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@ Wynn Aye

Xiao Liu was in pain but by her speech. She was both happy and unhappy at the time. There was a mentioning she did not want to get hurt anymore. Because she might wish to hold on tightly to her man to get happiness. But then again she was scared to be left alone again. So she better not had anybody in life at all.

I agree. it is sad that Xiao Liu is not giving himself the chance/hope he craves so much for. He is letting his fear rule his life in a way.  This is what had prevented him to go  back home  to the Great Emperor when he could have done so long some ago .

@ Winny Aye

Actually the reason why she would not come to Haoling with Cang Xuan/Zhuan Xu will be discussed in chapter 9. It's more specific in novel than in drama. I was rewatching episode 1. No her mom did not tell her not to go to Haoling. But when two maids from Haoling coming to take her back from jade mountain. They talked so badly about her behind her back, including her mother adultery, that she ran away.

Yes, you are absolutely right, my misunderstanding, that's why a forum like this is so helpful...  sorry my bad...     At the time, I just started watching and since I never read any of the books, I was still quite confused about the "what", the "where" and the "who".     Thanks for correcting me...     By the way, I went back to see where I goofed and the conversation was between a mother and her daughter alright, BUT was actually between the Empress (Ah Heng's mom) and her daughter (Xiao Yao's mom)  NOT between Xiao Yao's mom and Xiao Yao...




Chapter 8

My Analysis Part 10

The jailers politely welcomed them out with a changed attitude, and even brought a stretcher to carry Xiao Liu gently. Shi Qi didn’t want them to touch Xiao Liu so picked her up and carried her out of the jail cell. It was midday outside and the sun was so bright it hurt Xiao Liu’s eyes and she quickly closed it.

Xiao Liu heard Zhuan Xu ask Shi Qi “How do you want me to treat you here. Ye Shi Qi or….”

Shi Qi’s answer was direct “Ye Shi Qi.”

Zhuan Xu said “Follow me.”

Xiao Liu opened her eyes and they were walking along the edge of the cliff. To the right was the vast ocean, waves and waves were pounding the black rocks. Xiao Liu suddenly felt her heart sense, she sensed someone was calling her. She said to Shi Qi “To the edge of the ocean.”

Shi Qi carried Xiao Liu down stone steps, through the forest, to the edge of the ocean. Standing on the cliff, Zhuan Xu didn’t stop them and instead silently followed behind.

Another set of waves rolled towards the cliff and as the blue waves rose higher and higher, at the top a white shadow rode the waves towards Xiao Liu. The white shadow stood steady on top of the wave, white robe and white hair, wearing a mask. He stood in the middle of the waves like a white lily, pure and untouched, extraordinary and beautiful.

All the servants rushed forward but Zhuan Xu stared in bemusement and asked “Xiang Liu, you want to kill me that much that you chased me all the way to Five Gods Mountain?”

Xiang Liu laughed “This time I’m not here for you, Prince.” He looked at Xiao Liu “You got your legs broken? What did you do that sent all the Gao Xing soldiers running around like headless chickens?”

Xiao Liu suddenly remembered that Xiang Liu had the bug in him so when her leg was broken, he must have felt it. Xiao Liu laughed “With my little measly ability? Nothing, it’s just a misunderstanding.”

Xiang Liu said “Underneath you is the ocean.”

Xiao Liu understood what he was saying. If she jumped into the ocean then Xiang Liu would take her away. But this was Five Gods Mountain, and the Gao Xing tribe had a lot of generals who were water-based powers. Xiang Liu could come and go if he was alone, but if he had to take another person along, it would be a death sentence. And if she left, what would happen to Shi Qi?

Xiao Liu smiled “Thank you, but I’d rather not owe you too many favors.” Xiao Liu said to Shi Qi “Go back.”

Shi Qi stepped off the rock and walked back. Xiang Liu merely smiled at Xiao Liu turning down his offer “Don’t forget, the debt you owe me, a dead person can’t repay it.”

Xiao Liu laughed “Don’t worry, I’m a coward, I’ll be around for you to collect.”

Xiang Liu’s eyes glanced across Shi Qi’s face and then landed on Zhuan Xu. He said “Farewell!” before disappearing in the waves. The servants wanted to give chase but Zhuan Xu said “No need, he came from the sea and he’ll leave from the sea. In the future, strengthen the guards along the edge of the mountain.”

Xiao Liu stared at the breaking waves on the jagged rocks and felt rather dazed. Xiang Liu traveled tens of thousands of miles, just to ask her two questions?

Xiang Liu and the Bug Connection

We can see that through their bugs connection, Xiang Liu could call on Wen Xiao Liu. He had travelled all the way to save her or get her. 

Probably it was late.

Wen Xiao Liu thought if he went with Xiang Liu. They probably could not escape. She could not believe he could beat Five God Mountain. And she thought about Shiqi, and thought about might happen to Shiqi. Wen Xiao Liu was stunned about Xiang Liu travelled all the way here and asked her those two questions. 

The way Xiang Liu looked at Zhuan Xu and Shiqi is something. I don't know. There's some feelings there. Could Xiang Liu probably know that those two men are important in Wen Xiao Liu's life?

Their bugs connection between them was acknowledged again. 

Xiang Liu was again described as being beautiful again. I wonder if it was Xiao Liu thinking or just the context! Nevertheless, Wen Xiao Liu had turned down Xiang Liu's offer to escape. If we could recalled Xiao Liu had said to Jing that she would rather die than to meet King of Gao Xing/Five Gods Mountains/Haoling. But did she say that just to test Jing/Shiqi? Probably. However, we all know she did not want to get back to Gao Xing. But right now the tone of the context is calmer. She probably was more reasonable. She suddenly did not want death to come.  Then she thought about how Shiqi would be if she left. (Actually, in Thai version, it's translated "what will Shiqi do if she left"). It surely showing her bond towards Shiqi that she did not want to leave too. (Showing concern).


when is  this in the novel? 

Actually I am not sure at all. I thought it was when they went to see her mom (at desert place)? ...But hehehe not sure at all. Only that it's a sweet scene and they were going somewhere.


Yes, you are absolutely right, my misunderstanding, that's why a forum like this is so helpful...  sorry my bad...     At the time, I just started watching and since I never read any of the books, I was still quite confused about the "what", the "where" and the "who".     Thanks for correcting me...     By the way, I went back to see where I goofed and the conversation was between a mother and her daughter alright, BUT was actually between the Empress (Ah Heng's mom) and her daughter (Xiao Yao's mom)  NOT between Xiao Yao's mom and Xiao Yao...




Yes...it happened to me as well. When I first started watching (not knowing of novels yet)., I don't know what the chaos are all happening ??...and why Cang Xuan's mom kill the guy, his uncle...and about this war at background ..it takes time to get into story... but at the same time..it is captivating. 

Yes holidays are starting. Today is my last day of work in 2023 too. 

Enjoy Time with Family ...

See You next year..



when is  this in the novel? 

 Winny Aye:

Actually I am not sure at all. I thought it was when they went to see her mom (at desert place)? ...But hehehe not sure at all. Only that it's a sweet scene and they were going somewhere.

S2 leaked images :) Will see! can't wait the story to unfold <3 

 Winny Aye:
Yes holidays are starting. Today is my last day of work in 2023 too.

Enjoy Time with Family ...

See You next year..





+ @ Peng, and all friends: Happy holidays Yes <3

*******************My wishes for 2024....the unfold of XiaoJing story... :)))!********************************

From @ Hani 7 Xiaojing collection <3

*******************************Xiao Yao and Tushan Jing hair care **********************************

 Winny Aye:
Chapter 8 

My Analysis Part 9

Please see the highlights. If I said anything wrong, of course you can point me out.

On my reply, will anwer winny <3


great analysis of the possible reasons Xiao Liu would have wanted to run away. I agree with them,

 Winny Aye:
Chapter 8

My Analysis Part 8

It's Just You and Me


************************** Dragon scene in Chapter 8***********************************************(ep.14)

  1. Symbols:
 Dragon Bone Prison: The prison itself symbolizes confinement and despair. However, for Shi Qi and Xiao Liu, it transforms into a unique space where they can share their deepest thoughts and feelings. It becomes a metaphorical cocoon for their emotional connection. 
Darkness and Silence: The darkness and silence within the prison are typically associated with death and despair. However, for Shi Qi and Xiao Liu, these elements create an intimate atmosphere where they can be vulnerable and open with each other. It symbolizes the contrast between the external appearance of their surroundings and the emotional warmth they share. 
Heartbeat: The heartbeat serves as a powerful symbol of life, connection, and intimacy. Shi Qi holding Xiao Liu while she listens to his heartbeat reflects their emotional closeness. It symbolizes the pulse of life within the seemingly lifeless environment of the prison.

          2. Tone:
 Intimacy and Warmth: The overall tone of the scene is intimate and warm. Despite being in a grim environment, Shi Qi and Xiao Liu find solace in each other's company. The tone is marked by a sense of emotional closeness and shared vulnerability.
Reflective and Contemplative: The characters engage in reflective and contemplative dialogue. They share personal stories, fears, and hopes. This adds a layer of depth to the tone, making it more introspective and philosophical. 
Romantic: The romantic undertones are evident in Shi Qi's declaration of wanting to spend a lifetime with Xiao Liu. The palm promise and the willingness to wait for each other contribute to the romantic atmosphere of the scene.

       3.Words and Language:
 Metaphors and Imagery: The language used includes metaphors and imagery that convey the depth of emotions. Phrases like "place of death" and "separated from the world’s enticements" create a vivid mental image, highlighting the stark contrast between their emotional world and the harsh reality of the prison.
 Poetic Elements: The prose includes poetic elements, especially when describing the impact of Xiao Liu on Shi Qi's life. Phrases like "In your eyes, I was still a man… a man who affected you" contribute to the emotional and poetic quality of the writing. 
Dialogue: The dialogue is crucial in revealing the characters' true selves. Shi Qi's admission of vulnerability and Xiao Liu's responses are characterized by a unique blend of humor, teasing, and sincerity. The dialogue captures the essence of their relationship. 

Overall Impression: The dragon scene in the prison is a poignant exploration of love, vulnerability, and shared intimacy. It transforms a seemingly desolate setting into a space where emotions flourish. The symbolism, tone, and language work together to convey the depth of Shi Qi and Xiao Liu's connection, making it a pivotal and emotionally charged moment in the narrative.
 It showcases the resilience of love in the face of adversity and the transformative power of genuine emotional connection.

=> Further:

1.Tushan Jing's Transformation:
Illusion of Perfection: Tushan Jing's initial identity is portrayed as an illusion of perfection. Born into wealth and talent, he was the prized child who garnered admiration from others. However, this perfection was shattered through years of torture and humiliation, revealing the vulnerability beneath the facade. 
Reborn Phoenix Metaphor: The imagery of Tushan Jing approaching the warmth of the sun despite expecting death symbolizes his rebirth. It signifies a new beginning, a chance to embrace life and love. The scars on his body and soul serve as a testament to his resilience and the transformative power of genuine care. 

*****Transformation and Rebirth:

  • Tushan Jing's journey from a tortured soul to Ye Shi Qi represents a transformation and rebirth. His ability to let go of hatred and embrace gratitude and love signifies personal growth. This transformation, rather than a sign of weakness, underscores his capacity for change and redemption.
                                                                        2.Gratitude and Taking Chances:
Development of Attraction: The story beautifully navigates the development of attraction between Ye Shi Qi and Wen Xiao Liu. Beyond the initial survival aspect, genuine feelings of romance and affection blossom. The gratitude Shi Qi feels for being reborn extends to the newfound emotions he experiences with Xiao Liu. 
Taking Chances on Love: Shi Qi's decision to take a chance on this growing affection is a poignant aspect. It reflects the human tendency to seek love and connection even in the most unexpected circumstances. The acceptance of what is offered with gratitude resonates with the theme of embracing opportunities for happiness. 

The Promise of an Entire Lifetime:

                                                                      3.Prison as a Paradoxical Haven: 
The prison, though imposed by Zhuan Xu, paradoxically becomes a haven for Shi Qi and Xiao Liu. The silence and darkness, typically associated with despair, create an environment for them to share their deepest emotions. The desire for this moment to last forever reflects the intensity of their connection.

 15-Year Promise: Shi Qi's promise to free himself from the loveless marriage and return to Xiao Liu after 15 years is layered with both passion and practicality. It's a commitment made in the heat of the moment, fueled by love, jealousy, and a genuine desire to be with Xiao Liu. The time frame adds an element of challenge and waiting, emphasizing the depth of his feelings. 
Sincere Challenge and Commitment: Imperfections and Insecurities: Shi Qi's imperfections and insecurities, stemming from his past and family ties, add depth to his character. His decision to take the first step toward love is a sincere challenge to himself and a commitment to Xiao Liu. It showcases vulnerability and a willingness to confront personal demons for the sake of love. 

****Commitment to Love:

  • Tushan Jing's promise to Ye Shi Qi is a commitment to love, and love is often associated with vulnerability. The willingness to wait 15 years and the sincerity in his words demonstrate a genuine desire for a meaningful connection. It takes courage to express such feelings, especially given his complex past.
Complexity of Romantic Love: The scene beautifully captures the complexity of romantic love. It's not portrayed as a pristine, saintly emotion but rather as a passionate, imperfect journey. Shi Qi's and Xiao Liu  jealousies, insecurty, and the emotional challenges they face make their love story more relatable and human. 

                                                   4.Relationship Between a Man and a Woman:
 Simplicity Amid Complexity: The mention of the relationship between a man and a woman being simplified in the prison setting highlights the purity of their connection. In the midst of life's enticements and entanglements, their relationship becomes a simple yet profound bond, stripped of external complexities. 
Heartbeat as a Symbol: 
The emphasis on listening to the heartbeat signifies the authenticity of their connection. It transcends words and external factors, becoming a symbol of the unspoken understanding between them. In conclusion, the dragon scene not only advances the romantic plot but also delves into the characters' vulnerabilities, desires, and the complexities of love. It beautifully navigates the transformation of Tushan Jing into Ye Shi Qi and the evolution of their relationship in the most unexpected of circumstances. The sincerity and commitment expressed in this scene lay a strong foundation for the emotional journey ahead.


*** As Ye Shi Qi is portrayed as a rising phoenix—symbolizing his rebirth, resilience, and transformation from the ashes of his past—then Wen Xiao Liu could be likened to the nurturing flame or the guiding force that facilitates Shi Qi's renewal and growth. While Shi Qi undergoes a process of rejuvenation and transcends his painful history, Xiao Liu plays a crucial role in providing the warmth, support, and care necessary for his emotional healing.

(Nb:You can relate to ch.6 THua co-relation of Tushan Jing/Yeshiqi and the Sun:https://mydramalist.com/discussions/lost-you-forever-season-2/119991-tushan-jing-and-xiao-yao-here-s-to-a-happily-ever-after&page=7?page=341- where the text of Jing's arrival, coinciding with the description of the bright sun, suggest that his presence brings light into Xiao Liu's life, possibly indicating a positive turn of events or a moment of happiness. Also the choice in that ch.6 scene between them, to add the blossoming flowers in the sun lighted yard. See even Tushan Jing first appearence out of his bandage in front of Xiao Liu......)

In this metaphorical sense:

  1. Phoenix (Shi Qi):

    • Represents resilience, rising from challenges, and a symbolic rebirth.
    • Embodies the transformation of Tushan Jing into Ye Shi Qi, shedding the old self and emerging stronger.
    • Experiences a rebirth not only in terms of personal growth but also in the realm of love.
  2. Nurturing Flame- The Blooming flower (Xiao Liu):

    • Symbolizes the supportive and nurturing element that enables the phoenix to rise.
    • Represents the emotional and caring presence that helps Shi Qi heal from his past wounds.
    • Acts as the loving force that kindles the flame of romance and passion in Shi Qi's renewed life. Express the fuel of her further grow/transformation (further in story).

Text extract: "Xiao Liu’s mouth was suddenly shut by Shi Qi’s hand. Xiao Liu struggled but Shi Qi wouldn’t release his hand. Finally Xiao Liu naughtily licked the center of his palm with his tongue and Shi Qi was like being hit with an electric shock and released him. Xiao Liu was also shocked by what he just did and his mouth was gaping open and his entire face was flaming red.]"

                                1+2 =  Loving Connection (It's Just You and Me):

  • Emphasizes the intimate and exclusive bond between Shi Qi and Xiao Liu.
  • Highlights the simplicity and purity of their relationship in the face of external challenges.
  • The phrase "It's Just You and Me" signifies the depth of their love and the unique connection they share, free from external entanglements.

  • In this  metaphor, the narrative not only portrays Ye Shi Qi's personal transformation but also explores the romantic dimensions of his connection with Wen Xiao Liu. Their love becomes an integral part of Shi Qi's rebirth, symbolizing the power of love to heal and rejuvenate the human spirit.

Together, they form a complementary relationship—a dynamic where one undergoes transformation and renewal, while the other provides the necessary conditions for that transformation to occur. "The phoenix and the nurturing flame-blooming flower" work in harmony to create a powerful and meaningful connection between themselves.

In Lost You Forever , XiaoJing's Love is Simplicity Amid Complexity:

  • In the complexity of their respective pasts and the challenges they face, the simplicity of "It's Just You and Me" captures the essence of their relationship.
  • The scene conveys that, even in the most complex and difficult situations, the purity of their connection remains unclouded.

******Tong Hua raw words resonates deeply=>

Authenticity and Intimacy:

  • Simple words often convey a sense of authenticity and raw emotion. In this intimate and vulnerable moment between Shi Qi and Xiao Liu, the use of uncomplicated language makes their exchange feel genuine and sincere.
Focus on Emotion:
  • The simplicity of the language allows the emphasis to be placed on the emotions and sentiments expressed by the characters. Readers can more readily connect with the feelings of gratitude, love, and vulnerability conveyed in the scene.
Clarity in Symbolism:
  • The symbolism in the scene, such as the phoenix metaphor and the contrast between life and death, remains clear and impactful due to the straightforward language. Complex words might have obscured the underlying messages.
Subtle Power of Simplicity:
  • In some cases, simple language can carry a subtle power that complex words might not achieve. The unadorned words used by the characters in this scene add a layer of authenticity and sincerity to their declaration
Universal Themes:
  • The use of simple language aligns with the exploration of universal themes such as love, rebirth, and resilience. These themes transcend linguistic barriers and resonate with readers on a fundamental level.

Reflecting Characters' Personalities:

  • Considering the personalities of the characters involved, Xiao Liu and Shi Qi, the choice of simpler language may align with their straightforward and genuine natures. It reflects their personalities and how they communicate with each other.
  • In essence, the decision to use simple language enhances the emotional impact of the scene, making it a poignant and relatable moment in the narrative. It allows readers to fully engage with the characters' emotions and the profound nature of their connection.



great analysis of the possible reasons Xiao Liu would have wanted to run away. I agree with them,

:D It's a list...the conclusion is the main part, thx Peng tried to cover the largest :)!

@Wynny Aye

"Graditute and Taking Chances
Tushan Jing was grateful to be reborn as Ye Shi Qi. In the last seven chapters, we could see the development of attraction between Ye Shi Qi and Wen Xiao Liu. If I was not spoiled before I would really have thought this story was a BL (Boy Love). After reviving the life, the human attraction and romance was also there for him. Probably at that moment he took what was offered to him with graditute and taking chances on this new growing feelings."

I love that you are pointing that Jing is like a reborn phoenix. indeed he is . What caught me in your analysis is that you are highighinbt the difference between Xiao `Liu and `Jing. . He is the one who is not scared to take the chance  that life is giving him. He is taking chances with his feeling. He is not scared to confess regardless of his disfigured   body.  I love this about him.  ~When Tu Shan Jing ewnats something he will do everything to get it. " This  was about his business skills. this now applies to love for the 1rt time  for `Jing.

the part in read is what Jing represent to Xiao Liu and to himself.  This is what we will see later on made `Xiao liu longed for him. 

you covered all well.