I hope people stop bashing him because he worked just as hard as everyone else. 

I will never understand why he is the one that gets nearly all if not all the bashing. It's clear the whole cast and crew worked hard on this, including himself as you said. I guess hatred of a character extended to hatred of an actual person, which is disturbing. Unless someone can tell me they actual know any of these people, it's just plain mean.

Hopefully the next drama I get into fares better as far as crazy comments and meanness.

why he is the one that gets nearly all if not all the bashing

Because Jing gets his happy ending with XY, while their fav character died, maybe? They placed the blame for these outcomes on Jing, Jing's fans, including DW. 

The comment section is quite toxic now due to the behavior of certain fans. The aggressive and attacking language, such as the statements

 "Jinger slaying is needed when blasphemy has been spewed",

"You Jingers are the worst part of watching this drama and it’s been like this since day one."

"Wish they could have been blocked from all the internet"

Such words with malice (typically associated with extremist) is very divisive and only serve to alienate others. It's better to stay away from the comment section.


DW was shivering and lips were blue from cold. Sighs....poor thing.

And that scene was cut to the bare minimum for screening. I hope people stop bashing him because he worked just as hard as everyone else.

DW, you did a great job! We recognized your hard work in bringing the TSJ/YSQ character to life. 

Thanks for sharing, ChunTian!

 Blueberries Field:

The comment section is quite toxic now due to the behavior of certain fans. The aggressive and attacking language, such as the statements

 "Jinger slaying is needed when blasphemy has been spewed",

"You Jingers are the worst part of watching this drama and it’s been like this since day one."

"Wish they could have been blocked from all the internet"

Such words with malice (typically associated with extremist) is very divisive and only serve to alienate others. It's better to stay away from the comment section.

These toxic fans are typical of any bullies. They will step on anyone who has a different voice.
Of cos its also a waste of our time to engage but if we avoid the comment page on purpose, its giving them free rein to bully other isolated fellow fans who wants to be heard.

We can say the same about them too... they only like to put other characters down just to boost up their fav and also help to ruin any good feelings for the character their bias is playing.

Anyway LYF is pretty much over. Time to move on.
Glad that my first foray into MDL is made better by meeting some of you fellow fans! Cheers!

 Blueberries Field:
The comment section is quite toxic now due to the behavior of certain fans. The aggressive and attacking language

Indeed, yikes.

Glad that my first foray into MDL is made better by meeting some of you fellow fans! Cheers!

Glad to meet you too!

 Blueberries Field:

The comment section is quite toxic now due to the behavior of certain fans. The aggressive and attacking language, such as the statements

 "Jinger slaying is needed when blasphemy has been spewed",

"You Jingers are the worst part of watching this drama and it’s been like this since day one."

"Wish they could have been blocked from all the internet"

Such words with malice (typically associated with extremist) is very divisive and only serve to alienate others. It's better to stay away from the comment section.

it's the same ppl from S1's comment section. So aggresive. Can't take it that not all will side with their bias, and have the need to trashtalk other character to uplift their favorite.

 Blueberries Field:
Thanks for sharing, ChunTian!

My pleasure


it's the same ppl from S1's comment section. So aggresive. Can't take it that not all will side with their bias, and have the need to trashtalk other character to uplift their favorite.

That's why I don't comment there anymore...childish behavior at its finest...the bullying, name calling and dragging actors into the mix (mostly Deng Wei)...It's like arguing with kindergarteners🙄I  said stop, I'm too old for that shit.

Funny thing though is they think their ship is leading the pack now that most YaoJing shippers have been driven away from the comment section (the gaslighting/toxicity was too much). Don't want to burst their bubble  but it's not like we were enlightened or something, we  just got tired of the nonsense going on and moved on (something that some have failed to do during the break apparently hmmm)

As a watcher and shipper, it was probably my worst experience ever, it literally spoiled *almost ruin* my enjoyment of the show (last time I've experienced such toxicity was for a manga: Vampire Knight, shipping wars were very ugly as well) and that's the very reason I tend to avoid the reverse harem genre in general *sigh*

All in all, I'm glad that it's finally over... the long gap between both parts, shipping wars and production's questionable choices (that dream sequence of 'what could have been' was anticlimactic and totally ruined CX's arc imo and Tushan Jing/YaoJing's important scenes being omitted or altered)  really put a damper on this excitement. Part 2 is such a let down in comparison. Production has unfortunately failed those beautiful characters and didn't do justice to the original source material in the end. As a novel reader, I feel betrayed.... I still can't believe TH would allow such changes.

PS: btw,  I'm in love with your Xuan Ye's pp (Cheng Yi's Xuan Ye is my fav silver-haired bad boy and he slayed that role...aaaaa I miss ee, I want him back on my screen like right now!!)

Glad that my first foray into MDL is made better by meeting some of you fellow fans! Cheers!

It's good to meet you here as well!

It ended days ago!

I am still on season 2 hahahaha

I didn't know that the fan and shipping war here is that bad prolly since I haven't stayed on this drama's comment section

Judging from what everyone's saying, the comment section for this drama is dominated by fans who bash Tushan Jing and Deng Wei? 

What kind of fans can't separate the character and the actor 👎

And they say words like that to the fans who like Tushan Jing? What is with the label 🤨

I can't relate to the drama-novel comparison but I am certain the feeling I got from season 1 cannot compare to what I am getting this season

I never thought I would have this feeling for this drama 😥

How successful is it in China?

I didn't know that the fan and shipping war here is that bad prolly since I haven't stayed on this drama's comment section

Judging from what everyone's saying, the comment section for this drama is dominated by fans who bash Tushan Jing and Deng Wei? 

It's probably best you didn't see the comment section lol. It's unfortunately not a great place for discussion often due to the seemingly inevitable descent into character and sometimes even actor bashing. A lot of what I have seen is towards the character of TSJ and the actor Deng Wei, but it could be anyone/any character. It's all deplorable to me.

They have reduced themselves to cursing other now.  The fact remain XL is dead, Yaozjing went on their merry way.


They have reduced themselves to cursing other now.  The fact remain XL is dead, Yaozjing went on their merry way.

Good grief. While Lost You Forever will aways have a special place in my heart, I'm going to join Yaojing and sail away from the crazies. I'm also happy to join XL - hopefully, somewhere (in another world, another time) he's at peace.


Good grief. While Lost You Forever will aways have a special place in my heart, I'm going to join Yaojing and sail away from the crazies. I'm also happy to join XL - hopefully, somewhere (in another world, another time) he's at peace.

While they are angry and full of hatred in the mdl.  XL had given XY his blessing.    They are not accepting that the drama did not give them  what they have been preaching since s1 ,that  is the drama will sure change the ending . I guessed  TH  refused to have  the romance story to be change as well as the fate of the characters. 

I am glad these remained in the drama