I had another long day. Even my Sundays do not exist anymore lol


Source: X

I believe this was already mentioned here by a fellow club member.
Yeah it was pretty lengthy either way lol. After I wrote all that I was like, okay the series is really good but it does not really rise to this level of writing this much about it lol. Thank you for the thoughtful reply and fleshing out your perspectives on everything.

I am always open to discussing different view-points. This was fun (nerd alert lol)

I am always open to discussing different view-points. This was fun (nerd alert lol)

(  ̳• · • ̳)
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Day 27. What are your favourite animals?

I am not a pet person but there are animals I find cool. (If I was to ever have a pet it would have to be a cat but it must stay outside. No animal is living in the same space as me. I think this is one of the huge culture differences between Jamaicans and other western citizenry even though the younger generation is increasingly adopting pets inside the house due to globalisation and socialisation within that process.)

Animals I find cool:

Peregrine Falcon

Reason - The peregrine falcon is best known for its diving speed during flight—which can reach more than 300 km (186 miles) per hour—making it not only the world's fastest bird but also the world's fastest animal. Britannicahttps://www.britannica.com. They do this when hunting by locking on to a target (incredible eye sight) and diving at their incredible successfully killing their prey by  dive bombing them.

Crocodiles - One of the last living dinosaurs. Their death roll is so cool.

Lions - the king of course (cue the Lion King song). I love how their social interactions mimic how a conquer captures and rules. The fight to the death oftentimes when a new lion takes over a pride. Their roar is so powerful; it can be heard for miles asserting their dominance over their territory.

Cats - their attitude lol 

I cannot pick a marine animal because the whole ocean and its marine life and ecosystems fascinate me.

 American Fan:
I'll start after the third ep too.  I might need a reminder when the time gets closer.  :-)

I honestly do not know when I am going to start it. I am already behind on Love Sick. I simply do not have the time to keep up. Perhaps I will wait until Bad Guy My Boss finishes then start it so that I can watch without the torture of waiting on episodes since it will always be ahead of me because I simply do not have the time to binge and catch up lol. Hopefully I can stick to this plan lol.

Perfect 10 Liners

This is totally my type of show, so let me do a quick run through of the setup in case anyone is interested.


I don't think this is a particularly difficult story to understand, but like P43425 said, it might just be because I'm familiar with every single actor in this, from one show or another.

The whole setup of the show is explained in the first 4 minutes.

Jet (44), Arc (45), Yeepun (46), Arm (47), Yotha (48) an Wine (49) are all peer mentors from the same line at their engineering school.  They belong to class 44, 45, 46, 47, 48, and 49. 

Faifa is Yotha's brother and also part of class 48. Gun is also a class of 48.

The episode opens up at the start of Class 49, when Wine is a new freshman. His question for Arm and Arc triggers the start of the first love line.

We now jump to two years earlier, at the start of Arm's freshman year (Class 47). Presumably this storyline will last 8 episodes (followed by Yotha & Gun, then Faifa & Wine, with 8 episodes each.)

Each pair will of course come with their own set of friends. 

If anyone is interested, the shows released a 30 minute special episode that runs through ALL of the characters and actors that will appear in all 3 storylines. It's fun but I don't think it's a necessary watch. We will meet new characters as they come. 

Moving on to the actual episode...

Perfect 10 Liners Ep1

I think the comedy in this show is totally my style, because I laughed out loud so many times this episode. The photo Arc sent Arm, the way Arm spit his drink at Arc, their freaking friends on both sides are a hoot too. It’s nice to see Gawin, Marc, Drake, Poon, and JJ in this.  

I think it's freaking hilarious that Arc is already planning his whole future around Arm, and Arm is totally not on the same page. He took back his friend's key card to his condo, the audacity. Like he knows he's bringing his man over soon, so everyone give them privacy. It’s like one of them knows he’s in a romcom but the other hasn’t gotten the memo yet lmao

On yet another note-- I actually think Book is quite overlooked and one of the best actors in GMMTV. Cher from A Boss and a Babe is one of my favorite characters of all time. Book truly has a way to make funny over the top characters that aren't annoying.

October Challenge (Day 27) What are your favourite animals?

Capybara! It's just so adorable. The Capybara is the world's largest rodent!

Also, I used to have a guinea pig as a teenager that I loved, and capybara's remind of it lol