassy. He developed it as a coping mechanism due to past teasing/insecurities.

His driver/secretary sees Gong Sil standing on the side of the road, attempting to hitchhike. Joong Won tells his secretary to ignore her and keep driving, but something flashes in front of the car, making the driver suddenly stop. Gong Sil thinks they stopped for her and gets in. In a mature act of defiance, Joong Won sassily puts down the middle seat divider between them.

Joong Won wants her out of the car ASAP, but suddenly HOLY MOLEY MORE GHOSTS. THIS appears in the middle of the street and then RIGHT INSIDE THE CAR.
Aww, cuteeeee

And then more sassy Joong Won, wiping his finger off after touching her forehead.

They stop at a rest stop, but the ghost follows Gong Sil. We learn he died in a drunken car accident, yet his last wish was for more alcohol. As they’re chatting, Joong Won finds her mid-conversation, however to him she’s only talking to air.

This is his “judging you” face.

She notices him and chases after him. Curiously enough, as soon as she touches his arm, the ghost following her vanishes. She’s so excited; she just keeps manhandling his arm, to which he becomes very annoyed with, stating it’s one of the things he hates most—when people touch him, or when people touch his money.

She explains that her problems go away when she touches him and he offers her another method to get rid of annoyances. She eagerly accepts and he bids her to wait without moving. As she does so, he drives off leaving this pitiful scene behind.

In another area (who we later find out to be Yoo Hye Seong) is digging under a tree vigorously looking for something. He can’t seem to find it, and we flash up to this beauty.

Then flash again to Gong Sil waking up in her bed, begging for sunshine and sleep.

The next day we find that Kingdom is sponsoring the wedding of Hye Seong and Tae Yi Ryung. However, both the groom (Hye Seong) and Joong Won have received a picture as blackmail. The groom stands with another woman in a wedding picture—only her face is removed.

We then flip to the Yi Ryung going over invitations for her wedding. She describes Gong Sil as not a friend, but invites her anyway.

Flip scene again to Gong Sil coming home and meeting these two (actual) cuties.

As they are eating, the kids say the ahjumma downstairs calls Gong Sil weird, to which we discover a little of Gong Sil’s backstory.

Poor Girl was plagued by ghosts everywhere, dates, jobs, etc leading her to always be scared because she never knows when they’ll show up.

The boys (with their infinite wisdom) reply that she just needs to find a man. Gong Sil mulls it over and decides the man for her is Joong Won (because of the whole, “ghosts can’t stand our chemistry” thing, you know).

Jump to Joong Won in a meeting with Hye Seong. Hye Seong explains the woman in the photo is his ex-girlfriend who left him. He still keeps the bracelet she gave him out of spite-it is what motivated him to be successful.

Gong Sil waits just outside the office hoping to catch a glimpse of Joong Won, but HOLY PICKLES MORE GHOSTS.

This one seems to know Hye Seong. Her last wish if for Gong Sil to tell Hye Seong what is buried under the tree. As Gong Sil attempt to do so, she’s thwarted by Joong Won.

He calls for security to throw her out, but with some unfortunate mis-phrasing, she ends up implying that they slept together. Embarrassed Joong Won takes her to a private place and asks her to leave him alone.
Oh the sass. ♥
Cut scene again to a new couple—Joong Won’s aunt and uncle. They muse over his lack of a love life and wonder whether it is because of his past ghosts cursing him, however his uncle writes it off on his bad sassy personality.

Next we meet Kang Woo <3. He’s the new tenant of room 404, and new head of security for Kingdom. He meets a napping Gong Sil on the roof, where they engage and some -awkward- cute flirting. Really girl, meow? I’m embarrassed for you..

But hey, you said it sister!

During Hye Seong and Yi Ryung’s wedding shoot, they begin arguing over if he should stay and retire from soccer and live as a celebrity with her in Korea, or to keep playing in Europe. She pulls the age and injury card, implying everyone will hate him if he tries to continue because he’ll suck. During this convo, creepy tree ghost appears in the mirror. Yayyyyy. Neither of them see her.

We flashback to a sunny day. Hye Seong and his ex-girlfriend (Kim Mi Kyung) are burying a box under the tree together full of pictures she jokingly refers to as blackmail. She gives him a bracelet with the key attached.

Back in present day, Gong Sil passes a note to Joong Won’s Secretary to be given to Hye Seong. She wants him to come to the tree, however her message is intercepted by Joong Won, who comes himself, bringing all his sass.

He assumes Gong Sil is the blackmailer, but she assures him she’s not. She hands him a drawing of Mi Kyung (also known as tree ghost) to give to Hye Seong, but Joong Won rips it up. He warns her that the dead shouldn’t torture the living.

On her way home she meets the halmeoni ghost’s son, off to gamble the money away. She tries to stop him, but he doesn’t listen—no one ever does.  At the subway she meets Mi Kyung’s ghost again and curses her, begging Mi Kyung to leave her alone.

Jump again to Joong Won meeting with Hye Seong and his manager over the blackmailer. The manager assures it’s the ex-girlfriend, but Joong Won knows she’s actually dead. He confirms that he’ll take care of it.

Cut again to a suspicious Kang Woo. He’s on the phone relaying that he’s just joined Joong Won’s security team and will report back soon. Hmmmmm. I do love your face though.

Gong Sil gets her wedding invitation in the mail wow she’s sassy too, they’ll be a great couple.

She stops by Mi Kyung’s memorial on the way to the ceremony, picks up a box and takes it with her.

oong Won is supervising the ceremony’s set up, and notices Gong Sil arrive. He orders security to stop her, however she’s a guest and is let through. On a cute note, Kang Woo remembered her as “Cat”.

In the bridal waiting room we discover that Yi Ryung is a little jealous over Gong Sil’s past popularity, explaining her initial coolness.

Gong Sil heads to Hye Seong’s room and gives him the box which happens to contain........

….soccer cleats. Gong Sil notifies Hye Seong of Mi Kyung’s death. She knew she was sick when they broke up, but now Gong Sil is going to tell him how she really felt.

And Hye Seong leaves the ceremony.

And he shows up at the infamous tree where Gong Sil and Mi Kyung’s ghost are waiting. We flash back to their wedding where she dumps him, and later to her giving him the cleats at a police station, begging him not to quit soccer.

He approaches Mi Kyung while wearing the cleats and reaches out for her.

I mean, look at the symmetry here people.

But he passes through her because she is a ghost. He touches the tree and chokes out through tears “I miss you.” In response Mi Kyung touches his shoulder and he feels it, and turns to her.

We cut to Gong Sil watching while shedding some tears and Joong Won’s “judging you” face.

Hye Seong heads back to the wedding venue and 1. Decks his manager for blackmailing him—finally understanding everything.

and 2. Meets Yi Ryung affirming his decision to continue playing soccer because the woman he loves (aka: not her) still supports him. To which he receives a slap in the face.

Hye Seong and Joong Won meet, and Hye Seong offers to pay for the damage, but Joong Won asserts that everything is ruined now. This to which Hye Seong suavely replies:

But of course, we get more sassy spiteful Joong Won claiming that Hye Seong will regret this forever.

He blames the dead for interfering. Hye Seong simply replies with a message relayed from Gong Sil.

Joong Won heads over to Gong Sil’s house and finds her on the rooftop doing laundry—on the brink of passing out. She’s delirious and as he tries to get her attention, we flash back to his younger self at the scene of a car crash where this young woman dies as he screams from the sidelines.

The car explodes.

We come back to present day—Joong Won still trying to wake an exhausted Gong Sil from her pseudo-slumber wanting to know what she sees by his side. She claims to want to sleep next to him, and she collapses into his arms, asleep. Awww.
