sports car

wyr live somewhere where its always cold or hot?

Live somewhere it's always hot

WYR be blind or deaf 

always hot- as long as I can have aircon lol

wyr never be allowed inside a house or never be allowed outside of your house

Inside a house 

WYR eat a dead rat or eat 20 live spiders


wyr be alive or live in another world?

be alive

wyr have the ability to fly or have the ability to breathe underwater?

to breathe underwater

wyr be immortal or only live 25 years


WYR play acoustic or electric guitar

electric guitar

WYR be a drama character or anime character


WYR be a singer or a world famous guitarist.

Singer - you can always learn how to play a guitar later on

WYR be blind for life or be deaf/mute

Neither.  But...Hmm... Blind for life - if I have not seen anything in the world since birth.  Otherwise Deaf/mute.

WYR Be popular or your own person.

own person (its more unique than being popular)

wyr have a garden or balcony at ur home?


WYR be a eskimo or a indigenous human from the jungle


wyr live somewhere always cold or hot?