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@Wynny Aye

"One have to understand that the love between Ye Shi Qi and Wen Xiao Liu is like first love, there is passion. Ye Shi Qi was not flawless. He had his own insecurities, because of his imperfections and family ties, and he was taking this chance for himself to be with her, and so that she would not disappear from his life. In the last couple chapters , he had seen her trying her best to get away from him. (Yes, he also knew he had possible rival). That is why I take this action as a sincere challenge and call out from a man in love. (One has to admit jealousy is common in couple when one is likely to go out with another? Or at least feeling you wish your partner doesn't go with another ? I am say to get a clear view of romantic&passionate love, that is not pure saint love. There's many kind of love). Because everything had exception. Sometimes in emotion matters, right or wrong were not as it seems. The wrong can be right and the right can be wrong. Surely the love between Xiao Jing is commitment. By revealing all about himself, Jing surely is commiting to her. He understands her that he needs to take this first step. Because Wen Xiao Liu would not initiate  this chance even if she really wanted it. The tone that was written in the scene, both of them calming. It's surely is not one sided from Ye Shi Qi.
Because of the phrase here, "Shi Qi quietly held Xiao Liu and Xiao Liu quietly listened to his heartbeat. In this place of death, separated from the world’s enticements and entanglements, it made the complicated relationship between a man and a woman so very simple. It was just him and her. Xiao Liu suddenly felt right being here and that was calming."
There is a mentioning of " relationship between a man and a woman" when separated from the world. It is just him and her. By hearing Ye Shi Qi's heartbeating, Xiao Liu was calming. All in all, this promise was heartfully made and accepted by both parties."

 good points here.

this is indeed Xiao Liu and Jing 1rst love as a man and a woman. I. totally agree with you. Jing has his insecurity and there is nothing wrong in  him asking that for 15 years Xiao Liu does not let another person in her heart. He himself does not have another in his heart.    And yes WXL agreed to the promise   understanding what it involved.  For the 1rst time she made a promise to someone knowing fully what she had to do before accepting it. She was not threatened  at all , nor physically abused,  nor forced to agree to the promise.  Jing did not withhold information from her.  he had "laid everything on the table " so to speak and had let Xiao Liu make her own decision. I love this about him.  

for the 1rst time she made a promise to someone knowing fully what she had to do before accepting it. She was not threatened  at all , nor physically abused  nor forced to agree to the promise.  Jing did not withhold information from her.  he had laid everything on there take so to speak and had let Xiao Liu make her own decision. I love this about him.  

100 % Clear.

@Wynny Aye

"We can see that through their bugs connection, Xiang Liu could call on Wen Xiao Liu. He had travelled all the way to save her or get her.

Probably it was late.

Wen Xiao Liu thought if he went with Xiang Liu. They probably could not escape. She could not believe he could beat Five God Mountain. And she thought about Shiqi, and thought about might happen to Shiqi. Wen Xiao Liu was stunned about Xiang Liu travelled all the way here and asked her those two questions.

The way Xiang Liu looked at Zhuan Xu and Shiqi is something. I don't know. There's some feelings there. Could Xiang Liu probably know that those two men are important in Wen Xiao Liu's life?

Their bugs connection between them was acknowledged again.

Xiang Liu was again described as being beautiful again. I wonder if it was Xiao Liu thinking or just the context! Nevertheless, Wen Xiao Liu had turned down Xiang Liu's offer to escape. If we could recalled Xiao Liu had said to Jing that she would rather die than to meet King of Gao Xing/Five Gods Mountains/Haoling. But did she say that just to test Jing/Shiqi? Probably. However, we all know she did not want to get back to Gao Xing. But right now the tone of the context is calmer. She probably was more reasonable. She suddenly did not want death to come.  Then she thought about how Shiqi would be if she left. (Actually, in Thai version, it's translated "what will Shiqi do if she left"). It surely showing her bond towards Shiqi that she did not want to leave too. (Showing concern)."

nice catch here. XL  did came later. He has the bug connection now. so he  must have known instantly her pain when her leg was broken. I wonder where he was and how far. 

I like that she turned down his offer to escape. for me it showed that she was maybe ready to face grand emperor while caring about the safety of the SQ, XL as well.

Regarding Xiao Liu calmness now, I think maybe because Jing is  now be by her side  so she will not be alone and he will offer her emotional support if she needs? 

I like that you caught this shift in Xiao  Liu behaviour . 

(Actually, in Thai version, it's translated "what will Shiqi do if she left"). It surely showing her bond towards Shiqi that she did not want to leave too. (Showing concern)."


"Pain makes me hope for escape,"Xiao Liu is not just referring to the pain like when she was with the 9 tails fox but to the pain due not his feeling of longing and hope hence he want to escape it by running away, be free from it. I also think  he is referring the the physical pain he had suffered by Xiang Liu. ( there is a lot of things Xiao Liu does not know about the bug). Xiao Liu has before said to himself that he was tired of the pain inflicted by Xiang L   when Xiang L used him to hurt Xuan and at other instance he had implied as much.

This is very true. I haven't touched on this subject yet. Because I could not explain it so far how Xiang Liu and Wen Xiao Liu bond started except that it's trauma that get into healing form. But yep you did it here. I guess that when this unknown Xiang Liu appear, her fear came, and her current troubles sort of faded away for that moment. Besides i guess it supports her fight to survive.  

Xiao Liu is forgetting that Tian 'er 1rst gave the chance to herself  to be saved hence why he Xiao Liu was able to help her.  Xiao  also is forgetting that when he had been captured by the fox years ago, he gave himself the chance to  free himself . No one help them both `tian'er and him 1rst. Xiao Liu  rather hide in his shell than  help himself because he has suffered a lot already and does not want to suffer anymore ( abandonment issue here and physical pains ).  Xiao Liu is forgetting that nothing in life comes free. One has to give himself a chance.  for example he had to kill the 9 tails fox to be free. He had to do it himself.  WXL is as far as `I see his own worse enemy so to speak because he does not give himself chances / hope anymore. 

Tian Er torment and hers are not the same. I guess that Xiao liu had found more ups and downs that WXL is more afraid. 

I like that you caught this shift in Xiao  Liu behaviour . 
                                                                Xiao Liu - shift moment analysis: 

Let's try to dig this point....trying to understand her motives and behavior shift.
There is a significant Xiao Liu's shift in behavior, particularly her decision to turn down Xiang Liu's offer to escape, reflects a nuanced evolution in her character and priorities. 
Key aspects of this shift:

  1. Testing Jing/Shi Qi:
Xiao Liu's earlier statement about preferring death over returning to Gao Xing could have been a strategic test, a way to gauge Jing/Shi Qi's reaction and commitment. By refusing Xiang Liu's offer, she demonstrates a more reasoned and measured approach, indicating that her initial declaration might have been a tactic to assess the depth of Jing/Shi Qi's feelings for her....
  1. Calmer Tone:
The calmer tone in the current scene context suggests a certain level of acceptance and pragmatism. Xiao Liu might have realized that an impulsive decision to embrace death is no more a solution. The presence of Jing/Shi Qi has likely influenced this shift, providing her with emotional support and altering her perspective on facing challenges. 
  1. Concern for Shi Qi:
The mention of Xiao Liu thinking about how Shi Qi would fare if she left underscores a deepening bond and concern for his well-being. This shift in focus from her own fate to Shi Qi's reflects a growing emotional connection and a willingness to prioritize the safety and happiness of her loved one.
  1. Xiang Liu's Bug Connection:
With Xiang Liu having the bug, he instantly feels her pain when her leg is broken. This connection might have influenced her decision to reject Xiang Liu's offer, as escaping with him could endanger Shi Qi. It showcases her consideration for the potential consequences of her actions on the one she cares about. She could have left. She choose Yeshiqi.

  1. Emotional Support from Shi Qi/Jing:
The presence of Shi Qi/Jing by her side likely contributes to Xiao Liu's newfound calmness. Tushan Jing/Shi Qi is like as a stabilizing force, influencing her to approach challenges with a clearer mindset and a willingness to confront rather than evade.

In summary:  Xiao Liu's shift in behavior can be attributed to a combination of factors=> her testing of Jing/Shi Qi's commitment, a calmer and more reasoned outlook, a deepening concern for Shi Qi's well-being, the immediate connection with Xiang Liu through the bug upset her for Shiqi, and the emotional support provided by Jing/Shi Qi. It's show the evolution of Xiao Liu's character, portraying her as someone who navigates challenges with a quick strategic thinking, emotional depth, and a growing understanding of the importance of her relationship with Yeshiqi.

(draft cause it's late! )

Chapter 8 

Part 3- Dragon's  Bone prison - the crucial steps  in their journey to forever never parting.

 Jing and Xiao Liu have been put in the drago's bones prison.

[The cell door closed and Xiao Liu crawled over to Shi Qi, hitting him a few times angrily before snuggling by his side. It was pitch black in the cell and Xiao Liu closed his eyes as he felt the waves of pain from his leg hit him. Gradually he also passed out from the pain.
When Xiao Liu woke up, he didn’t know how much time had passed but he felt someone holding his hand. He moved and heard Shi Qi “Xiao Liu, you’re awake?
“Yup, I’m in pain for laying too long.”
Shi Qi sat up and wanted to help Xiao Liu up but touched his leg and Xiao Liu yelped in pain. Shi Qi held him “You’re hurt?”
“My legs.”
Shi Qi felt Xiao Liu’s legs and the pain lessened but Xiao Liu quickly said “You’re also injured, don’t use your powers.”
Shi Qi ignored him and touched the other leg and Xiao Liu yelled “Be good!”
Shi Qi said nothing and after he touched the legs Xiao Liu felt the pain lessen a lot. 
Shi Qi helped Xiao Liu up AND let him rest on his shoulder to be more comfortable. Shi Qi asked “You don’t want to see the Grand Emperor, is it because he will kill you if he sees you?”
Xiao Liu understood that Shi Qi was not trying to probe but needed to know what the Grand Emperor would do to Xiao Liu so that he could think about the right plan for now that would ensure Xiao Liu’s safety. Xiao Liu was silent for a moment then said “He won’t kill me.”]

{meaning of to snuggle by someone side: 

to lie or press closely, as for comfort or from affection; nestle; cuddle: When I wake up early, the children will often come and snuggle beside me when they hear me moving.

SNUGGLE Definition & Usage Examples - Dictionary.com

https://www.dictionary.com › browse › snuggle}

Xiao Liu tried to wake Shi Qi  up, but was angry that he could not. This shows that though  angry,  he is worried about Jing.  Xiao Liu end up nestling close to him. He is now comfortable  with Jing and has accepted him as his  support, his comfort. There is a level of intimacy that  it is  important to note because it  has  been initiated by  Xiao Liu himself just  it like earlier on in  this chapter.  Jing did not force  this on Xiao Liu before and  here Jing was unconscious.  Xiao Liu, then  gradually passed out due to the pain  from his broken legs.   I ended up disliking what Zhuan Xu did here.  I understand Xiao Liu transgression but it still pains me because not long ago, Zhuan Xu wanted to consider Xiao Liu as his first friend  and we saw earlier on Xiao Liu has  surrendered  himself. 

 Xiang Liu has the  voodoo bug now, he must have been feeling Xiao Liu's  pain the moment his legs got broken.  I am assuming that a few hours have passed  from that moment till now. Where is he?  I know he never explained why he took he bug in the first place but  is he not worried? After all Xiao Liu is his personal medicine and  he cares about him.   Then again why should he  be?  We know that Xiang Liu  only comes on his own terms aka when he wants something from  Xiao Liu, when  Xiao Liu calls him ( he did this once) and when Jing asked him to help saving Xiao Liu from  Xuan prison.   We see that Shi Qi did   everything within his power to  lessen Xiao Liu's  pain even  at  the expense of the  little power he has left, at the expense of his own well being. In order to achieve  this, he did not listen  to Xiao Liu words as he had  promised in chapter 1. 

 Xiao Liu showed here that he knows Shi Qi's behaviour very well and that he is not asking the question because he is curious but because he needed to plan  to ensure Xiao Liu safety.  This  quality has been demonstrated in thus far  by Tu Shan Jing.  I guess since he is dressed as Shi Qi, he is therefore Shi Qi.  Regardless of   him being Ye Shi Qi or Tu Shan Jing,  his personality is the same, he never pries.  Xiao Liu admitted  that the grand emperor will not harm him.   One cannot help but wonder why then was he so categoric about  in his refusal to meet say emperor. (We know why since the drama of course).

[Xiao Liu laughed “I don’t want to see the Grand Emperor for a different reason. Shi Qi, don’t worry about me, I stake my life on it that the Grand Emperor won’t kill me!”
Shi Qi could tell Xiao Liu was being serious so relaxed. Xiao Liu couldn’t help but secretly smile, every person must feel happy to have another worried about their welfare.
Shi Qi quietly held Xiao Liu and Xiao Liu quietly listened to his heartbeat. In this place of death, separated from the world’s enticements and entanglements, it made the complicated relationship between a man and a woman so very simple. It was just him and her. Xiao Liu suddenly felt right being here and that was calming.
Xiao Liu said “How about we never leave here.”
“What’s fine?”
“It’s fine staying here.”
“What’s fine about it?”
Just you. And me.”
Xiao Liu laughed knowing that Shi Qi also understood
There was so much that made life complicated purely due to circumstance. The old married couple living in the far off secluded mountains, they were actually the envy of so many who live glamorous lives of conflict.
Xiao Liu askedShi Qi, are you so good to me because you are repaying a debt?”
Shi Qi’s body stiffened and he said nothing for a long time. Xiao Liu was leaning on him so could feel his heart beating so fast it might burst out of his chest. Xiao Liu casually added “I saved you, let you stay for 6 years, and now you’ve done everything and more for me. When we get out, we’re really even. You don’t need to worry anymore, I will never go ask you for anything and get you in trouble. I promise to stay far far away from you……”
Xiao Liu’s mouth was suddenly shut by Shi Qi’s hand. Xiao Liu struggled but Shi Qi wouldn’t release his hand. Finally Xiao Liu naughtily licked the center of his palm with his tongue and Shi Qi was like being hit with an electric shock and released him. Xiao Liu was also shocked by what he just did and his mouth was gaping open and his entire face was flaming red.]

These are the  important  effects of Jing having pass the test  had on Xiao Liu.  This is  where the shift  in Xiao Liu's behaviour  takes full effect. This where their relationship officially start and we see why in the red highlighted part in the extract above and tin part 4  as we progress:  

1- We are witnessing Xiao Liu  smiling whilst admitting to himself that it is nice to have someone worried about ones well being = it is nice that Jing is worrying about his well being . 

2- In the this place of death, way from  the worries and burden  of the world and their life, it is just them  :  Shi Qi and Xiao Liu.  Their relationship looks so easy and simple  there as a man and a woman. They are sharing an intimate moment as Shin Qi is holding Xiao  Liu close to his chest:  whilst being held by Shi Qi,  Xiao Liu is quietly listening  his heartbeat . The writer is showing us that they do not need the help / use of an external factor  to connect .  Xiao Liu longes for her Shi Qi and Shi Qi longes for his Xiao Liu.  

"Xiao Liu felt right being there and it was calming". Here is not only  referring to  where they are but mostly to `Xiao Liu being in Jing arms.  It felt right for Xiao Liu to be there and it is bringing him a feeling of calmness. He proceeded to ask Shi Qi if they stay there (in that moment as they are) and never leave=forever. Shi Qi agrees. Xiao Liu wants to make sure that Jing understand  what he meant  to with he replies " Just  you and I".Xiao Liu is happy that Jing understood him. No explanation needed.  The communication is clear between them and does not need much words. They both wants the same thing : to be together and  without worry and care  only about each other in a quiet  and simple place,  free from obligations, duties, family back ground.  they would grow old being the envy of all though they would not have much.

Xiao Liu shared his fear about why Shi Qi is treating him  with so much TLC (tender loving care). This fear has been there as we saw in previous chapters.  Xiao Liu explain himself further in a casual way . Here we see him again trying to pull himself away after having stated what he wants a few moments ago' He  makes a promise  :" I promised to stay far far away from you" .  We know it is  actually the opposite of what Xiao Liu really want.( see red in the  extra and bold in my analysis). Again we see that Xiao Liu is again trying to deny himself due to his fear abandonment.  He knew that what he was saying was affecting Shin Qin very much. He could feel  how fast  Shi Qi's heart was beating.  Shi Qi stopped him from saying any  further "none-sense ", shutting him up by placing  his hand on his lips. When Xiao Liu   tried to free himself but could not, he proceed to  do an  intimate/ sexual act  as a tease : he naughtily licked the centre of Shi Qin palm with his tongue.  This is beautiful because  it was not plan, it was an authentic reaction revealing his feeling for Shi Qi.  He wanted to taste Shi Qi and did so. Xiao Liu automatically blushed intensely. and was chocked by what he did.    This naughty act from Xiao Liu made  Shi Qi  feel  like  he received an electric chock. This tells us that the feeling between the is ELECTRIFYING .

Here is my  2 cents . hope e you enjoy.

Overall Impression: ...
All the points you made here made me feel happy somehow. When things seem not so right, it can be so right. One just need to step into it. Yes, I'm meaning 15 years promise here. It is mutual challenge deal from both of them.
And..i love this phoenix picture .

his entire face was flaming red.

Here is the full methaphor of TH Phoenix and the Burning Flammed Bloom , in action => Flaming red <3

Xiao Liu asked “Shi Qi, are you so good to me because you are repaying a debt?”
Shi Qi’s body stiffened and he said nothing for a long time. Xiao Liu was leaning on him so could feel his heart beating so fast it might burst out of his chest. Xiao Liu casually added “I saved you, let you stay for 6 years, and now you’ve done everything and more for me. When we get out, we’re really even. You don’t need to worry anymore, I will never go ask you for anything and get you in trouble. I promise to stay far far away from you……”
Xiao Liu’s mouth was suddenly shut by Shi Qi’s hand. Xiao Liu struggled but Shi Qi wouldn’t release his hand. Finally Xiao Liu naughtily licked the center of his palm with his tongue and Shi Qi was like being hit with an electric shock and released him. Xiao Liu was also shocked by what he just did and his mouth was gaping open and his entire face was flaming red.]


                                              A Dance of Elements: Symbolism and Transformation

Introduction: The selected passage unfolds as a nuanced dance between the characters Xiao Liu and Shi Qi, intertwining elements of symbolism and transformation. This analysis will explore the literary devices employed by the author to convey the intricate dynamics between the phoenix (Jing) and the burning flame (Xiao Liu).

1. Symbolism of the Phoenix (Jing):

  • Stoicism and Silence: Shi Qi's initial reaction of stiffening and maintaining a prolonged silence reflects the regal and stoic qualities often associated with the phoenix. This mythical bird is renowned for its resilience and ability to rise from the ashes, mirroring Shi Qi's internal strength.

  • Heartbeat as an Ember: Xiao Liu's perception of Shi Qi's rapid heartbeat as akin to smoldering embers within the phoenix's heart adds depth to the symbolism. The heartbeat becomes a metaphorical flame, suggesting passion, determination, or an unspoken intensity within Shi Qi.

2. The Burning Flame (Xiao Liu):

  • Curiosity and Doubt: Xiao Liu's inquiry into Shi Qi's motivations introduces an element of doubt, mirroring the flickering nature of a flame. Flames can be unpredictable, symbolizing Xiao Liu's curiosity about the depth of Shi Qi's feelings and actions.

  • Promise as Self-Sacrifice: Xiao Liu's promise to "stay far far away" presents itself as an act of self-sacrifice, akin to a flame willingly extinguishing itself. This gesture reflects the dual nature of fire, embodying both warmth and potential danger, as she test his temperature.

3. Playful Interaction as Elemental Dance:

  • Unpredictability and Playfulness: Xiao Liu's unexpected act of licking Shi Qi's palm introduces an unpredictable and playful element, reminiscent of the capricious nature of fire. Flames can dance and change direction unexpectedly, symbolizing the unpredictability in their relationship.

  • Electric Shock as Surging Energy: The description of an "electric shock" signifies a surge of energy or connection between Xiao Liu and Shi Qi. This sudden yet charged interaction adds intensity to their dynamic, paralleling the spark that ignites a flame.

4. Facial Expression and Transformative Symbolism:

  • Blushing and Shocked Expression: Xiao Liu's blushing face and shocked expression symbolize a transformative quality, much like the dual nature of fire. Flames can represent both destruction and renewal, capturing the complexity of emotions in this moment.

5. Elemental Harmony:

  • Intertwining of Elements: The passage harmoniously weaves together the symbolism of the phoenix and the burning flame, creating a metaphorical dance of elements. This dance signifies the intricate, passionate, and transformative nature of Xiao Liu and Shi Qi's relationship.

Conclusion: In crafting this passage, Tong Hua masterfully employs symbolism and metaphor to convey the rich dynamics between Xiao Liu and Shi Qi. The phoenix and flame become powerful symbols, embodying resilience, passion, unpredictability, and transformation in the deep characters core.



ZOOM IN TEXT FURTHER -> The center of the Dancing elements (Jing/Xiao Liu inner metaphor): 

"Xiao Liu....naughtily licked the center of his palm with his tongue and Shi Qi was like being hit with an electric shock and released him. Xiao Liu was also shocked by what he just did and his mouth was gaping open and his entire face was flaming red. "

                                   ...this is very visual and sensual, and metaphoricly sexual.

1. Sensuality and Intimacy:

  • Tactile Sensation: The act of licking involves a direct and intimate form of contact, engaging the sense of touch. Xiao Liu's use of his tongue to interact with Shi Qi's palm creates a sensory and tactile connection, intensifying the intimacy between the characters.

  • Electric Shock Imagery: The description of Shi Qi's reaction as being "hit with an electric shock" amplifies the sensory impact of the moment. Electric shocks are known for their sudden and intense nature, emphasizing the surprising and charged quality of the interaction.

2. Metaphor for Connection:

  • Symbolism of Licking: In various cultures, licking is associated with bonding, trust, or even submission. In the context of this passage, Xiao Liu's act of licking becomes a symbolic gesture of forging a deeper connection with Shi Qi. It transcends mere physical contact and hints at an emotional or spiritual intertwining.

  • Center of the Palm: The choice of the "center of his palm" as the focal point for this gesture adds specificity and significance. The palm is associated with touch, strength, and connection. By focusing on the center, the author emphasizes a concentrated point of connection and a metaphorical center of emotions.

  • Metaphor for Emotional Connection: The palm, being at the center of the hand, can be metaphorically linked to the emotional core of an individual. Xiao Liu's touch  represent an attempt to reach Shi Qi emotionally, transcending the barriers of words.

  • Shared Vulnerability: The center of the palm is also a sensitive area, and by touching it, Xiao Liu exposes a degree of vulnerability. This vulnerability can be seen as a bridge to deeper emotional connection, as both characters reveal a part of themselves in this moment.

3. Playfulness and Unpredictability:

  • Naughty Playfulness: The descriptor "naughtily" infuses an element of playfulness into the scene. It suggests a lighthearted, mischievous quality in Xiao Liu's actions, highlighting the unpredictable and spontaneous nature of their interaction. We knew her overall playfull character, now we can read thanx to Tong Hua, her physical naughty playfulness.                             "Xiao Liu naughtily licked the center of his palm with his tongue"

  • Unexpected Reaction: Shi Qi's response, likened to being hit by an electric shock, reflects the unexpected nature of Xiao Liu's actions. The metaphorical electric shock symbolize the jolt of realization or awakening, introducing an element of surprise and heightened emotion. It's funny here to use a modern word. Feel like a time warp :D An explosion...                                Shi Qi was like being hit with an electric shock and released him.

4. Symbolic Flames and Passion:

  • Flaming Imagery: Considering the earlier metaphor of Xiao Liu as a burning flame, the act of licking can be seen as a symbolic extension of this fiery imagery. It's as if Xiao Liu's flame, represented by the licking, momentarily engulfs Shi Qi, creating a fusion of their passionate energies.

  • Blushing and Fiery Emotions: The subsequent reaction of Xiao Liu with a "flaming red" face aligns with the fiery symbolism. Blushing can be associated with heightened emotions, embarrassment, or desire, or both mixed -  further emphasizing the intensity of the moment.

In summary this powerfull described scenery intimate scenery between Jing and Xiao Liu , with  the visual and sensual nature of Xiao Liu's action on licking the center of his palm - contributes not only to the physical intimacy between the characters -> It  serves as a metaphor for deeper emotional and spiritual connections, it serves as a metaphor to their FUSION. (me= being soft on metaphor :D).


.....I could feel their hotness here so much...I need a cooler! :D  

Hope you enjoyed it :)

Chapter 8

My Analysis Part 11 (Last Part)

Gao Xing: A Place of Everlasting Spring


 Zhuan Xu walked to a cloud carriage and reached out his hand to Xiao Liu “We’ll take the carriage up the mountain.”

Shi Qi carried Xiao Liu on the cloud carriage and after some time it stopped outside the largest palace in Five Gods Mountain – Cheng En Palace. This palace was beautifully decorated, it’s architectural glory known throughout the vast wilderness. Legend had it that long long ago, a Sheng Nong prince saw this palace and started a war with Gao Xing to get it. But after this generation’s Grand Emperor assumed the throne, he didn’t like extravagance, or banquets, or womanly enticements. His entire harem consisted of one Consort, so Cheng En Palace was very quiet.

Zhuan Xu smiled at Xiao Liu and Shi Qi “We’ve arrived at Cheng En Palace.”

Xiao Liu appeared tired and rested in Shi Qi’s arms, but her eyes were tightly shut. Shi Qi nodded to Zhuan Xu and stepped out of the cloud carriage and followed him into the palace.

“This is Hua Yin Court, I’ve lived here since I came to the palace. You guys can stay here for now. Yesterday when we arrived at the mountain, it was late so I didn’t go report to my Master. Today after court session ends, I will go meet my Master and report that I’ve brought you here. Xiao Liu, be prepared, His majesty can summon you at any time.”

Xiao Liu opened her eyes “Give me medicine!”

Zhuan Xu laughed “I can treat your leg injury, but if you’re healed don’t think about running around. If you run into Ah Nian, it won’t be just your two legs broken.”

Xiao Liu looked at Zhuan Xu, wanting to say something but not, then said “I’m hungry.”

Zhuan Xu ordered the maids to bring food, and after Shi Qi and Xiao Liu had eaten, had the maids take them to wash up. Shi Qi carried Xiao Liu to the edge of pool and Xiao Liu said “The maids will take care of me, you go wash up away and cleanse away the filth of the prison.”

Two maids helped Xiao Liu wash and dress, and when she came out Shi Qi was already washed and dressed and waiting outside. When he saw the maids carry Xiao Liu out, he rushed over.

Gao Xing was a nation of eternal Spring so their clothing was thin and loose, the fashion was airy and light. Right now Shi Qi was wearing a blue Gao Xing robe with wide sleeves and a simple belt, a crown encircling his hair. As he walked it was like he was walking on clouds, like he was the embodiment of the blue moon, his moves like the waves fluid.

The two maids stared and Xiao Liu couldn’t look away either. Shi Qi appeared taken back and slightly lowered his eyes but he liked Xiao Liu staring at him like this so he kept his eyes locked on hers as he walked over.

Xiao Liu teased “No wonder a girl learned dance for ten years to try and seduce you. After you go back, there won’t be a lack of women throwing themselves at you.”

Shi Qi appeared uneasy and worried Xiao Liu would misunderstand and quickly said “I won’t look.”

Xiao Liu felt a sweetness in her heart but didn’t want him to see it so purposely turned her head “Whether you look or not has nothing to do with me.”

The doctor came to treat Xiao Liu’s injury and Shi Qi stayed to help. The doctor applied medication and then wrapped the legs in wooden boards so the bone could heal. Xiao Liu felt like her two legs were soaked in cool water and almost couldn’t feel any pain.

The doctor said “Try not to use your legs, if you rest up then it’ll heal fast in a month and slow in three months.” Xiao Liu smiled and thanked the doctor, and then asked him to check Shi Qi. After the doctor checked, he gave Shi Qi some medicine for his internal injuries.

After the doctor left, Xiao Liu said to Shi Qi “Even though your injury scars, even the most amazing magical medicine cannot remove….” Normally any injury would have a hard time leaving a scar on any God, but when Tu Shan Hou was torturing Shi Qi, every time he finished a torture he would use a special water on Shi Qi’s wounds so that it would keep him alert to better feel the pain, and also imprint the degrading injury on his body. Years ago Xiao Liu thought about how to remove those horrible scars, but after a year and searching for all the magical medicine in the world, she discovered it would never be removed.

Xiao Liu stared at Shi Qi’s leg “But Gao Xing has a lot of special medicine, maybe it can heal your leg.” Shi Qi’s right leg’s injury, because of his spiritual powers, when he walked fast it was undetectable that he was a cripple, but when he walked slow it was evident he limped.

Shi Qi shook his head “I don’t care.”

Xiao Liu smiled and then yawned. Shi Qi said “You sleep.”

Xiao Liu grabbed his sleeve “You sleep, too. But I don’t want you to leave.”

“I can sleep leaning.” Shi Qi sat on the pallet and leaned on the side. Xiao Liu closed her eyes but her hand kept playing with Shi Qi’s sleeve. Shi Qi picked up a cup of water and held it in his hand. A white mist came up from the cup and surrounded Xiao Liu. Xiao Liu’s hand gradually stopped moving.

Shi Qi felt like Xiao Liu was trying so hard to control her nervousness since they left the prison. Shi Qi deduced it had something to do with the Grand Emperor. It couldn’t be related to the Emperor’s power, but was because of who he was.

Shi Qi tightly held Xiao Liu’s hand and said in a low voice “No matter what happens, I will always be with you.”

Since scene in dragon bone prison, I have been smiling like idiot with our couple moments. Again in this last portion of the chapter still not free from their sweetness.
I really appreciate this scene of Jing wearing Gao Xing clothing in blue which light up the world like the moon shine on darkness. And yep that captivate Wen Xiao Liu to look at him again as well as the two maids there, which caused sort of jealousy to Wen Xiao Liu. And with Jing confirmation to her that he won't look at other women, she felt sweetness in her heart but still would not give in to her heart. 
We also learnt that Wen Xiao Liu had been finding herbs to cure Jing's scars on his body but she could not. Again the way Tushan Hou torture Jing is explained in how he made Jing suffering last long. But Wen Xiao Liu knew that Gao Xing had special herbs so that there maybe herbs to cure her Shiqi(Jing). 
And we get to learn about Gao Xing(Haoling in drama version) which is also known as five gods mountain in which the Grand Emperor is living. It explained the Emperor was modest, and having only one consort as well. Gao Xing also a place of eternal spring. If we recall in prolouge Gao Xing is also a place water from rivers, sea and ocean meet. 
I do find it romantic that in the place of eternal spring,  Ye Shi Qi promised to Wen Xiao Liu that he will be with her forever while she was sleeping.
All in all this part is really sweet. 

 Winny Aye:
Gao Xing: A Place of Everlasting Spring
  1. Symbolism of Cheng En Palace:

    • The journey to Cheng En Palace symbolizes a significant juncture in the narrative. The palace, adorned with architectural splendor, stands as a testament to Gao Xing's grandeur. However, the subdued ambiance within, marked by the Grand Emperor's preference for simplicity, contrasts with the external magnificence. This contrast sets the stage for the nuanced interactions that follow.
  2. Zhuan Xu's Warning and Xiao Liu's Condition:

    • Zhuan Xu's warning to Xiao Liu about the potential summoning by the Grand Emperor foreshadows challenges they may face. Xiao Liu's request for medicine underscores her pragmatism and determination to navigate the unfamiliar political landscape, highlighting her resilience.
  3. Shi Qi's Dazzling Appearance:

    • The description of Shi Qi's attire in Gao Xing clothing evokes a sense of ethereal beauty and elegance. The blue robe and the overall aesthetic paint Shi Qi as a celestial -sky like figure, embodying the essence of Gao Xing. This transformation captivates not only Xiao Liu but also the observing maids, hinting at Shi Qi's magnetic presence.
  4. Symbolism of Gao Xing Clothing:

    • The choice of Gao Xing clothing becomes symbolic, representing Shi Qi's integration into this new realm. The loose, airy fashion reflects the carefree spirit of Gao Xing, and Shi Qi's graceful movements mirror the fluidity of the waves. This symbolism reinforces his adaptability and readiness to embrace the unfamiliar.
  5. Xiao Liu's Teasing and Jealousy:

    • Xiao Liu's teasing about women throwing themselves at Shi Qi introduces a touch of playful banter. Her words, laden with a hint of jealousy, reveal the growing emotional stakes. Shi Qi's immediate unease indicates his concern for Xiao Liu's feelings and a desire to avoid misunderstandings.
  6. Xiao Liu's Sweetness and Guarded Emotions:

    • Xiao Liu's admission of sweetness in her heart signifies the emotional impact of Shi Qi's assurance. Her decision to turn her head, concealing her emotions, suggests a guarded vulnerability. This interplay of emotions adds depth to their relationship, illustrating a delicate balance between intimacy and reservations.
  7. Shi Qi's Reassurance:

    • The pivotal moment where Shi Qi tightly holds Xiao Liu's hand and declares, "No matter what happens, I will always be with you," encapsulates a profound commitment. This declaration transcends the uncertainties of their surroundings, emphasizing Shi Qi's unwavering support and determination to stand by Xiao Liu's side.
  8. Shi Qi's Quick Rebuttal:

    • Shi Qi's quick response to Xiao Liu's teasing, assuring he won't look at other women, showcases his sensitivity to her emotions. His immediate concern for potential misunderstandings reflects a desire to maintain trust and mutual understanding.
 Winny Aye:
Xiao Liu grabbed his sleeve

Drama covering:

As she search for his hand, he take hers.

and turn water into healing  steam toward Xiao Liu.

Chapter 8 

Part 4 Dragon's  Bone prison - the crucial steps  in their journey to forever never parting

[Finally Shi Qi spoke I won’t leave you.........................................................Xiao Liu sighed “I’m a man, don’t you think you’re being weird.”
This time Shi Qi’s response was immediate “You’re a girl.”..................................... ”Shi Qi continued “That day, I put on my clothes and walked out the door, standing under the sun feeling the outdoors I hadn’t seen in a long time. In the eyes of others it was just a normal thing to do, but to me it was a rebirth and a new chance. Xiao Liu, I decided right then and there that I would never leave you.” Xiao Liu said “A reborn phoenix must first be incinerated. But you cannot ever escape your past as Tu Shan Jing.”“My father died shortly after I was born. I have an older twin brother named Tu Shang Hou......................Xiao Liu, when I see you, I have no hatred and vengeance in my heart, only gratitude. I am grateful the Heavens let me live, let me have a still whole body, let my eyes still see, so that I can see you pretend to be stupid, let my ears hear, so that I can hear you complain, let my hands still work, so that I can help you dry your hair, let my legs still move, so that I can carry you. Xiao Liu, I don’t want revenge, I just want to be Ye Shi Qi.”......................................Shi Qi said “I don’t want to go back because my brother is very capable and much more ruthless than me. He’s actually a more suitable leader of the clan than me. If he’s there, the family will be fine. As long as there is no Tu Shan Jing, then Tu Shan Hou will be the best................................................................... I don’t want revenge, and I want even less to be Tu Shan Jing, but once my brother knows he will hunt me down no matter where I go. I was afraid he would hurt you and Lao Mu and them so I had to go back to being Tu Shan Jing. If I am in the open, then my brother will know where his target is and not aim wildly.”
Xiao Liu sighed “You don’t want to hurt him but he wants to hurt youFor your own safety you ought to kill him, but if you do you can’t have a peace of mind. His death is an instant release but you’ll carry the guilt your whole life. I guess you really can’t kill him.”
Shi Qi was so happy “I knew you would understand and support me. ]

Shi Qi asserted  to Xiao Liu that he will not leave him. He proceeded to reveal to Xiao Liu that he Xiao Liu ,  is not a man  but girl , Xiao Liu tried to deny it, but admit to herself that Shi Qi had indeed known  this for a long time. She is cannot help herself  and  wants to know how he did find out.  Shi Qi them proceeded to tell her all about it. I love this moment because,  though Xiao Liu  denied Shi Qi statement, she actually was pleased about it, not afraid like she was when Xiang Liu brushed the subject of her gender and touched her intimately.  Here it is the 1rst time Xiao Liu showed her girly side.  I love their conversation here I love that Shi Qi did  not  letting the matter rest.  He had the last word. 

Their conversation took a sad and kind of dark turn when Shi Q share about his blessed life as Tu Shan Jing and the tortures he suffered at the hand of his brother Hou. He talked about how under Xioa Liu he  was reborn. Xiao Liu them mention that a reborn phoenix needs to have been incinerated 1rst  and that he, Jing cannot escape his past.  She is indeed right. Though Jing feels like he has been reborn anew, however he is still tied to his past life. This is unlike the reborn phoenix who is not tied to itspast self as it has been incinerated .  Ru Shan Jing's past is catching on to him :  Jing Ye found him,  his engagement is back on track and FFYY is around him. She bought with her some extra problem ( Xuan assassination attempt). Shi Qi proceeded to explain  that  he has changed and does not seek revenge and just want to be YSQ. TSJ wants to be Ye Shi Qi, but he is not. 

I find it so sad that he  is want  to not be TSJ so that Hou his abuser could shine, could be valued when Hou has diminished him. Jing does not want revenge but want to escape as YSQ.  There is a similarity here between TSJ and Xiao Liu as both are trying to run away from their past.  I would describe them both as phoenixes - both have been tortures  to such an extent that this has shaped them anew character wise and power wise:- Xiao had been changing her form and gender multiple  she has been changing her identity, she has lost most of her powers,  one of Xiao Liu important phoenix transformation is the fact that she has moved from a poisoner, a killer to a healer, a life saver, a life bringer.  Her heart is closed,  she is scared of taking chances and have hopes.  -Jing 's body is disfigured, he has lost a lot of his power, want to change his  identity, His phoenix transformation is that  Xiao Liu changed his soul, he does not want revenge anymore and he is ready to take chances and hope. - who are still tied to their past therefore  have not undergone the total incineration of their  past self/past life.   The story will take us on their journey to achieve their complete phoenix transformation and forever never parting.  

the 15 years promise

[Shi Qi’s breathing was erratic and his heartbeat was also fast. Xiao Liu knew what he wanted to say but was embarrassed to say. So she didn’t rush and instead nestled like a cat on his shoulder waiting patiently.
“Xiao Liu….I……I know I am engaged and have no right to say this to you…..and I never dared to….but…….I will call off the engagement, I will call off the engagement! You wait for me for twenty years….no…..no, fifteen years. You give Tu Shan Jing fifteen years, and after fifteen years I’ll give you back a Ye Shi Qi.”Xiao Liu asked “How do you want me to wait?
“You…..you won’t let another man……into your heart.”
Xiao Liu was silent.....................Xiao Liu said “You, you really don’t know me at all. My heart is cold and there is a hard shell encasing it. Forget fifteen years, likely in fifty years there won’t be a man who goes inside.”
Shi Qi asked “So you’re agreeing? Let’s make a palm promise.”
Xiao Liu lazily raised her palm and Shi Qi felt where it was and then solemnly pressed his palm on hers......................Xiao Liu couldn’t help but smile “You said everything boils down to a business transaction, so why do I feel like I’m not getting the better end of the bargain here.”
Shi Qi shook her hand “That doesn’t include love, only love can never be measured by profit or loss. Family love, sibling love, friendship love, romantic love, it seems so easy but is a rare treasure that cannot be bought with any amount of money.”.......................................................Shi Qi said “I know you never give yourself hope so you don’t trust first and won’t give first. You have a true heart but if the other doesn’t appreciate it, then you won’t give it. I’m willing to wait, wait until you’re willing to hope.................................................................................Shi Qi was so grateful that Zhuan Xu locked him up in the same cell as Xiao Liu, and only here did he have the courage to reveal his greatest wish. He even wished now to never leave, he was willing to spend an entire lifetime here with Xiao Li]

TSJ made his promise to Xiao Liu.  He stated twice that he will break his engagement. the 2nd time add a conviction, ascertion.  I love that he admitted that he has no right to ask this of Xiao Liu. I love that he is taking the risk , giving himself a chance . He has nothing to loose but everything to gain.  He is indeed following the say " nothing ventured, nothing gained`'.   Xiao Liu  asked what Jing wanted her to do while he is breaking his engagement. At his answer,  she stated  that her heart is seal  and that even if   many years have passed, no man will enter her heart  so in a way he should not worry.  We see that  Xiao Liu wants companionship only  and this is because  she believes her heart is closed to love.   We see that Xiao Liu is in denial as she has been longing for YSQ.  Her heart has been longing for him. We will see  as their story progresses,  how Xiao Liu will learned to hear her heart.   

What I love about the promise is that Jing has not forced it on Xiao Liu.  He asked her   if she wanted  to take this chance with him. Xiao Liu has agreed  knowing  what she is signing for unlike the 2 promises she made with Xiang Liu.  She has not been forced, coerces  via excruciating  beating and information has not been withheld from her in order to  make her agree. I love that Xiao Liu has finally been willing to take a chance even though she does not want to hope as Jing took the 1rst step and she accepted to wait for him.  

Jing made it clear to Xiao Liu that this deal is not a  business transaction as it is about love and only love is a rare treasure that cannot be bought with any amount of money. 

Jing is finally extremely happy that he took the courage to reveal his greatest wish. The way Xiao Liu   raised her  to seal the deal. : in a lazy way foreshadow that she will be making the least effort since she does not want to hope in the chance she is giving herself.  

I felt sad that whilst Jing has reveal everything about himself, Xiao Liu has not. She also has not reveal anything regarding FFYY assassination attempt of Zhuang Xu. after all any woman or man  wanting and longing for a specific companion  would have tried to remove the obstacle/ competition as quickly as they can in order to get their never parting. 

[Shi Qi laughed lightly and his laughter was just like his personality – gentle, peaceful, pure]

I Love how the writer describe Jing personality.  It is what Xiao Liu who has suffered a lot and is tired of suffering actually is looking for : gentleness, peace and purity .

Here is my2 cents and understanding of this part of chapter 8

Chapter 8 

Part 5 

[Xiao Liu opened her eyes and they were walking along the edge of the cliff. To the right was the vast ocean, waves and waves were pounding the black rocksXiao Liu suddenly felt her heart sense, she sensed someone was calling herShe said to Shi Qi “To the edge of the ocean.”.........The white shadow stood steady on top of the wave, white robe and white hair, wearing a mask. He stood in the middle of the waves like a white lily, pure and untouched, extraordinary and beautiful.............Xiao Liu suddenly remembered that Xiang Liu had the bug in him so when her leg was broken, he must have felt it. Xiao Liu laughed “With my little measly ability? Nothing, it’s just a misunderstanding.”............................................. Xiang  Liu could come and go if he was alone, but if he had to take another person along, it would be a death sentence. And if she left, what would happen to Shi Qi?
Xiao Liu smiled “Thank you, but I’d rather not owe you too many favors.” Xiao Liu said to Shi Qi “Go back.”
Shi Qi stepped off the rock and walked back. Xiang Liu merely smiled at Xiao Liu turning down his offer....................Xiang Liu’s eyes glanced across Shi Qi’s face and then landed on Zhuan Xu. He said “Farewell!” before disappearing in the waves.........................Xiao Liu stared at the breaking waves on the jagged rocks and felt rather dazed. Xiang Liu traveled tens of thousands of miles, just to ask her two questions?....................................Right now Shi Qi was wearing a blue Gao Xing robe with wide sleeves and a simple belt, a crown encircling his hair. As he walked it was like he was walking on clouds, like he was the embodiment of the blue moon, his moves like the waves fluid. The two maids stared and Xiao Liu couldn’t look away either. Shi Qi appeared taken back and slightly lowered his eyes but he liked Xiao Liu staring at him like this so he kept his eyes locked on hers as he walked over.
Xiao Liu teased “No wonder a girl learned dance for ten years to try and seduce you. After you go back, there won’t be a lack of women throwing themselves at you.”
Shi Qi
appeared uneasy and worried Xiao Liu would misunderstand and quickly said “I won’t look. Xiao Liu felt a sweetness in her heart but didn’t want him to see it so purposely turned her head “Whether you look or not has nothing to do with me.................................................

Xiao Liu stared at Shi Qi’s leg “But Gao Xing has a lot of special medicine, maybe it can heal your leg.” Shi Qi’s right leg’s injury, because of his spiritual powers, when he walked fast it was undetectable that he was a cripple, but when he walked slow it was evident he limped.
Shi Qi shook his head “I don’t care.”
Xiao Liu smiled and then yawned. Shi Qi said “You sleep.”
Xiao Liu grabbed his sleeve “You sleep, too. But I don’t want you to leave.”
“I can sleep leaning.” Shi Qi sat on the pallet and leaned on the side. Xiao Liu closed her eyes but her hand kept playing with Shi Qi’s sleeve. Shi Qi picked up a cup of water and held it in his hand. A white mist came up from the cup and surrounded Xiao Liu. Xiao Liu’s hand gradually stopped moving.
Shi Qi felt like Xiao Liu was trying so hard to control her nervousness since they left the prison. Shi Qi deduced it had something to do with the Grand Emperor. It couldn’t be related to the Emperor’s power, but was because of who he was.
Shi Qi tightly held Xiao Liu’s hand and said in a low voice “No matter what happens, I will always be with you.”]

As they were leaving the prison, Xiao Liu suddenly felt her heart sense, she sensed someone was calling her.   It was Xiang Liu using the voodoo bug connection..  We are witnessing what the voodoo bug connection can do and how Xiang Liu  is controlling it to find exactly where Xiao Liu and to make her come to him. . We have never seen Xiao Liu used it like this before.  It is therefore correct to state that the voodoo bug  connection could be used to track Xiao Liu where about.  If she had succeeded in  running  away and changed her appearance,  these would not have prevented Xiang Liu to find her.  I cannot  help but wonder if this  was the reason why he asked for the transfer  of the bug to his body.  It is not far fetched to think that, with everything that  has been going on in Xiao Liu life recently,  he had  also sensed that she was planning on running away. She is his precious  medicine,  his poison maker for what ever purpose he needs itband he has feelings for her.  Xiao Liu remembered that he has the bug so would have felt the pain of her broken leg.  Xiang Liu  is there to help her escape if she wanted to.   Xiao Liu  rejected his offer  as she was worried about  what would happened to Ye shi Qi if she was  to leave. Xiao Liu here is not thinking about   Ye Shi Qi safety, but  of the chance she has been willing to take with him.   This is showing us her commitment to this new chapter in here life.   

Xiang Liu before leaving is glancing at Shi Qi. This is something he has never done before. Why did he do it?  You only glance at someone when somenthing about them caught your attention. Xiao Liu is also in dazed- confused,  that Xiang Liu came to ask her 2 questions. This is out of character for him.   I cannot help but wonder since we know that the voodoo bubg can share  pain but also sensual feeling, is  it far fetched to say that Xiang Liu had experience : 1- the feeling of `longing Xiao Liu has for  Shi Qi and also felt it expand? 2-  how it had felt when Xiao Liu was relaxed and content  in Jing arms ? 3- how Xiao Liu has felt  when she spontaneously performed this sexual act by  licking the inside of Shi Qi palm and her flaming  red blush?  My answer to these  is "yes!".  Is this  the reason why he came so late to rescue her? It is important  remember what we had learned so far:  the bug is a lover's  bug and that Xiang Liu took it knowing this fact,  but also not knowing that  Xiao Liu's heart was already longing for Shi Qi.  We also know that  during the transfer,  Xiao Liu's heart due to the bug recognised Xiang Liu's as a friend not as a lover.  Due to this Xiao Liu had a bad feeling about the bug connection. 

Later on when Xiao Liu saw Shi Qi in  his changed of clothes,  and she is could not take her eyes form him and Shi Qi liked the way she was looking, staring at him. Xiao Liu never had this kind of reaction when looking Xiang Liu  even though  his appearance is somenthing to behold.  Shi Qi is described as looking like the embodiment of the blue moon  here   Her teasing comment to Shi Qi  shows that  she is attracted  by his appearance as well  here.  When Shi Qi said that he will not  look,  this implies that he will not have eyes for any  other woman but her,  Xiao Liu's heart is moved by this. She is please but does not want him to know , to see it hence she turned not away. This implies that he facial expression would have shown to Shi Qi how pleased she was. 

 After the doctor visit, Xiao Liu requested that Shi Qi stayed with her while she is sleeping and Shi bQi again used his powers to help her relax.  He again promised to be by here side regardless what happen with her meeting with the grand emperor of Gao Xing.

This is my 2 cents on the final part of chapter 8.