
WYR spend a week without music or without dramas

without dramas

wyr go out with friends or have a home party

Go out with friends

Wyr live alone in a big city or with your whole family in a countryside town?

country side

wyr go to the beach or pool


WYR have a big wedding with more than 100 guests or a small wedding with less than 30 guests

30 guests

wyr go holidays in the summer or winter


wyr have a baby now or younger

help I guess now?

Wyr sleep in complete dark or with a little bit of light 

complete dark

wyr see ghosts or read minds

Read minds 

Wyr travel by bus or train


wyr go to a village or big city

Village. Seems more homie than the big polluted city areas with crowded people... I don't like the crowd.. Lol 

WYR it be daytime all the time or nighttime all the time?

day time

wyr be famous or normal


WYR be able to fly for a day or be invisible for a day.


wyr work in the daytime or nighttime