
I greet you all professors here ?? 


nahhhh....not professor ...just exploring story in more depth......and yeep...i think theres more to yaojing


Hey do you have something to add before I shape the ch2 ?

Nope, yall doing great sweetie ?

Lol someone replied to my YouTube comment saying xl gave one of his lives to Jing & a whole bunch of b.s. & I just rolled my eyes & laughed it off, cos I’m not in the mood to reply to airheads. It never stated anywhere in the novel of him giving one of his lives to Jing but rather it was XY’s blood that saved him. I’m still appalled by how people gloss over XY’s blood & are too focused on the other guy being a “demon in shining armor”?. But anywhooo, yall doing good on these analysis 


Nope, yall doing great sweetie ?

All is fine , hope for you too <3

                                  Chapter 2  - Overview and global exploration (with Drama visuals):

 "Harmony Amidst Chaos: Unraveling Bonds, Culinary Delights, and Echoes of a Mountain Ballad" 

Qing Shui Town: A Haven Amidst Chaos

The setting of Qing Shui Town serves as a captivating backdrop, the perfect  neutral ground where individuals from diverse backgrounds coexist. Despite the aftermath of the Sheng Nong Kingdom's destruction and the resistance led by General Gong Gong, the town emerges as a unique space of equality and cohabitation. This historical context enriches the narrative, shaping the dynamics of the region and contributing to the narrative of its characters. And their choices to remain there.

Xiao Liu and Ye Shi Qi's Journey: A Tale of Connection and Mystery

As Xiao Liu and Shi Qi embark on their journey into the mountains, their interactions reveal the depth of their relationship. Xiao Liu's initial attempt to send Shi Qi home demonstrates concern, but Shi Qi's determined silence hints at a more profound connection. The questions posed by Xiao Liu about Shi Qi's allegiance add an intriguing layer of mystery to Shi Qi's character.Also Xiao Liu resourcefulness and knowledge of the mountain's intricacies come to the forefront, portraying him not only as a healer but also as someone intimately connected to the natural world.  

Symbolism and Sentimentality: Culinary Elements and Xiao Liu's Care

The use of the word "sweet" to describe Xiao Liu's feelings toward Shi Qi adds sentimentality, suggesting that their companionship brings joy amid everydays concerns,and in the background the war's turmoil. Xiao Liu's caring actions, from creating a protective circle with herb powder to preparing a delicious meal, unveil a nurturing side to his character. Culinary elements, such as cooking chicken with mushrooms and plum wine, vividly enhance the scene, appealing to the senses. Sentimentaly tasty.

Dialogue and Emotional Depth: Concerns, Determination, and Elegance

The dialogue between Xiao Liu and Shi Qi deepens their connection, with Xiao Liu's concern for Shi Qi's well-being and the subtle mention of Shi Qi leaving one day adding emotional layers and hinting on his rising feelings. Shi Qi's determination to stay and his elegant manners contribute to the complexity of his character, creating a nuanced dynamic between them. Making Xiao Liu worrying he could leave even more.As they converse, the emotional depth of their relationship becomes more apparent. Xiao Liu's reassurance and Shi Qi's silent understanding create a poignant moment that speaks volumes about the unspoken bonds between them. It's a delicate dance of emotions, where concerns and determination intersect, giving rise to a unique and layered connection that forms the heart of their journey. 

As they converse, the emotional depth of their relationship becomes more apparent.  

Mystery and Danger: Xiao Liu's Courage and Selflessness

The scene where Xiao Liu ventures alone into the depths of the mountain introduces an element of mystery and danger. Xiao Liu's selflessness and courage, evident in his willingness to face later on potential threats for Shi Qi's safety, showcase the depth of their bond and emphasizing the lengths to which he is willing to go for the one he cares about. 

Poignancy and Foreshadowing: Sunlight, Scars, and Transience

The exchange between Xiao Liu and Shi Qi, highlighted by sunlight on Shi Qi's scar and the light sorrow in his eyes, adds a poignant touch. Xiao Liu's reassurance and Shi Qi's silent understanding contribute to the emotional depth. Also while singing to lure a jiujiu- the closing lines(, emphase the transient nature of waiting, create anticipation and foreshadowing, leaving room for curiosity about what might unfold next, especially considering how it resurfaces later in a different context during Xiao Yao's singing in Chapter 20.

Shi Qi's Diligence and Warmth: Adaptability and Connection with Creatures

Shi Qi's diligence and intelligence shine through, showcasing his adaptability and reliability. His assistance in various tasks, coupled with his exceptional memory, paints a picture of a capable companion. The charming scene where Xiao Liu tries to catch a Jiu Jiu adds warmth, revealing her soft-hearted nature,by helping out friends ,by releasing the creatures she wanted to capture. The use of a song to lure Jiu Jiu and Xiao Liu's interaction with the creature further emphasizes her connection with the natural world.

The Mountain Ballad: Poetic Atmosphere and Emotional Resonance

The later scene with Xiao Yao singing the mountain ballad brings a mix of emotions. Xiao Yao's vulnerability and the changed lyrics expressing her longing for a happy eternity with Jing add a poignant touch. The lyrics of the song, both in catching Jiu Jiu and later in the mountain ballad, create a poetic and emotional atmosphere. The repetition of the phrase "together forever, never apart" gains significance, echoing throughout the narrative, linking the past and present, especially considering how it resurfaces later in a different context during Xiao Yao's singing in Chapter 20.

(same song -ending lyrics changed)

                      Navigating Bonds: Analysis of Xiao Liu's Journey in "Lost You Forever" -Ch2

1: Adaptability and Strategies: 

Xiao Liu's journey commences with a display of remarkable adaptability. From her resourceful attempt to appear alluring to Ye Shi Qi in the soldiers barracks to the repetitive assertion of ownership, a subtle evolution in her attachment unfolds, hinting at a defense mechanism against potential threats.

"My lord! I am already your person! Those words caused all the soldiers at the base to grimace."

2: Loyalty and Patience to Ye Shi Qi:  

As a character Ye Shi Qi emerges characterized by unwavering loyalty and patience. His steadfast nature is emphasized through consistent reassurances to Xiao Liu, highlighting a resilient and caring character, but this time it's Xiao Liu who shows those characteristic, with humor.

"Shi Qi knelt down and Xiao Liu remembered that he didn't like to be touched... 'I'm sorry, I know you don't want to carry someone. You can imagine that I'm a rock... or you can imagine that I am a pig, a pig who speaks.'"

 3: Xiang Liu's Imposing Nature and Control:

 Xiang Liu's presentation introduces a theme of control.  The agreement made with Xiao Liu underscores this dynamic, contrasting sharply with Shi Qi's willingness to listen. These complexities turned out to deepen Xiao Liu's relationship to YeShiqi  inspired by the endangerment on them. Xiang Liu's intense gaze at Shi Qi triggers an interesting response from Xiao Liu, showcasing a possessive instinct. When she exclaims, "Don’t you get any ideas about him. He’s mine," Xiao Liu is claiming Shi Qi. This possessiveness may stem from a complex mix of emotions,  including a desire to assert her control after the traumatic experiences with Xiang Liu, eager to control/use her to make poison for him.

"Xiang Liu kept staring at Shi Qi, and Xiao Liu got nervous and actually grabbed Shi Qi’s face like a child would and yelled, 'Don’t you get any ideas about him. He’s mine.'"

4: Vulnerability and Solace: 

The term "forcibly peeled" is a powerful descriptor, signifying not only physical pain but also deep emotional distress. The word excruciating resonates with the trauma , deepening the contrast between the distressing physical pain she just endured , and the comforting present with Shi Qi. The contrast with Shi Qi's comforting gestures is poignant, as seen in the passage:

- "Shi Qi slowed down and turned to look at Xiao Liu, his lips touched Xiao Liu’s forehead. His hot breath brushed over Xiao Liu’s face." 

- This moment highlights Xiao Liu's need for solace.

"Perhaps it was because he was just tormented by Xiang Liu. Or because his hard shell that was forcibly opened wasn’t fully shut yet. Xiao Liu really craved this feeling of reliance and he closed his eyes and rested his head on Shi Qi’s shoulder and his head was pressed to Shi Qi’s neck. He was like a cat curled up against him..."

"Xiang Liu stared at him, and Xiao Liu didn’t dare to move... because the hard protective shell placed in the last tens of years got forcibly peeled open."

5: Relationship Dynamics: 

The desolate mountain scenes unveil a more domestic side to Xiao Liu and Shi Qi's relationship. Playful banter, Shi Qi's willingness to learn, and Xiao Liu's chattiness signify an evolving dynamic, offering a glimpse into their burgeoning connection.

"The days and nights in the mountains were very desolate... Xiao Liu grabbed Shi Qi to talk with him: everything under the sky they talked about. A delicious dish, a spectacular sunset... Shi Qi quietly listened to it all."


                                                      Exploration of Narrative symbols:

                                                                The Fragrance of Chicken:

  • Symbol: The chicken symbolizes sustenance and care.
  • Meaning: When Xiao Liu splits the chicken, it represents her nurturing nature. Giving the larger portion to Shi Qi reflects her concern for his well-being. The act emphasizes their relationship dynamics, with Xiao Liu in a caregiving role.

Quote: "A fragrant smell came wafting out. Xiao Liu split the chicken in thirds, one part went into the food bag, he gave Shi Qi the bigger remaining portion...

                                                                               Xiao Liu's Solo Journey:

  • Symbol: Independence and Self-Discovery.
  • Meaning: Xiao Liu's decision to go alone signifies her journey toward self-discovery. It represents her past solitude and her willingness to confront her fears. Shi Qi's insistence on accompanying her reflects his commitment and concern for her safety.

Quote: "Xiao Liu stood up and said, 'You stay here, I need to go find something alone.' Shi Qi didn't nod, where Xiao Liu went he also went."

                                                                          The Mountain Conversations:

  • Symbol: Emotional Connection and Bonding.
  • Meaning: Conversations in the mountains symbolize the deepening emotional connection between Xiao Liu and Shi Qi. The desolate setting emphasizes the solitude they share, fostering a unique bond. Xiao Liu's willingness to open up and share personal stories signifies trust and comfort.

Quote: "The days and nights in the mountains were very desolate... Xiao Liu grabbed Shi Qi to talk with him: everything under the sky they talked about."

                                                                         Xiao Liu's Imagined Scenarios:

  • Symbol: Coping Mechanism and Playfulness.
  • Meaning: Xiao Liu's imaginative scenarios, like imagining herself as a rock or a speaking pig, serve as a coping mechanism. They add a touch of playfulness to the narrative, reflecting her ability to find humor even in challenging situations.

Quote: "'I'm sorry, I know you don't want to carry someone. You can imagine that I'm a rock... or you can imagine that I am a pig, a pig who speaks.'"

                                                           Xiang Liu's Stare - The Phrase "He's Mine":

  • Symbol: Intimidation - Control-Amusement.
  • Meaning: Xiang Liu's intense stare represents his imposing nature and control over Xiao Liu. Her nervous reaction and protective behavior towards Shi Qi when confronted by Xiang Liu indicate a power dynamic. This symbolizes a threat and Xiao Liu's attempt to maintain control on what she cares. While he is amused by the scenery they offer.

Quote: "Xiang Liu kept staring at Shi Qi, and Xiao Liu got nervous and actually grabbed Shi Qi’s face like a child would and yelled, 'Don’t you get any ideas about him. He’s mine.'"

                                                                                   Xiao Liu -Same Phrase                                            

  • Symbol: Ownership and Attachment.
  • Meaning: The  assertion of "he's mine" by Xiao Liu signifies her growing attachment and ownership of Shi Qi. It can be seen as a defense mechanism against potential threats and  emphasizes the depth of her emotions for ShiQi.

Quote: "Xiang Liu kept staring at Shi Qi, and Xiao Liu got nervous and actually grabbed Shi Qi’s face like a child would and yelled, 'Don’t you get any ideas about him. He’s mine.'"

Both looks are perfectly synchronized:     it's a "WE" language. (again a simple manner to say much).



  • Xiang Liu (XL): The description of Xiang Liu as an ethereal and beautiful demon highlights his striking presence. His rough and imposing demeanor is reflected in his control over Xiao Liu, creating an intimidating atmosphere. "He stared at him and Xiao Liu didn’t dare to move, but the beads of cold sweat came down, and there were unshed tears in his eyes."
  • Ye Shi Qi (YSQ): Shi Qi's elegance and refinement stand in stark contrast. His sophisticated manners and gentle nature provide a sense of comfort. "Shi Qi knelt down, and Xiao Liu remembered that he didn't like to be touched, but right now there was no other way, so Xiao Liu carefully climbed on his back."

=>  Xiang Liu's control and need to use XY for his convinience (poisons craft)  - to reach his long settled goal-  that is way in the the opposite  spectrum of Xiao Liu's, they are foreshadowing all the potential conflicts to come for him. ,All the wrong timings (even realizing his feelings will come too late), highlight some of the in-control struggles in this relationship, - hinting for him an impossible emotional turmoil.

             "After investigating and confirming you are a citizen of Qing Shui Town and not a threat to the                           Sheng Nong army, you are free to leave."(ch.2)

=> YSQ: Ye Shi Qi's supportive nature and willingness to wait, positive and life loving inner nature (ch1) - foreshadow,  even in this moment we are covering,  a so much more positive  and possibly evolutive connection, that he symbolize the path towards healing - and a free path to extend, fertilized emotions.

"Shi Qi stood underneath the tree. There is no person who will wait for another for an entire lifetime."

In summary, the contrasting elements between Xiang Liu and Ye Shi Qi extend beyond physical appearances, encompassing emotional impact, power dynamics, and symbolic representations:

                          => While Xiang Liu opens  wounds, Shi Qi provides healing.

 Despite Xiang Liu's desire for dominance, Xiao Liu will maintains herself in control. Her will is sufficiently strong. ShiQi respects Xiao Liu's wishes, doesn't force compliance, and symbolizes a haven of safety. Their interactions reflect a balanced power dynamic that is evolving.

More over Xiao Liu have already dealed with agressor in her past, she perfectly knows how to dominate patiently the subject and patiently win over it, she  might even trigger responses related to her past experiences. Her agreement with Xiang Liu, though seemingly a result of coercion, could also be a strategic decision influenced by her past survival instincts.  Xiao Liu may eventually if needed, shift the dynamics of control and outplay it, setting her very boundaries clear. 


                                          A warm hearted CONCLUSION of this journey in Chapter2:

                                              Echoes of Connection Between Xiao Liu and Ye Shi Qi 

In the heart of the narrative lies Chapter 2, a pivotal juncture where the connection between Xiao Liu and Ye Shi Qi unfurls with poignant grace. As we delve into the intricate layers of their evolving relationship, the words echo with a promise and a profound understanding.

Xiao Liu's attempt to send Shi Qi away, veiled under the guise of concern, reveals  in a simple way the depths of her feelings. In her insistence that Shi Qi must eat and the subtle acknowledgment that he might leave one day, ot marry a beautifull lucky girl, we glimpse the vulnerability and complexity of her emotions. Shi Qi's unwavering determination to stay by her side, coupled with his elegant manners, paints a picture of a character with both strength and sensitivity: - "I am here" will he repeat over and over.

The scene where Xiao Liu embarks on a solitary journey into the mountain's heart introduces an element of mystery and danger. Here, Xiao Liu's courage shines brightly, his selflessness evident in the willingness to face potential threats for the sake of Shi Qi's safety. As Xiao Liu smears animal poop on his arm, showcasing his resourcefulness and knowledge of the mountain, a touch of humor is added to the narrative. Because that's who she is too.

Each dialogue shared between Xiao Liu and Shi Qi becomes a vessel for emotional depth. Xiao Liu's concern for Shi Qi's well-being is palpable, and the sunlight highlighting Shi Qi's scar adds a poignant touch to the narrative. As Xiao Liu reassures him and Shi Qi silently understands, the emotional connection deepens.

And when the narrative takes a tender turn as Xiao Liu tries to catch a Jiu Jiu. This charming and amusing scene showcases Xiao Liu's soft-hearted nature, especially in her dealings with creatures. The lyrics of the song used to lure Jiu Jiu create a poetic and emotional atmosphere, setting the stage for the evolving relationship between Xiao Liu and Shi Qi, fully bloomed in future chapters and episodes.

As the story unfolds, Xiao Liu's chattiness and willingness to share personal stories add a charismatic touch to her character. We learn more about her.  ShiQi listen gently to it all. In the midst of desolate mountains, the two characters engage in heartfelt conversations, revealing the warmth and depth of their growing bond.

The chapter's climax encapsulates the essence of Xiao Liu and Shi Qi's connection. As shown in the drama(ep4-5:56) :  

- "Just be yourself, I'll carry you," says Shi Qi, a declaration that transcends the physical act of carrying. 

In these words, there's a promise to embrace Xiao Liu with all her quirks and vulnerabilities. The smile that blossoms on Xiao Liu's face reflects not just happiness but the affirmation of a bond that surpasses the ordinary. 

In this chapter, Xiao Liu and Ye Shi Qi's relationship becomes a melody, each note resonating with care, courage, and the promise of companionship. As we witness these moments, we're drawn into a symphony of emotions, echoing the profound connection that binds them. Yes it is a duet!. Definitly.


Lol someone replied to my YouTube comment saying xl gave one of his lives to Jing & a whole bunch of b.s. & I just rolled my eyes & laughed it off, cos I’m not in the mood to reply to airheads. It never stated anywhere in the novel of him giving one of his lives to Jing but rather it was XY’s blood that saved him. I’m still appalled by how people gloss over XY’s blood & are too focused on the other guy being a “demon in shining armor”?. But anywhooo, yall doing good on these analysis 

Nope...xl giving life to Jing is a total misinfo.. Jing was a alive because of XY life medicine, and get strength to wake up from coma because of her blood. But i give all credits to Mr Demon  for arranging it behind the scene.But then I still find several misinfo from those side of fans (this does not apply to all that have different opinion and different fav character  ...XY using blood to heal is much less gloss demon using violence. And it's useless to argue with them because their head will be thinking just about how to make what they think is right rather than what the novel is written for. But can reply and debate to let some others to take account of our side info too but it depends on our time and mood.

Off to read Symbolika1 analysis ...♡

Last covering =>                    

                                      THE FUN/lighthearted EDITION of Ch.2 !:D

(as always...because Xiao Jing have the sens of humor too, even if it sound maybe less funny, because of some violent momentum...)

                                            "   TCHATTY Wounds & Sharing the punchline   "               

Our stage curtain rises as Xiao Liu attempts a comedic send-off to Shi Qi. Her concern for his safety is veiled in humor, setting the stage for the charming dance of emotions that unfolds. Will he still be there?.

Hold your breath as Xiao Liu, armed with courage and a hint of slapstick comedy, ventures solo into the heart of the mountain. Danger lurks, but fear not—our heroine faces it with a blend of intelligence and bravery. In the settled  battleground of danger, Xiao Liu's wounds become part of her quirky charm, a very proof of her courage amidst the chaos. Like badges of courage and bravado in the face of adversity.  

The dialogue between Xiao Liu and Shi Qi becomes an emotional stage, perfectly lit by the sunlight highlighting Shi Qi's scar among the forest trees and Xiao Liu's new wounds. Picture it as the ideal lighting for a dramatic scene, with a twist of humor and a dash of heartfelt connection.

In the desolate mountains, Xiao Liu's chattiness takes center stage. Heartfelt conversations reveal warmth and the depth of their bond, akin to tuning in to a podcast of epic adventures. Little do they know, danger lurks around the corner, ready to add an unexpected punches to their journey.

And now, the grand finale—the moment that might bring a smile to your face... Shi Qi's declaration:

 "Just be yourself, I'll carry you,transcends  the rising romance to become a proclamation with a touch of whimsy... Imagine Shi Qi, the unexpected hero in this comedy of errors, ready to carry Xiao Liu through life's ups and downs. Forget relationship goals! we've got partnership backpacking!.

                                                                                We got the We-Backpack

Chapter 2 unfolds, with Xiao Liu and Ye Shi Qi's relationship providing a fresh perspective in every interaction. So, gear up for laughter, spices of danger, and perhaps a sigh of relief because, in this whimsical tale, where  even facing adversity comes with a side of unexpected joy to be shared with the one you piggyback the most...--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------


Perfect !

Yes ..its edited a lot...i will be rereading...♡


love these really capture it..

Love this conversation sounds like he's confessing...just be her authentic self... 


Perfect !

Thank you :D

 Winny Aye:
Love this conversation sounds like he's confessing...just be her authentic self... 

******Some more thoughts on this scene: 

  1. Acceptance of Vulnerability:

    • Shi Qi's statement carries a profound message of acceptance. By telling Xiao Liu to be herself, he encourages her to embrace her vulnerabilities and scars. This moment becomes a symbolic embrace of Xiao Liu's entire self, both physically and emotionally wounded.
  2. Symbolism of Piggyback Ride - A Protective Gesture:

    • The act of piggybacking is not merely a physical action but a symbol of protection and support. Shi Qi, by carrying Xiao Liu, communicates that he is there to shield her from harm and offer a figurative refuge.
  3. Healing through Connection:

    • Following the trauma inflicted by Xiang Liu, Shi Qi's offer to carry Xiao Liu becomes a healing balm. It signifies the power of human connection to mend emotional wounds. In this moment, Shi Qi becomes a source of solace and comfort.
  4. Narrative Contrast - Xiang Liu vs. Shi Qi(ch.2):

    • The scene draws a compelling narrative contrast. If Xiang Liu represents a force that inflicts pain and emotional distress, Shi Qi emerges as the antithesis—a healer who mends and provides sanctuary. The contrast between the two underscores Xiao Liu's journey from darkness to light.
  5. Emphasis on Xiao Liu's Authenticity:

    • Xiao Liu's response, "I am myself," is a declaration of self-affirmation. It signals a departure from any pretense or facade. In Shi Qi's presence, she finds a space where she doesn't need to hide, portraying a pivotal step in her character development.
  6. Building Further Emotional Intimacy:

    • The moment contributes to the gradual building of emotional intimacy between Xiao Liu and Shi Qi. It's not just about physical proximity but the shared emotional space they are creating, fostering a connection that transcends the surface.
  7. Foreshadowing of Relationship Dynamics:

    • This scene may foreshadow the dynamics that will define Xiao Liu and Shi Qi's relationship. Shi Qi's willingness to carry her, both physically and emotionally, sets the stage for a relationship built on mutual support, understanding, and a genuine connection that goes beyond superficial appearances.

In essence=>  this pivotal scene is a microcosm , concentré, reflecting the series' core values—

a testament to the belief that authentic connections, acceptance, and healing have the power to transform lives, especially when faced with the shadows of a traumatic past events. It emphasize  the transformative impact of genuine connections -love-hope-care  , on individual's emotional and physical well-being. 

 Winny Aye:
Yes ..its edited a lot...i will be rereading...♡

Thank you Winny! <3