10. The Beatles


10 songs w/ the names of places in the title

01. "Hotel California" - Eagles

02. "Yanghwa Bridge" - Zion.T

03. "Tokyo Girl"' - Perfume

4. Mamamoo New York

5. wonderland ateez

2-eyes nose lips- taeyang

3- arms around you- xxxtenatacion

4- fingertips - one republic

5. out of my hands - shy martin

6. lonely eyes - lauv

7. fingers - zayn

8. Your Eyes Tell - BTS

2. No difference (Six flying dragons)

3. No mercy - B.A.P

4. No more dream - BTS

5. No manners - superm

6.  no reason - monsta x

7. no, i dont... - astro

9. Don't say no - Seohyun

10- NO- BTS

10 songs with summer vibes

1. Kard ride on the wind

2. Ssak3 Beach Again

3. Sistar I Swear

4. Hakuna Matata- ateez

5. dance the night away- twice

6. Red Velvet  Red Flavor

7. Sunny Summer- Gfriend

8. Sistar- Touch My Body