Always courded

would you rather see a sunrise or a sunset?


WYR enter a sci-fi or fantasy fictional world


WYR be an artist or a singer


WYR be a teacher or a lawyer


WYR time travel to the past or future? 


WYR play a video game or a board game?

board game

WYR be in an apocalypse world or a world full of natural disasters happening everyday 

I'm pretty sure that I'm already in a world of natural disasters happening every day. Wouldn't survive apocalyptic, so it will have to be the more familiar.

WYR live in a high-rise apartment in a busy area, or a small ordinary house in a quiet area?

I should’ve added ‘deadly’ ones haha but i would rather live in a high-rise apartment in busy area

Wyr eat chicken or fish


WYR live in an attic or a basement


WYR watch a movie at home or the cinema?

at home

WYR live by the seaside or by mountains


WYR go snow skiing or surfing 


WYR have 4 cats or 2 dogs

4 cats

WYR go to europe or asia for vacation