I can’t quote above so will address as such. What Micha shared is partly the novel version and the original leak script intention - to have TTJ reborn as mortal, BZQ, hence he can reconcile with LSS again. So if TTJ can reborn, then he is not a true god. As true god dies, their soul dissipate. That’s how it is in that story. As for this edited ending, IMO, it’s production team to give us an opening ending. Hence you can interpret that TTJ become a true god at the end and dissipate hence he was not reborn - maybe that’s the team intention to make him a true god. So up to which version would you prefer….hahhaa. That’s why so many of us was frustrated with the ending as it’s literally open to interpretation.
I mean to be fair there is nothing in the drama that states that TTJ became a "True god". When Susu ascends in the final episode they refer to her as the only true god in the universe. TTJ even calls her that. He doesn't say "you're the only other god" he says "you're the ONLY god left in the universe".. It's never stated that TTJ reached this level. Even in the special edition episode, they talk about him helping Susu to reach Nirvana, ascend and reach godhood but never talk about him as having become a God. They simply talk about his death through self-sacrifice.
But I think even if he had, I don't think that really changes anything. The script has that same scene where Ming Ye talks about True Gods, souls and reincarnation and yet he still comes back in the end so I don't see why the drama would be any different just because they opted for an open ending. (neither of these explicitly show or state that TTJ has become a true god and most of that dialogue in the final scene is the same) I feel the implications are the same, even if it is sadder. They themselves have linked the heart-guarding scale with the idea of him returning through the clips they have released. So they definitely wanted that to be possibility in people's minds.
We clearly see part of him has survived, and it's not a mere sliver of consciousness, a formless voice like Ming Ye was. Like others have said, the tiger demon is what salvages part of his soul in the novel and in the drama it is the heart-guarding scale - but it serves the same purpose narratively. The loophole to which he can return.
They leave it up to the audience to decide when or if this happens but the implications are there.