write a letter

Wyr fake urself to make it or be ur genuine self (ik u can do both at the same but still- )


write a letter

Wyr fake urself to make it or be ur genuine self (ik u can do both at the same but still- )


wyr cry alone or with people in the room

Alone I hate crying with people in the room

wyr give yourself a superpower or give your friend a superpower 


WYR spend time relaxing in a resort or a house in the mountains

Mountains as I love nature 

Inside or outside 


wyr be fire or ice


Wyr present the presentation or do the ppt 


wyr be accused of a crime that you never did or a crime you did that never get find out 


Lol , I would go as per books, which says later one

 as “ non-guilty should not be punished”

WYR try to adjust with the wavelength of the person you care or leave that person “as a tangent to the circle”, to wander haywire aimlessly in the space 

What are you trying to say as I'm confused 

Adjust wavelength 

Wyr be alone the rest of your life or make everyone hate you