
@ Winny Aye 

And again that line of Jing, "you did not have me in your eyes at that moment" , to me he's very insecure of himself and also jealousy. I think.

I took that sentence from him differently.  Not as him being jealous or insecure but him having self respect and wanting XY to give him that much.

 like if you are spending quality time with me , respect me enough to no be thinking about another man. Especially  a man who is giving you some TLC. 

The same happened  with    XL  when the  4 ( xY, XL, TSJ and YY) of them were  looking at the bow. XL was not please at all that XY used him to make TJS jealous.  He felt insulted by her action.  He sent her a clear non verbal message : Respect me enough to not use me to make your lover jealous especially  when I am out with you. Spending quality time.

That's  how I interpreted that part.


I actually thought the same thing, cos it didnt look like insecurity or jealousy to me but self respect. To Jing, he felt XY didn’t have him in her eyes, so instead of taking advantage of her, he’d rather suffocate or quickly climb up to breathe. Other men would’ve kissed her for air, but not Jing cos he respects himself & XY, that’s also why he didn’t kiss her when she kissed him, remember she felt irritated to why he didn’t kiss her cos maybe he didn’t like her that much.

XY is stubborn, even if she has Jing in her eyes & heart, she wouldn’t show it cos of her pessimistic nature, which is also why she was heartbroken over Jing when she could’ve helped him knowing FFYY plots & so on.

 Winny Aye:

hmmm...i wonder what u mean by plot holes !

None of ..... :D!!! Just thinking that you can't get how a couple love each other, and come to choose each other, if you have plot holes => Skipping/missing parts is zapping.

Then you get a Zapped story .

 Winny Aye:

hmmm...i wonder what u mean by plot holes !


And as she will see a little later, she is going to express him, she regrets how she didn't trust him enough, and how she could have help him out too, hand in hand out of that awfull situation :).

( a part I can't wait see ! :D)

Me too. They getter do justice to those important parts in XY development and realisations 

Tushan Jing fan art :) owner.


Same  reading again :D

That I like is the way both mls reacted.  TSJ was calm and told his reason clearly  to XY . XL was angry and used his anger to pass on his message to XY. XL always most of the time  reacts with anger 

Deng Wei/Yang Zi

@credit to owner.

Modern style TSJ/XY (DW/YZ) owner


That I like is the way both mls reacted.  TSJ was calm and told his reason clearly  to XY . XL was angry and used his anger to pass on his message to XY. XL always most of the time  reacts with anger 

He's bad temperament was the first thing Xiao Yao as Xiao Liu experimented and feared :)


Passing by to say yall go read blog. She wrote everything related to YaoJing & some episodes of LYF, but mostly YaoJing & categorized in different titles with the amount of episodes, puts different scenes in pictures of the drama with what’s being said. also she adds what’s written in the novel(I’m guessing she’s fluent in Chinese cos she puts both the mandarin parts of the novel & translates them in English, actually much better than wattpad or koalapage). 

Thank you for spreading the love for YaoJing. This is definitely a must read ???

This edit ahem :D....I dont know if the author??? 

I'm ...dead :D!


Thank you for spreading the love for YaoJing. This is definitely a must read ???


Yes ! => blog is really well done <3


None of ..... :D!!! Just thinking that you can't get how a couple love each other, and come to choose each other, if you have plot holes => Skipping/missing parts is zapping.

Then you get a Zapped story .

I was thinking same too....I dont think the story is actually plot hole..but as i read the whole thing i just could not understand how could anyone interpret it differently. But then it depends on certain readers i guess. But certain facts they interpret doesnt much make sense to me especially in the fact XL becoming her true love and that it would not make sense to them any other way. Their sense doesnt make sense to me too. So i will just take it now as we see the world differently. 

 Winny Aye:

I was thinking same too....I dont think the story is actually plot hole..but as i read the whole thing i just could not understand how could anyone interpret it differently. But then it depends on certain readers i guess. But certain facts they interpret doesnt much make sense to me especially in the fact XL becoming her true love and that it would not make sense to them any other way. Their sense doesnt make sense to me too. So i will just take it now as we see the world differently. 

Nonono I think we have a misanderstanding! :))