7. I don't like when a group of people start to loudly discuss how handsome someone and this person is standing near them

For example, King's Affection - group of maids talking about the King's bodyguard

8. My Sweet Mobster - I hate when characters start eating or cooking without washing their hands first when they came from the outside. Or doing laundry by hand without washing their hands first

And also in many dramas (in this one too) - sitting on the bed or even sleeping in the street clothes

9. True Beauty , She was Pretty (Standard of beauty is already way to high in asian dramas, but this makeover dramas are annoying. Put on glasses and have freckles, it's considered ugly. This is the one cliche I really do not like.)

I also want to add dramas that even a small cut in the face makes them ugly so they have to let their enemies pay by killing  them. I see these type mostly with wuxia/xanxia dramas,  ex: Back From the Brink


9. True Beauty , She was Pretty (Standard of beauty is already way to high in asian dramas, but this makeover dramas are annoying. Put on glasses and have freckles, it's considered ugly. This is the one cliche I really do not like.)

Have you watched Marry My Husband? The most annoying makeover... Park Min Young's character wondering how she can become pretty over the night when she has Park Min Young's face... And she didn't even have freckles or some kind of red spots, acne, anything. They literally put the glasses off and cut her hair! 

If only they would empathise lack of confidence rather than "lack of beauty", it would be so refreshing! 


10. I do not like when a rich or elder woman / man (or mother in law) slaps a poor or younger girl

  Drama - Because of love. (Younger version of FL gets slapped by the mom of ML)

Or offers money to the FL

@april , do you have a topic to suggest for the next round? 

If no one minds, let me suggest a topic:

10 titles in which you liked the trope you normally don't like

1. Hospital Playlist - FL being a big eater. Usually I don't like all those FLs who eat a lot of food for comedy effect or to show she's not like the other girls. But here her big appetite made sense, she grew up with brothers and had to eat fast

And the way the gang tried to protect the food from her and one of MLs was hilarious

2. Atypical family : time travel (I normally hate it for all the questions and loops left open and cause they often use it as an easy way out, but it was ok in this one) 

3. Love in Time - The supporting female being overly nasty and jealous for what seems like no real reason. I could handle it in this one because there was character growth. She admitted to it, explained why she was that way, then worked on herself to overcome it.

5.Taikan Yoho- Miscommunication- I generally don't like it but i found it funny here. The show is short as well.

6. Lovely Runner  I typically avoid time travel shows but this one worked for me. I really enjoyed seeing how her actions in the past affect the  future.

7. All of Us Are Dead (I don’t like the zombie trope, again cause it’s overused and I wish they would rather choose something else, cause normally it’s pretty boring for me, but it was ok in all of us are dead.)


6. Lovely Runner  I typically avoid time travel shows but this one worked for me. I really enjoyed seeing how her actions in the past affect the  future. 

Try Kairos, it's not time travel, just time manipulation but it also shows how actions in the past change the future

Similar to _Shinigami_

8. Happiness - hate zombie topic but this drama I liked. Mostly because of romance and interpersonal relationship between different characters but still it was one of a few zombie themed things I've watched :) 

9. Mr. queen (Transmigration: another trending overused trope but this one was refreshing and different XD)

 Ahn Sarang:

Try Kairos, it's not time travel, just time manipulation but it also shows how actions in the past change the future

Thanks. It's on my PTW.