From a Douban article:

2024.2.14 New Sight Wonderland Tan Songyun Xu Kai's interpretation of "You Are More Beautiful than Starlight". ( 

There are right and wrong in business but there is no winning or losing in love. When a 'weed' entrepreneur meets an 'ambitious' investor, career and love come together. The romantic beginning that seems like a fairytale actually contains the epitome of love and struggle of countless young people in this era. The most beautiful form of love is that two people achieve each other in their careers, heal each other in love, climb peaks together, and experience troughs together. They are the most shining and moving stars in each other's eyes.

Hardwork will eventually made ordinary people shine.
The reason why the character JX resonated with TSY at first was that her story was not a 'gold finger' story, but the growth process of ordinary people, from an ordinary girl to a breakthrough. TSY herself also started as a special actor from supporting role to the leading role step by step. Similar experiences allow TSY to find the right starting point in her creation.
Although a "small town youth" from a grassroots background is talented, he or she will be drowned if he or she is not careful in a big city full of talents. The valuable thing about JX is that she will not be disciplined by the environment. JX is sober and upright, dares to resist unfairness and refuses PUA. When she encounters sexual harassment in the workplace, someone advised her, "It's just a touch, just bear with it, and it will pass." However, she was not afraid of power, resigned, and started a new company from scratch with her junior.

W: How do you view the process of two people in love going from strangers to close lovers? How did they finally get back together?

TSY: Actually, I was asked in a previous interview, should people who are the same or who complement each other get together? My answer is that personalities can be different, but the three views must be the same. In the story, JX and HT had a disagreement in the career positions. HT acquired JX's company without communication. When this incident broke out, JX calmed down and thought about it. This matter was acceptable in the business world but not in the relationship. HT also realized that "it turned out that what I wanted to give you was not what you wanted." Later, JX adjusted herself and was able to face HT again. In fact, love is like career. It takes experience to grow. Because of being tripped, there will be strength. Because of quarrels and splits, you will know what is consistent with each other. Two people want to become better together. You need to break through this layer of paper and treat each other with sincerity and only then can you have good results. In love, frank communication and mutual trust are very important. There is no comfortable relationship at the beginning, only a relationship that gets better through continuous adjustment.

W: What is the biggest change that JX experienced through love?

TSY: I think it is growth and a change in perspective. I have grown from a little girl to someone who cares about the overall situation. As my career has risen, I have seen many different things and have a lot of thoughts. In fact, JX has been lost many times. For example, what should she do after resigning? I have never invested before, can I do it? Ask friends to borrow money, what if I fail? In the process of thinking, I found my original intention. I suffered setbacks step by step, and finally achieved success. After the rift with HT, I went to Germany for professional training, figured out what kind of entrepreneur I want to be in the future, what kind of partner I needed in love, let go of my emotions, and can face him rationally and objectively again.

W: Share your most memorable lines from the show.

TSY: "Gold will shine, and in this world, no one can block anyone else's light."
There is another sentence. JX was working overtime with the team in the office. Han Ting advised her, "you don't have to wait for everyone to suffer together", and JX said, "I just want to setup a different workplace. I have been caught in the rain, so I also want to hold an umbrella for them within my ability." This sentence can fully reflect JX's character.