Omniscience- The capacity to know everything

Proprioception: the unconscious perception of movement and spatial orientation arising from stimuli within the body itself

Quantum :   any of the very small increments or parcels into which many forms of energy are subdivided

Racketeering : the act of acquiring a business through illegal activity, operating a business with illegally-derived income, or using a business to commit illegal acts.

Stringent- When something is strict, rigid or precise.

Tablespoonful:  the amount that a tablespoon can hold

Undulate - move or go with a smooth up-and-down motion


- The quality of appearing to be true or real. synonym: truth.

- Something that has the appearance of being true or real.

Writhe - to twist or bend out of shape or position; distort; contort. to twist (oneself, the body, etc.) about, as in pain

Xolisa- It means to apologise  in Zulu.

Yawp- To make a loud noise  or intensely cry /shout

Zibeline: a) athick lustrous soft fabric of wool or other animal hair, such as mohair, having a silky nap;

b) the sable or its fur.

Argle-bargle - copious but meaningless talk or writing

Bombastic - high-sounding but with little meaning; inflated.

Connate - (especially of ideas or principles) existing in a person or thing from birth; innate.

"are our ethical values connate?