Trope #1: The 30-year-old-never-been-kissed virgin.

I may buy that you are a virgin but I can’t understand how so many people can make it out of their teens and early twenties without being kissed.  How is that possible? Weren’t they curious? Didn’t they have hormones and crushes like the rest of us? Maybe there’s something in the water. I just don’t understand this cheap unbelievable trope.

Trope #2: Adults falling in love with teen-agers.  

Besides being morally wrong an adult should know that teenagers haven’t finished becoming people yet.  When we were teens we think we’re all grown up but looking back we know we weren’t. Teens still have a lot of maturing and changing ahead of them. In a very few years they will not be what attracted the adult (excuse me while I gag) in the first place. I don’t understand this trope and don’t really want to.

Trope #3: Meeting the murder on a rooftop.

This insanity is so common I’ve come to expect it in every police drama.  I just finished a drama with 2 rooftop murders in the seven episode series.  Why are you meeting someone you know is a murder in the first place? And why on a rooftop? Don’t you watch TV? You’re guaranteed to be killed. This trope is so overused I don’t understand why it’s still used.

Trope #4: Reluctance to kiss.

You’re finally in love and are loved back. It’s the most exciting time of you life. Your love comes in for a kiss so you draw back, scrunch up your face or push him away. Why? Aren’t you in love? Why don’t you want to kiss?  I remember my first love. I wanted to kiss him. I was happy he wanted to kiss me. Kissing is good. Kissing doesn’t mean you have to jump directly into bed. I would be very concerned if my lover didn’t want to kiss me. This one I will never understand. Get in there and kiss him.

Trope #1:  The 30-year-old-never-been-kissed virgin. 

I totally understand this trope (maybe not in the way dramas portray it). Because I have never kissed anyone and my life is dandy. Nope, I'm not curious.  I tend to focus my attention on moving forward in my pursuits. So, no it is not weird. People are different.  

Trope #2: Adults falling in love with teen-agers.   

This troupe exists because it happens in real life.  It happens all the time in my country and I'm sure yours.  Teenagers are done becoming people, becoming adults... no. But in many countries around the world they are considered adults and take on adult responsibilities and live adult lives. 

Trope #3:  Meeting the murder on a rooftop. 

  Every country and genre has stupid troups like this one. For example, the whole police squad being stupid (happens a lot in American action movies ) . Another example is when a blackmailer blackmails a killer and ends up dead. These silly troups are there to push the story along and because the writers are lazy.

Troup# 4: Reluctance to kiss 

 IRL: Intimacy for me is about trust. So just because I like you and you like me doesn't mean we are going to kiss.   In dramas, the reluctance to kiss is meant to show pureness and unworldliness and sometimes it works well and sometimes it does not.