as in dance or sing? 

i cannot choose lol

guitar or ukelele


Rock or jpop

depends on what kind of rock but I also like jpop

earpods or headphones


pizza or cheese burgers


Pizza toppings.....minimal or the works  (I prefer minimal....sometimes just cheese)

 the works

Dominos or Pizza Hut

Pizza hut

Sunflowers or daisies


Sea or river


sharks or crocodiles

Crocodile, when I was in the military, I've eaten more than a few times

Shoes made with leather/other skin or fake leather

fake is okay

WYR be allergic to nuts or to animal fur?

Allergic to animal fur

Helicopter ride with doors wide open at treetop level OR jumping out of a perfectly good flying airplane with a parachute

jumping out of a perfectly good flying airplane with a parachute

fried rice or fried noodle

fried rice

go for a walk in the morning or the evening