BAGGAGERY - A 16th-century word for the hoi polloi or rabble.

Dolabriform => it is  shape, shaped like the head of an ax, as certain leaves are (latin; dalobra)

electrocardiograph  - instrument for recording unusual electrical fluctuations of the heart


  1. the system of forced-labor camps in the Soviet Union  
  2. a Soviet forced-labor camp. 
  3. any prison or detention camp, especially for political prisoners.

Hent - To take something by force.

jacana - long-toed tropical freshwater wading bird

Kalopsia - Delusion that things are more beautiful than they really are.

lallation  - childish speech; mispronunciation of speech sounds

nadir  - lowest point; point diametrically opposite the sun

Paterfamilias - The male head of a family or household