Morbid - characterized by an unusual interest in disturbing and unpleasant subjects, especially death and disease.

Noxious-   Harmful, destructive or poisonous.  

Omniscience- The capacity to know everything

Pedantic: an insulting word used to describe someone who annoys others by correcting small errors, caring too much about minor details, or emphasizing their own expertise especially in some narrow or boring subject matter. 

Quantum :   any of the very small increments or parcels into which many forms of energy are subdivided

redoubtable: (of a person) formidable, especially as an opponent." Eg. He was a redoubtable debater"


Stringent- When something is strict, rigid or precise.

Telegenic - having an appearance or manner that is appealing on television.

"his telegenic charm appears to be his major asset

Undulate - move or go with a smooth up-and-down motion

Vaporware:  new software that has been announced or marketed but has not been produced.

Writhe - to twist or bend out of shape or position; distort; contort. to twist (oneself, the body, etc.) about, as in pain

xenophobia: fear and hatred of strangers or foreigners or of anything that is strange or foreign

Yawp- To make a loud noise  or intensely cry /shout

Zonked - Tired/exhausted or under the influence of drugs/alchol.

Argle-bargle - copious but meaningless talk or writing