bunny ( i had one)

wyr marry an asian or other ?

This is a hard one as I honestly don't mind......but if I really had to pick then, Asian (as I am from Asia myself).

WYR know the history of any object you touched or be able to speak to any animal.

be able to speak to animals

wyr be able to read minds or when ur going to die

read minds

wyr eat only meat everyday for one year or vegetables for one year

Favourite Person I look up to.

Would you rather go back to when you were 5 with your current knowledge or know everything your future has in store for you. 

know everything abt future

wyr be able to make money out of instagram live or youtube videos?

I'd rather make money out of youtube videos ^_^

WYR live in a country house surrounded nothing but forests and mountains OR live in a busy city like NY, Seoul or Tokyo in an apartment

A busy city

WYR spend the day with a baby elephant or a baby panda

baby panda

wyr go to the zoo or aquarium

Aquarium <3

WYR have a one-sided crush or to have someone crushing on them

one side

wyr have a boyfriend now or wait till u find the one?

Wait to find the one :)

WYR de a doctor or a lawyer


wyr have a bunny or cat?


wyr sit in the front or back of a rollercoaster


wyr give up precious memories with the most important people in your life and they stay alive or keep the memories but they die