I've decided to share what I think is the cleanest (and best!) version of the last episode. There's no new content and the bulk of it remains the same - it's just been edited near the end so that it's more cohesive and ends the nicest possible way. It's not a pro job at all, but I've tried to make the edit as smooth as I can. It's the whole ep so it's a big file, but it's worth the dload rather than stream as the uncompressed quality is way better.
I've put this ep and the srt file on Google Drive with restricted access - you will have to PM me with your email that's linked to your google acct for me to share it with you. Please be patient if I don't respond immediately, as I'm probably working or sleeping.
Finally, please do not upload or distribute the video or subs - it's for your personal viewing pleasure only. Thanks :)

Edit: @drlife4ever kindly shared a link to the most perfect ending for this series written by the original scriptwriter, translated by the wonderful person below. Please check it out


You can also watch the alternate ending by stopping at 29:15 of ep 37 and watching this, but I'm not a big fan of this as it's not as clean:
https://youtu.be/FC696_RYeEw - Alternate Ending Subs: https://www.mediafire.com/file/ds428e5joafou93/Killer.And.Healer.ep37HE.srt/file

Here is Ian Yi's own version of the ending he had in a dream ~ (warning: spoilers in the video):

Yi Bo Chen talks about his dream ending for Killer and Healer!! (eng subs) *spoiler* - YouTube 


I wish MGTV would make this the official version of the last episode. Thank you so much for suggesting an alternate ending that's better than the happy ending we got and for putting together this episode with subs, really appreciate it :) 

I know, it's so sad that they had to edit so much out then make such a rushed ending. I hope this doesn't discourage people from watching such a great series, The ideal ending would have been them watching the sunset together, but this the best we can get :D


Do you know the reason why the ending was rushed? They could have done so much with the characters they had but they ruined a good plotline at the last moment.

Yes, I really hope people don't miss out on this series because of the ending. Thank you again for working on the last episode ^^

It would have been amazing if we got the sunset ending! I actually thought it was foreshadowing when JYL mentioned it :/ Sigh, there's no point thinking about it, I'll just focus on the alternate ending you've suggested :)

Yes the sunset at the end is what I hoped for because he mentioned it. Maybe the novel has a different ending. 


Yes, hopefully the novel's gonna have a better ending. I think it will :)

Me, too :)

No I'm not sure why they rushed the ending so much in terms of characters and story... Maybe they were asked to wrap it up quickly... Such a shame. 

I haven't read the latest chapters, but the novel seems to be more explicitly bl so I'm confident we will get something like the sunset ending for our boys :) 


Such a shame indeed T_T

I don't know if I'll read the novel anytime soon but I also have a feeling we'll get the sunset ending ^^ 

Ooh check out the link below, it's even better!!!! 


@Taotilychee Thanks for posting the tumblr link here. MDL wouldn't let me do it earlier... :(

I think this is indeed the best ending. It was so heartwarming and tied up the story of both couples nicely (so many awesome moments in there <3). Also, I consider it canon since the scriptwriter of the drama posted it :D 

Also in weibo, when the scriptwriter posted this ending, they apologized for the rushed ending and said that it was caused by time issues leading to logical problems that have upset a lot of people. They were sorry and they themselves can't accept what they wrote originally. The scriptwriter told fans to stop watching at 10 mins before the end of episode 37 and read their posted script afterwards. That is the proper ending according to them.  :)

I think since the team can't film this anymore, they put together an edit which is as close as they can get to this ending by the scriptwriter. 


@Taotilychee Thanks for posting the tumblr link here. MDL wouldn't let me do it earlier... :(

I think this is indeed the best ending. It was so heartwarming and tied up the story of both couples nicely (so many awesome moments in there <3). Also, I consider it canon since the scriptwriter of the drama posted it :D 

Also in weibo, when the scriptwriter posted this ending, they apologized for the rushed ending and said that it was caused by time issues leading to logical problems that have upset a lot of people. They were sorry and they themselves can't accept what they wrote originally. The scriptwriter told fans to stop watching at 10 mins before the end of episode 37 and read their posted script afterwards. That is the proper ending according to them.  :)

I think since the team can't film this anymore, they put together an edit which is as close as they can get to this ending by the scriptwriter. 

Ah, thanks for clarifying what happened. At least they took the time to make up for it with this. It's definitely the best ending! Imagine how good this series would've been if they'd manage to film the whole thing the way they wanted...


Wow, thank you so much for sharing! <3

It's the perfect ending... couldn't have asked for more :)

@Taotilychee Yes, I agree. It would have been great if they could film it. Still grateful that they shared it with us. I love how CYZ and JYL are so affectionate in this one. I couldn't stop smiling when I was reading :)


@Taotilychee Yes, I agree. It would have been great if they could film it. Still grateful that they shared it with us. I love how CYZ and JYL are so affectionate in this one. I couldn't stop smiling when I was reading :)

I know... I just used my imagination haha