Jactitate - To jactitate is to toss around restlessly.

Longueur - a tedious passage in a book or other work

nonremittal - act of failing to meet a financial obligation.

Opaque - not able to be seen through; not transparent,"the windows were opaque with steam"

(of a fast, especially one in Lent) lasting forty days.
belonging or appropriate to the period of Lent.

Surreptitious - Done secretly, acting in a stealthy way

Umbrage - offense or annoyance.

winnow - the act of separating grain from chaff

Xanthos - was the Ancient Greek word for yellow, and as such is the root of a number of mainly scientific words referring to yellow-colored things.

If you’re xanthocroic you have fair hair and pale skin; and if you’re xanthodontous, you have yellow teeth.