
( BB )....<3

see u♡

 Winny Aye:

rewatching her sweet cheek kiss scene ??

Shes so happy to touch his cheek with her lips...

yes he fell hard...

it felt like im seeing 2 cute bunnies...

Shes so happy to touch his cheek with her lips...

She does this to him and only him. That what confirmed to me that Jing was in her heart. 


Shes so happy to touch his cheek with her lips...

She does this to him and only him. That what confirmed to me that Jing was in her heart. 

Without any doubt...definetly...with all her actions and feels....

and how sweet she felt after touching  him or kiss...heheehe

Just passing by to say that, Jing will ALWAYS be XY’s heart & love, her love for him started when he was YSQ, even if she denies it,she knows it deep down in her heart. Yeah she may have love the other men but not as deep & as much as Jing cos he HEALED her, he was willing to give up everything for her,he didn’t care if he went back to being poor,even XY said I will still like him even if he goes back to having nothing(that made CX very jealous & envious lol). XY is willing to put her life on the line for CX cos she loves him dearly, but there’s 1 person she’d hurt CX for & guess who that is? Yup,you guessed right, TUSHAN JING!  XY not only threatened CX,but shot arrows at him & even poisoned him when she found out what CX did to Jing .  But then again, she didn’t give him a lethal dose,but rather on herself so that she can go be with Jing in the afterlife. XY would rather be alone on Jade Mountain as royal mother than be with another man.You think she’d do the same for the other men? Pfft ??. Okay, off to work ?.

Okay, off to work ?

Just sharing:

                                                                                VS (fanart) owners :D


I just saw what I saw, do we need any kind of confirmation?=>  nononono :) <3

Unless...I erase my own eyes...

And I wont because they please my eyes  <3

                                                                        Simple as that :D


Just sharing:

                                                                                VS (fanart) owners :D

ohhhh...The last picture ...????


Just sharing:

                                                                                VS (fanart) owners :D

Actually, it’s only right if he does a modern day gangster role like the fan art cos he’ll REALLY suit that role. He’s got the features

Actually, it’s only right if he does a modern day gangster role like the fan art cos he’ll REALLY suit that role. He’s got the features owner.

Yeah he would look sooo classy  :)! One meter 83 of pure class!

Bang!! Bang!! executing us :D

Illustrator name is  饱饱老师   :).

 饱饱老师    works on Deng Wei, and some LyF/XiaoJing related:


 饱饱老师    works on Deng Wei, and some LyF/XiaoJing related: 

Enjoy :)!


I just saw what I saw, do we need any kind of confirmation?=>  nononono :) <3

Unless...I erase my own eyes...

And I wont because they please my eyes  <3

                                                                        Simple as that :D



When we talk about the novel title (not drama one) , Eternally Missing You or Eternally Yearning You is used.Normally many fans think it either implied to Cang Xuan or Xiang Liu. But I think it also implies to Xiao Yao missing or yearning for Jing when he disappeared a month before their wedding date. I think that if he didn't come back , she will eternally yearn for him forever and a part of her will be dead.

Chapter 42
Xiao Yao said “Likely because I didn’t see it with my own eyes, everything doesn’t seem real. I feel like he will suddenly appear. How could someone just vanish like that? How come he didn’t say goodbye to me? I would rather he died in my arms, that we could say our last words to each other. But what’s this? One day I get his letter telling me to sleep early and not read late into the night, and the night day everyone says he’s gone. How’s that possible, I don’t believe it! Why didn’t he tell me anything? I hate him!” Xiao Yao screamed at the moon “Tu Shan Jing, I hate you!”


If the price to pay to not hurt is to forget you, then I would rather be in pain always so that you can live in my heart, until my life reaches its conclusion.

I’ve already put on my wedding dress and said my vows to the moon. From tonight forward, I am your wife!

Chapter 43
“If I don’t see his body then in my memory he will always be on the back of his crane smiling at me while pointing to the moon to say “At the next full moon, no matter if the moon is bright or dark, if people gather or part, I will be with you forever, never apart.” I likely am very stupid and very weak, I can’t believe that he’s dead and feel that he may come back at the next full moon.”


Xiang Liu said “The price is for you to stay alive! Even if Tu Shan Jing is really dead, you have to stay alive!”

Xiao Yao stared dumbstruck at Xiang Liu before her eyes went beyond him to stare at the limitless ocean horizon. A life that was long, a longing that had no end in sight……if she didn’t give up and stayed alive, what would that feel like? Probably like a dark night with no sunrise.

Chapter 44
Left Ear placed on in Xiao Yao’s hand and she said “When the weather is nice I’ll wash your hair, and you can wash my hair, Jing. Don’t forget to pluck the leaves in the morning dew.”

Xiao Yao smiled at the flower as the sun gradually set. Xiao Yao suddenly started crying “Jing, the flower is gone! I can’t see you anymore!” Her eyes were about to close and Left Ear suddenly felt that he could not let Xiao Yao sleep no matter what, otherwise she would never wake up again.

Xiao Yao’s eyes were staring into the distance and she said with a smile “Jing, you’re finally back!”

Zhuan Xu carried Xiao Yao onto the cloud carriage. Her body couldn’t move but her face was tightly pressed to his chest “Jing, I miss you so much, so much……..Don’t leave………don’t leave……..”

Xiao Yao listened to his firm beating heart and finally felt comforted. Jing was here! Jing was right beside her.

Chapter 49

Xiao Yao stared at the peach blossom forest and remembered when Jing proposed to her. It was on Cao Ao Peak on Sheng Nong Mountain, which didn’t have any peach blossom trees, but Jing knew her parents pledged their love under peach blossom trees so he used his power to conjure up thousands of miles of peach blossoms and as the petals rained down he nervously asked “Tu Shan Jing wishes for Xi Ling Jiu Yao’s hand in marriage.”

Xiao Yao reached out her hand and caught a few peach blossoms and smiled.

Yes she missed him till the end when she decided to become royal mother the last person she thought  about was still Jing. And this song Long love sickness sang by Yisa Yu represents her feelings for him during those times so well. Of course this song can apply to other characters as well. but for me at the moment , it applies to XY missing Jing the most and her despair during those times.
Do you agree?
I took the lyrics from Peachey Blossoms channel.  love how she put WXL and YSQ pic on the cover although comments are about others . lol
Long Love Sickness by Yisa Yu
I break the riddle of fate and look at the displacement of the world.
The fate of love follows suit and its hard to escape from.
I am outside of the world, lowering my eyesbrows and look only at my heart.
I don't listen or look, I guard my love and care about you.
Every night in the lonely moonlight,
The past rises like beacon smoke, and the memories are full of you.
I gather unruly uninhibited between heaven and earth.
In every moment of loneliness, missing it fills up, there is only you in the world.
Exchange pride and hold your hand for lifetime.
I send a heart farewell and want a return date; leave those endless date to time.
I send someone on a journey and I want to meet; I wait for a rain in those places where love sickness is endless.

@winny aye

None of those implies to those two men, how can she yearn or miss her cousin who hurt her or the other one?  I agree with everything you said. Those months,years that she thought Jing was “dead” , she STILL didn’t believe it & hoped he’d come back one day,that’s why yearning or missing you applies to him cos as she said, if me hurting just to keep you in my heart,that’s what I’d do rather than forget you cos I don’t want to forget you. She may have said she hated Jing,but she didn’t mean it, you know how women are,we say we hate you but it’s actually the opposite lol. She’d rather be a royal mother than move on from Jing. She’d rather be alone forever than be with another man, she’d rather be in pain than forget him(she was in pain during their breakup cos she couldn’t forget him). She even told CX that what if I never forget Jing? CX replied,I just want a little love from you, I’m not saying forget Jing cos I know you’d never forget him. Just look at how she blacked out when she got to Jing’s residence back in qingshui village, cos it had Jing’s scent everywhere. Compared to how she reacted when she found out the other guy died on the battlefield,that was nothing lol, so let people continue to be delusional. Oh, LYF refers to CX so in the end he lost XY, they never went back to how close they were cos of what he did. LYF is for CX not anyone else.

dropping by and staying here longer coz of longer break yessss---*⁠\⁠0⁠/⁠**⁠\⁠0⁠/⁠*