He is doing it all by himself. I applause with consideration, cause I'm a mess when it comes to sewing lol!
You need 2 pairs of similar sized jeans. A pair of short jeans for the inside. You can connect permanently by sewing them together, or connect temporarily by using several dozens of small safety pins. They way how the outer layer folds down, i cannot tell whether he sewed them together or safety-pin connected together. If i were him, I would sew them together. His jeans are one and only…. I laughed really hard when i saw that picture. That was the happy pill of the day! Thanks again for posting it. My appreciation for DW went up a level for his creativity. ?
Yesssss thanksss for the details (^^)(^^). i suddenly remember the trend on Weibo again "DW is busy after work" and added he's goinh for another DIY, ripping his jeans and sewing them back together, he's cooking, washing his own clothes, and all that stuff one normally does at home, haha that was really funny, his diamonds are so funny and cute at the same time. Haha. But yess thanksss to them being there for him, taking and sharing photos of him so we can all enjoy and be inspired with.*\0/*(^^)