Interesting thread, got some amazing shows here

This is a K-Drama bingo card I made as part of a set that includes a rating system at the bottom. I use one card per drama and try to get BINGO by the end of the series.

I will share more cards from the set here over time. I chose this one to share first because it is my favorite.

The set includes 3 K-Drama bingo cards, plus 1 card for historical sageuks and 1 for C-Dramas. I have plans to divide C-Dramas into 2 cards, one for modern and one for wuxia/xanxia (the one I have now includes both, which is its own kind of challenge). I also want to add one for J-Doramas. Of course, I may add another K-Drama card at some point as tropes/actors change.

If you want to preview the set or see an explanation of the rating system, see