HI all! I'm an addict of Fan made music videos and I found a bunch of beautiful ones for this show but, surprisingly, there are not many good ones for the romance plot with Tushan Jing (or featuring him) as all the youtube makers seems to be in the Xiang liu ship hahah anyone can please recommend some good Tushan Jing music videos?


HI all! I'm an addict of Fan made music videos and I found a bunch of beautiful ones for this show but, surprisingly, there are not many good ones for the romance plot with Tushan Jing (or featuring him) as all the youtube makers seems to be in the Xiang liu ship hahah anyone can please recommend some good Tushan Jing music videos? 

It’s because those who support YaoJing have been bullied by the serpents fans to the extend of them deleting their videos so unless weibo or twitter, you’ll get a LOT on there


When director said :

and praises DW, was happy to rewatch <3

Yeah cos you can feel his sincerity in his actions & eyes.


HI all! I'm an addict of Fan made music videos and I found a bunch of beautiful ones for this show but, surprisingly, there are not many good ones for the romance plot with Tushan Jing (or featuring him) as all the youtube makers seems to be in the Xiang liu ship hahah anyone can please recommend some good Tushan Jing music videos? 

hi there

nice to meet u here too..

this one Jing theme song is also really nice.



HI all! I'm an addict of Fan made music videos and I found a bunch of beautiful ones for this show but, surprisingly, there are not many good ones for the romance plot with Tushan Jing (or featuring him) as all the youtube makers seems to be in the Xiang liu ship hahah anyone can please recommend some good Tushan Jing music videos? 

Hanzi_for.dengwei on YouTube has mostly shorts of him if you’re interested.


since im seeing DW's superchat being filled with flowers {timely w/our magnolia disc and later w/other yaojing flowers} and nature photos with the tag-- 邓为 ?每日一善 ?#每日一善# w/c means
Deng Wei?A good deed every day? #日一 kind #
{gg transl}, ill share some related yaojing vibe nature edit by c-yaojingS, they're all great.*⁠\⁠0⁠/⁠*

(⁠^⁠.^⁠) (⁠^_⁠^⁠) (⁠^,⁠^⁠) ^⁠_⁠^


like it a lot, like a modern drama for them*⁠\⁠0⁠/⁠* 

{this one is really yaojing:⁠-⁠D time travelling haha cute}

That Yang Zi’s outfit is from her newest variety show “Our wonderful life”

 Winny Aye:

hi there

nice to meet u here too..

this one Jing theme song is also really nice.


yes thanks Winnyy just replied there too lol 


Hanzi_for.dengwei on YouTube has mostly shorts of him if you’re interested.

yes, thanks and this one too @Golden_apple617 Akudie 


crying again.


love this.


It’s because those who support YaoJing have been bullied by the serpents fans to the extend of them deleting their videos so unless weibo or twitter, you’ll get a LOT on there

yesss sad truth, i haven't even watched those. 


When director said :

and praises DW, was happy to rewatch <3

its actually true (i have mentioned its closet to reality) but XL fans will deny it all cost. Im mentioning  him again. well its just this reminded me of some XL fans said  because XL so good and heroic 2nd second, if he's real than many women would like him (because I say that XL is good romantic hero but not a good romantic life partner because his actions are still questionable in even 2nd part as well).... but guess I said that any ordinary women would never choose  a guy like XL even we are fancinated by him on screen. 

 Winny Aye:

its actually true (i have mentioned its closet to reality) but XL fans will deny it all cost. Im mentioning  him again. well its just this reminded me of some XL fans said  because XL so good and heroic 2nd second, if he's real than many women would like him (because I say that XL is good romantic hero but not a good romantic life partner because his actions are still questionable in even 2nd part as well).... but guess I said that any ordinary women would never choose  a guy like XL even we are fancinated by him on screen. 

Lol someone asked this question in a lost you forever Facebook group and the number of XL fans who said they would still choose him in real life over jing is just crazy. But weren't they the ones saying they chose xl for XY because this is fiction and not real life ?


That Yang Zi’s outfit is from her newest variety show “Our wonderful life”

yesss (⁠^⁠^⁠) thanks for the info. since it's the latest for her, to keep them alive while waiting for s2, yaojingS are always quick in editing (⁠^⁠.^⁠) and the theme this time is around nature, cute. they always have some things to talk about and share, they seem to never run out of energy, love it.??


So nobody knows the release date for S2?

haven't heard anything yet:{ 


Actually if I was TH, after Jing & XY got back together and were happy. I’d have also created a little situation where by this time around,it’ll be Jing who avoids XY while she chases after him hehe ?. Even haoling Jing & yellow emperor pleading will STILL make Jing avoid XY. Yeeahh I’m evil like that ?

haha, why not. haha. kidding? 

 Winny Aye:

thats not so Jing.....? so yepp..we love him for being direct...but she suffered for him a lot though ..but I guess u want her suffer more..???

??. yes, not Jing, jijiji, esp w/how they met and i think he fell harder for her first {accdg to some research ive read, men fall in love faster than women so that might explain that} but yes love him really for being direct. i remember the dragon bone prison confession, the romantic part and the funny awkward part haha.


Relating this image. The first contact he is saying with no possibility to talk:

                                                                                                 "I'm here"

Did he? Also what that flower meant? 


Lol someone asked this question in a lost you forever Facebook group and the number of XL fans who said they would still choose him in real life over jing is just crazy. But weren't they the ones saying they chose xl for XY because this is fiction and not real life ?

Lol but when SHIT gets real,they’ll run to their heels,they think men like that are sweet not knowing it’ll rather send them to an early grave

 Winny Aye:

its actually true (i have mentioned its closet to reality) but XL fans will deny it all cost. Im mentioning  him again. well its just this reminded me of some XL fans said  because XL so good and heroic 2nd second, if he's real than many women would like him (because I say that XL is good romantic hero but not a good romantic life partner because his actions are still questionable in even 2nd part as well).... but guess I said that any ordinary women would never choose  a guy like XL even we are fancinated by him on screen. 

JING is the one that XY fell in love with. TH end game. Begining and end game for XY since she met him.?????


Would that be mean of me if I said that’s what I wanted??. For instance, Jing  together with Jing ye & Hu Ya witnesses XY doing something(a misunderstanding).  Even tho she tries to explain,despite the awkward situation, the only thing Jing tells her is,’ it’s fine, XY, even after everything we’ve been through & for you to do this,*smiles sadly* I don’t blame you,you’re the ONLY woman I’ll ever love in this lifetime & maybe the next, if you’re happy,I’m happy even if it’s not with me’. Jing continues,despite keeping a distance from her,’ I don’t hate you,if you have feelings for another, I won’t stop you. I may be a bit dumb when it comes to a woman’s feelings,but I’m no fool XY, I won’t selfishly keep you while you think of another, that’ll hurt me more, so please keep on smiling & be happy,if you’re happy is only when my world is happy’. Jing turns & begins to leave,despite XY’s screams & pleading. XY comes back to Xuan yuan looking sad & gloomy. Y.E & CX notices this Jing doesn’t come by anymore & they hear what happened, Y.E. calls XY & gets mad at her, Haoling king also hears about this & is disappointed in XY cos he knows how difficult it took for Jing & XY to be together. They’ll all try to talk to Jing & him being kind,listens but uses the excuse of business to keep avoiding XY. shit TH is much better than me.

haha, interesting??. but really looking at how Jing suffered too during the break up, it's--- ? my heart's breaking for him again. I do feel bad for both, they did suffer a lot from that break up but could've been avoided--- but yes, understandable. {i think that could be if they're the main characters and the story revolves heavily around them, but also it's not going to be the original them i think. :}