by SeherK, September 4, 2013

Episode 6 starts off with Tae Gong Sil happily prancing in fields,I mean the mall, because Kang Woo has yet to be scared off by her weirdness. She runs to Kang Woo on what seems to be a helicopter pad (really Joong Won? You have a helicopter pad on your mall??) and confesses to him that she sees ghosts. Kang Woo tells her that he wouldn't care even if she told him she'd been abducted by aliens.

They hug, while ghosts circle them applauding and an adorable springy-lovey-dovey song plays in the background.
Aww. Of course this isn't real. She's imagining this standing in Joong Won's office (does this count as cheating?) holding the lollipop Kang Woo gave her. While Joong Won is behind her. Giving her a deadly-jealous look. Aww.

He hides his jealousy with his sassiness, telling her that since she's calling it a dream she is also acknowledging how slim the chances of it becoming reality are (or are you just *hoping* chances are slim, Joong Won?)
She responds by telling him that she met a man in a hospital that claimed he was abducted by aliens, and who still found someone to love him, so it's not impossible right? (great way to get him to agree Gong Sil, not)
Joong Won simply proceeds to be incredulous that she could look down at someone who says they believe in aliens when she says she sees ghosts. (good point there)

 *see my incredulous face*

They proceed to have a cute (Gong Sil), sassy (Joong Won) back and forth, and Gong Sil says she really doesn't want to screw up the fact that someone (as cute as Kang Woo) finally likes her. Here we get a surprise. Joong Won, instead of keeping up his sassy act, backs down and actually gives her some rather good advice. He tells her to start with just asking Kang Woo in a light conversation if he believes in ghosts or not. Omg you're being nice to her now this may be more adorable than your sassiness.

She thanks him and walks away, and he comments to himself that she must be super happy since she's leaving after the first time he told her to get lost, whereas he usually has to tell her 3 times before she gets out.

Of course she won't leave yet.
She continues to bother talk to him while he tells her to get lost another two times, but when she finally leaves he reflects on the fact that if things actually work out between her and Candy Kang (I couldn't have chosen a better nickname for him myself, Joong Won), she won't bother him anymore. He sounds relieved, but his features betray his sadness. Aww

Gong Sil is walking back home when Suck-Up Mall Guard (Lee Han Joo) jumps out at her. Thinking it's a ghost, she freaks out and proceeds to run away, while Kang Woo, Coffee Unnie and Random-Pretty-Face watch.

A few minutes later,all 5 of them are sitting on the roof of Kang Woo and Gong Sil's apartment building having dinner. Han Joo can't figure out why Gong Sil was so terrified and asks if she was expecting a ghost no of course not what are you talking about.

Kang Woo tells him that she just has a stalker and was probably expecting it to be him.  As the group keeps talking about ghosts, Random-Pretty-Face is on the phone reporting to Joong Won's uncle (henceforth Uncle Joo) that Kang Woo and Gong Sil do in fact live together in a rather dumpy sort of place. Uncle is then curious as to why Gong Sil is living in such a cheap apartment- if Joong Won loved her, he would have given her money to get something better. So maybe he's actually falling for Tae Yi Ryeong! No,this does not makes perfect sense.
While Uncle Joo is busy trying to figure out what the heck is going on, Aunt Joo is in the midst of attempting to make something happen. She is at dinner with Joong Won (who seems completely uninterested) and Yi Ryeong (who is telling them about her biggest selling points- her grandfather's land assets which will one day be hers)

Back at the apartment, everyone is talking about all the ghosts they've come across or heard about in their lives, while Kang Woo keeps stuffing his face. Gong Sil asks if he doesn't like ghost stories, and Han Joo calls Kang Woo out for being scared. Kang Woo says he's not, but that he hates when people try to scare others, and he thinks that people that go around pretending they can see and talk to ghosts are pathetic and pitiful.

He gets up and leaves the table as Coffee Unnie tells Gong Sil never to tell him her secret.

Uh oh. I sense a relationship road bump.
A minute later we see him go into a bathroom and vent about their ghost stories scaring him. So he isss scared. Awwwwwwwwwwww I'll protect you Kang Woo!

When Aunt Joo leaves to go meet Uncle Joo, Yi Ryeong tells Joong Won to be careful of Gong Sil, and that she's become weird and lost her mind a bit. I can judge her craziness! 

We now move back to Uncle Joo, who's talking to Aunt Joo about meeting for dinner. As he hangs up, he hears a strange noise coming from a door and goes to investigate.
*Yeah sure, Walk down the loooong empty corridor Uncle Joo, that's never gotten anyone in trouble!

He stops in front of Gong Sil's "ghost room".
 Ooh foreshadowing

He enters and shuts the door behind him.
Very smart. Yes, by all means, shut yourself in with the strange noises.

He starts looking behind the boxes and is frightened by a scary red-eyed dog. (Wait, how can he see a ghost?)

We then see him with Aunt Joo, Joong Won and Yi Ryeong explaining that he was attacked by a dog. (Wait, how did he get bitten by a ghost?)

Joong Won alerts the guards to start searching for the dog. Everyone at the apartment has returned to Kingdom to search.  While Joong Won and Gong Sil are discussing the dog, Gong Sil finds the candy that Kang Woo gave her broken in half.

Joong Won looks exceedingly happy about this.

But then he finds a dog collar, proving that there really is a dog loose in his beloved Kingdom.

Meanwhile, Kang Woo and Yi Ryeong are discussing Gong Sil, and Kang Woo sends Yi Ryeong off after getting tired of her talks.
Gong Sil and Joong Won start walking around using sausage to try to find the dog (Pil Seung). Joong Won finds out that Gong Sil wasn't able to tell Kang Woo about her ghost-seeing abilities, and is again unnecessarily happy.

Meanwhile, as Yi Ryeong is waiting for an elevator, we see a man watching her with a gun in his hand. UH OH.

As Yi Ryeong is searching for her keys, she accidentally drops everything in her purse. When she goes to pick everything up, the man runs up and grabs something (money? The keys?), pushing Yi Ryeong on his way out. Hearing the commotion, Kang Woo runs back to a scared Yi Ryeong and alerts his team.
As Gong Sil is trying to figure out where the dog could be, she suddenly hears barking. The man-in-black is locked into the mall, and the dog is right next to him. He runs off, bumping into useless Han Joo just as Gong Sil approaches, and she sees only the creepy ghost-dog.

As the man gets away, Han Joo comments that he looked a lot like one of the part time workers at Kingdom who left for the military a while ago, Kim Hyeong Cheol. Hmmm.
Kang Woo acts adorable and takes Yi Ryeong to the hospital after covering her up with his jacket. sigh of longing

Gong Sil tells Joong Won that the dog is a ghost, while Kang Woo spies on them and is confused after hearing her saying there was a dog, because he didn't see any on the surveillance cameras.

Outside, we see the Hyeong Cheol stop next to a restaurant where a TV is playing a story about a runaway soldier, which we understand is him.
Gong Sil wants to follow Pil Seung, but Joong Won stops her from going, telling her it's too dangerous since the dog's already bitten his uncle and the man scared Yi Ryeong. Gong Sil keeps giving Joong Won a puppy-dog pout, but finally lets go, happy that he seems worried about her.

Joong Won: I can't let her find out yet! Sassy time: 100,000 won for touching me! 
Gong Sil: You said you'd give me a discount!
Joong Won: x.x50,000 won.
Be careful there Joong Won, you aren't keeping up your façade well xD you can't buy a fridge for that much!
*don’t make those adorable faces at meeee I can't handle itttt

Kang Woo gets the footage rechecked for the dog and is still confused why Gong Sil said there was one. As she's leaving the mall, he comes up and tells her that he overheard her talking about a dog, to which Gong Sil lies, telling him she wasn't talking about a dog (gae) but a person (also pronounced gae). He doesn't believe her and asks if he was mistaken also in thinking she is hiding something behind her back. Gong Sil shows him the broken candy he gave her.
Back home, Kang Woo gives his boss an update on what happened in the evening.

He then finds Gong Sil who is sitting on the roof, and apologizes for getting upset at the ghost stories, and admits that he's scared of them. He's had to get counseling for nightmares because of the deaths he saw while serving in the military. He also tells Gong Sil not to take any symbolic meaning from the candy breaking, and they proceed to eat the two halves together.

Come on, Kang Woo,either be the mean bad guy or be the adorable cute second lead make up your mind! Don't keep me in suspense like thiss.
*Also, I should not enjoy watching you eat a piece of candy so muchhhh

The next morning, as Joong Won is walking through his royal gardens fanning himself (he probably let his servants go on vacation for the morning), he sees Pil Seung sitting in front of him barking. How does he see the ghost dog??

He then sees a vision of Wonder Girls dancing to "Nobody" in front of him, which confuses him (since he's clearly a Lee Hyori type of guy)
*this isn't a strange scene at all.

He then realize she's dreaming and wakes up (of course, he wouldn't let his servants off for a morning in real life)

At work, he finds Gong Sil who's determined to pretend she doesn't see ghosts and live a normal life, and forces her to go find the dog's owner so he never has such a crazy dream again (fan myself?!)
Yi Ryeong is at Kingdom in search of Kang Woo. She hands him an envelope with two VVIP (she's a Seungri fan?! I guess she's not so bad) tickets to a musical in the evening as a reward for helping her the night before. Kang Woo attempts to thank her and leave, and she is shocked to realize he isn't planning on taking her with his spare ticket. The tickets aren't the reward for the night before obviously, time with her is.

Kang Woo isn't hearing it and refuses point blank to take her, saying he'll go with whoever he wants to go with. He then heads straight to Gong Sil's office and asks her to the musical, to which she happily agrees. Ouch.

Joong Won and Gong Sil follow Pil Seung (with a trust-building coffee break in between) into a furniture store. Secretary Kim calls Joong Won up to tell them that Pil Seung was a military dog that was recently euthanized, and belonged to a military deserter, who is currently armed.
Hyeong Cheol, who is currently hiding upstairs in a closet, takes out a picture of him and Pil Seung and we see their background story.

He seems to make lots of mistakes,and was treated badly while in the army by his superiors and didn't have any friends. Pil Seung became his only friend and he took good care of the dog, played with it, and showed it his favorite songs (hence the Wonder Girls).

But before Hyeong Cheol was discharged, the doctors decided that Pil Seung was no longer able to function as a military dog, and had to be put down. Although he pleaded to save Pil Seung, promising to take care of him till he was discharged, Hyeong Cheol was forced to euthanize Pil Seung himself (that is nooot nice!).

Some time afterward,he is bullied by the same superior officer, and without even Pil Seung as support now, Hyeong Cheol gets angry and attacks back. Realizing too late what he's done, he grabs a gun, and runs away.
Gong Sil and Joong Won are arguing downstairs about what to do now. Gong Sil thinks Pil Seung has brought her to help Hyeong Cheol from making any dangerous decisions, and Joong Won is telling her that she needs to stop things right here, as Secretary Kim has already alerted the police and military, and any further involvement would be dangerous. As Gong Sil still wants to go back and help, Joong Won holds out his hand, telling her to take it and stop seeing these ghosts. He tells her to go home and get ready for her date as a normal person the way she wants to. Aww he's trying to protect her, how adorbs.

But Tae Gong Sil is too kind-hearted to ignore Pil Seung and Hyeong Cheol. She follows Pil Seung back inside as Hyeong Cheol is upstairs putting the gun to his head. Pil Seung comes just in the nick of time and the gun goes off only hitting a pipe in the room. Everyone hears the shot though, and Joong Won runs inside after Gong Sil.

Hyeong Cheol leaves the closet with the gun in hand, scaring everyone in the store. Gong Sil is attempting to go upstairs to him, but is forced back by employees coming down warning everyone about the gun. Joong Won is searching inside for Gong Sil now, and thinking she is upstairs goes too, only to run into Hyeong Cheol.

After a tense moment, Hyeong Cheol lowers the gun, and tells Joong Won to get out. Joong Won turns to leave, but then turns back around and tells Hyeong Cheol to come with him. When he refuses, he throws Pil Seung's collar to Hyeong Cheol, and tells him that Pil Seung is beside him. He pretends to see Pil Seung, describing him as Gong Sil had and asking him about the Wonder Girls. He then tells him that Pil Seung doesn't want Hyeong Cheol to do anything dangerous and is putting a paw on him to tell him everything is alright. Hyeong Cheol starts crying, and we see that Gong Sil had run back inside, and has seen everything.

At that moment, the military comes in and arrests Hyeong Cheol as his gun falls to the ground.
Back at Kingdom,Secretary Kim and Kang Woo are watching the news as the situation is resolved, and Secretary Kim tells Kang Woo that Hyeong Cheol worked with dogs.
As Hyeong Cheol is being taken away, he hears "Nobody" playing and smiles.

Inside the store,the owner is apologizing for the incident to Joong Won and asks why he had stopped by. Joong Won pretends that he was looking for couches, to which the owner points the way to them, along with the way to beds if they're interested (ooh lala) and leaves, allowing Joong Won and Gong Sil to remain inside until all the cameras and reporters have left.

Goong Sil is proud of Joong Won and tells him that he did a great job pretending he could see the ghost. She then asks if he's going to keep his promise to Hyeong Cheol, and we discover that before being taken away, Joong Won told Hyeong Cheol that if he serves his time without any trouble and comes to Kingdom Joong Won will give him a job to help him out (AWWWWWW WHY YOU PRETEND YOU DON'T HAVE A HEARTTT JOONGY??)
He remarks that the dog was very smart dragging Joong Won into the mess as well, but when Gong Sil replies that she's glad she didn't just ignore Pil Seung like Joong Won asked, he gets worried/stressed out upset and gets super close to her face, and tells her that she has to obey him from now on.

She nods, and then tells him to sign a document saying they aren't planning to sue the store for what happened. Joong Won tells her to read it, and she refuses, telling him to read it himself. When he says he'll just get Secretary Kim to do it for him, she realizes he can't read. Joong Won tells her that he hasn't been able to read since he was kidnapped. His captors had forced him to read books about people getting killed, and he'd been scared that once he finished reading he'd be killed as well.
Gong Sil, after hearing this, feels bad for Joong Won and tells him to hold onto her if it'll help him (dawww). But of course Joong Won doesn’t.  Hmphf. Instead she promises to read for him,and the scene ends  adorably with her reading the document to him, as he complains about how loud she's reading and how horrible she's making it sound, and guessing that she can't sing at all.

The scene cuts to the two kids back at the park, where the doll still hasn't been claimed (OBVIOUSLY, IT'S A CREEPY-EVIL DOLL OF DOOM, WHY WOULD YOU WANT TO CLAIM IT?).

The younger brother goes and talks to it, and it FREAKING SMILES AT HIM GAH GET AWAY FROM IT YOU CRAZY LITTLE BOY.

At the theater, Kang Woo is waiting for Gong Sil, who hasn't shown up yet. Yi Ryeong is also there, apparently having bought another ticket simply to see who Kang Woo is coming with. As she gets closer to Kang Woo, his phone rings and he talks to his employer again, telling him that he'll keep looking into Joong Won, but won't keep reporting about Gong Sil (ahh he really does like her then?). Yi Ryeong comes up to him and confronts him about spying on Joong Won.

Joong Won hangs up from telling Secretary Kim to come and pick them up now. Gong Sil is asleep on the couch next to him.

He recalls her earlier saying it would be nice if he could hold onto her and read, similar to how the ghosts disappear when she holds him. So of course he picks up the document and holds her hand as all the viewers squeal. And instead of telling us whether it actually works, we're left seeing him lean in to kiss sleeping Gong Sil.


Too adorable.