Blueberries Field:

Deng Wei - 邓为苏易水

looks cool

 Blueberries Field:

Deng Wei - 邓为苏易水

He looks fine in dark clothes. 

 Winny Aye:


thanks so much for sharing pics of Jing carrying it yep he carried her lots of time...♡

Hahahahha!!!! Nearly made a whole thread! :D

 Blueberries Field:

Deng Wei - 邓为苏易水


This upload! Saving it :D!!!! The beauty <3! Mamma mia :D What a model <3

                                                                                 => I see you...look! <3

                                                                           The: "we are all good look"

                                                                                  *  Blushing moments*


                                                                           The: "we are all good look"

                                                                                  *  Blushing moments*

these scenes are life..?

Jrrg uptdate today is a little painting , showing Xiaojing playfull in the snow...Xiao Yao seems very happy to have reached Jing with her snowball!:D

Yang Zi  meeting again Xiao Liu...


moved to tears...

                                          => We will probably have those emotions too when S2 air :)

                                                                              *Holding on to you tightly*

 AH :

For a second I thought you were calling me ^^"

Nope :D But happy to see you in here!

Black & White fashion edit :). owner             


                                                                                    " Burning Love"

 Symbolika1: owner             


                                                                                    " Burning Love"

My fav scene of scenes ...and love that fanart..?

Reading parts again ..Xiao Yao agreeing to marry fenglong...Although the main reason seem to be to support ZX/CX, I think she also want to find somewhere she want to belong....and that practical marriage life would be fine for her without passion..I also think ..she wanted to get rid of missing jing...but she's still yearning....

She told Xing Yue that she would consider it but she actually already made up her mind. She just needed to convince herself that her decision was for herself.

She arrived at a mulberry tree and remembered how she used to pick the leaves in the morning to bring it to the wooden hut to wash Jing’s hair in the afternoon. The tree was still here but the person was long gone.

Xiao Yao plucked two leaves and held it in her hand and silently continued on. She arrived at the edge of the cliff and could see in the distance Cao Ao Peak but it was covered in clouds.

She remembered in the wooden hut and the nights she didn’t want to waste sleeping so even if she yawned she still grabbed Jing to keep talking about whatever and it just made her happy.

The wooden hut was likely still there but the person who kept her company to talk was now a father.

Xiao Yao ripped the mulberry leaf in her hand into shreds and opened her hands to let it float away in the wind. The wind carried it into the air towards the clouds.
There was still the scent lingering in her hands and Xiao Yao stared at her palm:
With Feng Long she would never rise early to get mulberry leaves; they would never just wash each other’s hair; she would never talk all night not wanting to waste the time on sleep because even if she wanted to talk Feng Long wouldn’t be interested in listening; if something happened they would talk openly and calmly, and if nothing happened then Feng Long would likely not be home a lot so when he was home he would be tired and wanted to rest; likely she would never lose her temper with Feng Long and the two of them would treat each other respectfully.

Actually it wasn’t that bad, if she had a problem she could discuss it with him; most of the time she would have a lot of freedom to plant a herb garden in the residence and open her own medical clinic since Feng Long hated rules so wouldn’t mind if his wife was a healer; when Feng Long came home they would have dinner and if he was out then she would eat alone.

If they had a child then she would be busy since she vowed to make her child her most important person after being abandoned by her mom. She would do everything for that little one so that whenever the little thing thought of mom it would be the sweetest memory of how good of a mom she was.

As the child grew up she and Feng Long would grow older.

Xiao Yao smiled, it really was like what her grandfather said, to pick a suitable person to grow old with wasn’t all that hard.

I love reading about XY yearning Jing..:D

 Winny Aye:
Xiao Yao smiled, it really was like what her grandfather said, to pick a suitable person to grow old with wasn’t all that hard.

"All that hard" => tells it all in 3 words.

 Winny Aye:
about XY yearning Jing..:D

 Winny Aye:
She just needed to convince herself that her decision was for herself.

Hehe when you have to convince yourself, it's that you feel really quite opposite :p.

 Winny Aye:
She arrived at a mulberry tree and remembered how she used to pick the leaves in the morning to bring it to the wooden hut to wash Jing’s hair in the afternoon. The tree was still here but the person was long gone.

 Winny Aye:
they would never just wash each other’s hair

Jing's hair and the three. ( I'll restrain myself=> wont do a long visual about this subject :D)! It started when she washed his messy hair when he was naked, and she blushed? Wondering :)....Because his hair was a real mess when she found him :D

(bb back I have few days of ongoing familly grown up hobbits party, it will be a pleasure to read ya all  afterward <3)