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 Winny Aye:
the sliver of sunlight through the trees shone

**********again relating Jing and the sun like in ch.1 :)

 Winny Aye:
You probably never saw this where you grew up.

:D...why is she so upset about this?

 Winny Aye:
So Xiao Liu is chatty and she's also revealing a little of herself to Shi Qi.

Yeap she is clearly opening ,and teasing/probing him at the same time about "the were he probably comes from" etc :p // She also make a point of how clever she is! . 

Drama covering:

(Notice: She is opening about herself/ both eating red flower  simultaniously)

 Winny Aye:
Gradually Xiao Liu started taking him everywhere

Bb to re re read this part you shared to us : Chapter 2: The Road Ahead Is Unknown  

Thank you winny <3!


:D...why is she so upset about this?

Adding from the drama ep.3:

I was chuckling  hard when I heard this from Xiao Liu :D...

 Winny Aye:
Thai version,

In Drama, always to compare, it's him telling her to be carefull:

 Winny Aye:
Chapter 2: The Road Ahead Is Unknown

Xiao Liu sang a sad to lure Jiu Jiu out. Just to remark the lyrics are changed when she sang for Jing. And also to remark Koala  did not put the song the red highlight is what i translated from thai book , not in koala version..lets read the scene..

Xiao Liu wanted to catch a Jiu Jiu, a small animal resembling a civet cat. It had a long white tail and can take away people’s sorrow. It was popular with the nobles and could be sold for a pretty penny. It didn’t have any attack power but it was very very clever yet easy to frighten so quick to run away. It was very hard to catch. But Xiao Liu had a way of dealing with it. Jiu Jiu loved listening to a young woman sing. Jiu Jiu would be attracted to the young woman’s sorrowful song and its body would inch closer to help the girl forget her sorrows. Xiao Liu found a suitable spot to set the trap.

He jumped into the water to wash off the poop first, then crawled on a rock and sat down. The rock was warmed by the sun and Xiao Liu sat there fixing his hair and singing. The song was carried by the wind. Xiao Liu sang a song about missing someone forever and never being able to forget.

"If beloved is wind above the water
I will be the lily in the wind
To see and to miss
To see and to miss
If beloved is the cloud in the sky
I will be the moon in the cloud
To love and to cherish
To love and to cherish
If beloved was the tree in the forest
I would be the vines on the tree
Together and connected
Together and connected
If beloved is the bird on the sky
I would be the fish in the lake
Not forgeting, Missing Forever"

The voice was melodic and the song sorrowful so the Jiu Jiu was lured out by the song. Initially it was scared so hid in the dark. When it sensed no danger, it could not overcome its natural instinct to help people forget sorrow so it stepped out and started chirping.

Xiao Liu fixed his hair and stared at it. It had large round saucer eyes and was super adorable. It would chirp and shake its large white tail, doing little flips or kicking its legs or thumping its chest. It did all sorts of adorable things to make him laugh.

Xiao Liu sighed loudly and undid the trap “You silly thing, you run off now, I won’t catch you to sell for money.”

..i would like to share the differences between the sad song she lure to get Jiu Jiu fei fei out and the one she sang for Jing in chapter 20 and drama ep28.

=>To lure jiu jiu...out:

"If beloved is wind above the water
I will be the lily in the wind
To see and to miss
To see and to miss
If beloved is the cloud in the sky
I will be the moon in the cloud
To love and to cherish
To love and to cherish
If beloved was the tree in the forest
I would be the vines on the tree
Together and connected
Together and connected
If beloved is the bird on the sky
I would be the fish in the lake
Not forgeting, Missing Forever"

And for jing ...in chapter 20..i may put the whole scene ...

- Jing sat with his head lowered looking a bit cloddish. Xiao Yao drank another cup of wine and smiled before standing up and twirling in a circle “I’ll sing a mountain ballad for you guys!”

Before they could answer Xiao Yao start singing.

"If beloved is wind above the water
I will be the lily in the wind
To see and to miss
To see and to miss
If beloved is the cloud in the sky
I will be the moon in the cloud
To love and to cherish
To love and to cherish
If beloved was the tree in the forest
I would be the vines on the tree
Together and connected
Together and connected
Why does the world has sadness
Why do lives have gathering and parting
Only wish with beloved
Together and forever, never apart"

*** Xiao Yao sang a song about a woman who was missing her beloved and longing for him and wanting only to be together for all of eternity.

The final verse she sang three times: together forever, never apart.***

It was a clear night with few clouds, the moon bright and the stars dim. Within the evergreen forest, the flowers and trees were glittering and the fragrance wafted over them. Xiao Yao sang and danced as lithe as the willow and as light as the spring water. She moved along with the moon and when she sang the final verse three times, she put all her heart into it and her voice was as lingering as silk in the air.

For a moment all three listening were in a daze.

Xiao Yao sat back down and felt her face was burning hot and her heart was beating fast. Xiao Yao put her head in her hand and laughed “My head is so dizzy, this whole table is wobbly.”

Xing Yue sighed “It really is like what Gege said, drinking is really more fun after getting drunk.” She raised a cup “Xiao Yao, a toast to you.”

Xiao Yao drunkenly picked up her cup and gulped down her wine.

Xiao Yao had a high tolerance and even when she was drunk physically her mind remained clear. But today even her mind was addled. Xing Yue started step dancing and called Xiao Yao to join her.

Xiao Yao stood up to go when her knees buckled and she pitched backward into Jing’s arms. Xiao Yao smiled at Jing and there was laughter in his eyes. Xiao Yao wanted to reach out to touch his brows but her eyes closed and she fell asleep.

..so all in all...she changed the lyrics to get her happy end for eternity with her man..of course is no other than Jing.  

@ Winny thank you for this clarification! <3

Little fun from twitter in between our explorations/journey in now ch.2:


                                          TITLE:         "How can you not fall in love with ye shiqi  "

:D....!!!!! Goodnight XD!!!

I never would have notice the difference betwer the 2 songs. I love how she made it personal . Thanks @Winny Aye  for thus. 


I never would have notice the difference betwer the 2 songs. I love how she made it personal . Thanks @Winny Aye  for thus. 

welcome...:))...i checked out the drama version , oh..its same song she sang for jing...for english translation are same...so to my post i will add thai ver as proof ..soon..


**********again relating Jing and the sun like in ch.1 :)

hes definetly is sunshine ...♡♡....his smile is to melt for.

I was listening to Nothing Is Better Than You...sang by Jason Zhang

i so feel...its jing song...


lyrics in english

Looking back on my old days
No chaos, no panic, no sadness, no injury
In my chaotic life, I failed to meet your gaze
Only emptiness reminded
 Enduring all hard things in my life
Never fight, never grab, never lose, never forget
Bathing in the scorching sun without your sunshine
Only heatwaves retained
Everything has no light
Only your eyes shine bright
Feel free to go to the distance and see the sun
Everywhere seems sad,
While your eyebrows are raised in delight
 I'm waiting for you to enjoy the scenery at night
When you come, you bring wind and rain;
when you left you took my four seasons with you
Without you every best scenery is dull
It began like a tornado,
and went away leaving only dust
Without you even the most beautiful world is a mess.

It reminds me of Jing's words from chapter  38, proposal scene..

 Jing smiled “Xiao Yao, you were right in saying you’re not an epic beauty. You are…….” Xiao Yao’s nose twitched and Jing lightly tapped her on the nose “Even if the world was extraordinary it would not hold a candle to your one smile.”

for Jing, nothing is better than Xiao Yao...♡


Yeap she is clearly opening ,and teasing/probing him at the same time about "the were he probably comes from" etc :p // She also make a point of how clever she is! . 

Drama covering:

(Notice: She is opening about herself/ both eating red flower  simultaniously)

actually yes ...she did share some funny moments she thought ..with Shi qi.♡


Adding from the drama ep.3:

I was chuckling  hard when I heard this from Xiao Liu :D...

me too...XD....

It sounds odd...but I would like to share XL and Xiao Liu first meeting in chapter 2. I think it is very important to the plot. I am skipping Furball eating poor Jiu Jiu. My thoughts will be in blue color.

Xiao Liu opened his eyes and from his vantage point could only see the man’s waist. “I’ve lived in Qing Shui Town for over twenty years, a quick check will confirm it.”
The man ignored him as he changed his robe and sat down at his desk to review documentsIt was then that Xiao Liu finally saw his face clearly. White hair like the clouds that wasn’t tied into a bun but instead a jade-colored rope was used to tie it neatly back to let it fall behind his head. His face was so beautifully handsome it bordered on surreal. His entire body was so spotlessly clean it was eerie.
At this time he was holding a document in one hand as his eyes were lifted in scorn. He sensed Xiao Liu looking at him and smiled towards Xiao Liu who shivered and immediately shut his eyes. That look he’s only seen once when he was small, it was the way a world renowned giant demon looked at her, it was the look that only someone who had stepped on countless corpses could give off.
Xiao Liu guessed who he was, that legendary handsome beyond compare murdering evil devil the Nine-headed Demon – the one with nine-lives Xiang Liu.
Xiao Liu’s arms and legs were tied and he couldn’t move so after some time he was so sore. At night the soldiers brought food and Xiang Liu casually ate. Xiao Liu was thirsty and hungry and seeing that Xiang Liu wasn’t going to feed him then he tried to think of something else.
He thought that Shi Qi must’ve come to look for him but there was no way he could find this place. He probably went back to town. Xiang Liu finished the meal and lazily laid down on the pallet to leisurely read a book.
A soldier came to deliver a document and quickly left. Xiang Liu read it and then stared at Xiao Liu while thinking. Xiao Liu guessed it was a report about him and tried to smile very sincerely “My lord, everything this servant said is true. I have family waiting for me to go home.”
Xiang Liu coldly said “I only trust my own instinct. Who are you?” Xiao Liu rolled his eyes “I am Wen Xiao Liu, a healer at the Hui Chun Clinic.”
Xiang Liu stared at him and tapped his fingers. Xiao Liu started shaking, the primitive instinct of a living being to fear death. Xiao Liu knew that Xiang Liu had no patience to figure out why he seemed suspicious and would used the most efficient and effective way to solve the problem which was to the same fate as the Jiu Jiu.
When the aura of death came hurtling over Xiao Liu tumbled and tried to avoid it while saying “My lord, I really am Wen Xiao Liu. Maybe I’m not ONLY Wen Xiao Liu, but I have no intention to harm the resistance army under General Gong Gong. I don’t belong to the Kingdom of Xuan Yuan, or the Kingdom of Gao Xing, and not to the Kingdom of Sheng Nong. I am just……….”
Xiao Liu paused and thought “Who am I?”
He raised his head and allowed his entire expression to be seen by Xiang Liu I am just someone who has been discarded. I have no ability to protect myself, I have no one to rely on, I have nowhere to go, so that is why I chose to be Wen Xiao Liu in Qing Shui Town. If my lord will allow, I wish that I could be Wen Xiao Liu for the rest of my life.”
Xiang Liu stared at him and Xiao Liu didn’t dare to move but the beads of cold sweat came down and there where unshed tears in his eyes because the hard protective shell placed in the last tens of years got forcibly peeled open.
After some time, Xiang Liu calmly said “If you want to live, work for me!”
Xiao Liu said nothing. Xiang Liu blew out the lamps “You have a night to think on it.” Xiao Liu’s eyes were open and he stared straight ahead.
Dawn arrived and Xiang Liu dressed and asked “Have you decided?” Xiao Liu lazily said “Still thinking. I’m so thirsty, I want some water first. Xiang Liu laughed coldly and said “Take him outside.”
Two soldiers dragged Xiao Liu out and Xiang Liu calmly said “Whip him, twenty lashes.”
The army’s whipping can make the most devious demon soldier capitulate that was how painful it was. And the man Nine-lives Xiang Liu sent to whip him had a shockingly strong arm. Once with just one hundred and twenty lashes he killed a demon soldier who was over a thousand years old. The whip was as thick as an oxtail and it came down in snaps as Xiao Liu yelled “I’m done thinking, done thinking…..”

After the twenty lashes was done, Xiang Liu looked at Xiao Liu and asked “What’s your decision?” Xiao Liu gasped “I just have three conditions.”
“Whip him, twenty lashes.
The whip came down and Xiao Liu yelped “Two conditions, one condition……”
Another twenty lashes was delivered and Xiao Liu’s entire back was covered in blood and he was in excruciating pain. Xiang Liu coldly looked at him and asked “Anymore conditions?”
Xiao Liu was covered in sweat and his mouth was bleeding so he couldn’t say a full sentence “You…….can kill me, but I……..still…….have one condition.” Xiang Liu smiled with a corner of his mouth and said “Say it!”
“I….I won’t leave Qing Shui Town.” Xiao Liu understood that Xiang Liu was interested in his ability to make poison and as long as he didn’t leave Qing Shui Town then Xiang Liu couldn’t send him to kill the Xuan Yuan generals and officers. Nor could he send him to kill Gao Xing nobles and royals. Xiang Liu seemed to understand Xiao Liu’s thinking and just stared at him without any expression.

Xiao Liu had been acting a coward this entire time but this time he didn’t back down and looked at Xiang Liu straight back. The meaning was clear, if he didn’t agree then kill him now. After a moment, Xiang Liu said “Fine!”
Xiao Liu breathed a sigh of relief and then collapsed.
Xiao Liu was dragged by the soldiers into the room and the army doctor removed his clothes and put medicine on his back. Xiang Liu stood at the door of the tent and coldly observed. Xiao Liu laid on a wooden board and docilely allowed the army doctor to minister to him. When the medicine was applied and everyone left, Xiang Liu said to Xiao Liu “Make whatever concoction I ask of you. All other times you can continue being your healer in Qing Shui Town. But when I summon you then you must obey immediately.”
“Fine, but it’s like not I will be able to make whatever my lord asks.”
“If you can’t, then you can exchange with your body.”
“Huh?” Xiao Liu never imagined Xiang Liu would like guys and carefully said “My lord is handsome beyond compare. It’s not that I don’t want to service you but……..”
Xiang Liu smirked and lifted his foot and stepped on Xiao Liu’s wound slowly until blood started to seep out “One time you can’t make it, then use a part of your body in exchange. The first time, your ears. The second time, your nose. Without your nose, it is……”
Xiang Liu upped the pressure “Don’t worry, I won’t cut off your hands, you need it to make the concoctions.” Xiao Liu was in so much pain he writhed “I….I understand.”

My Thoughts
You can see that Xiang Liu is described as ethereal beautiful creature(demon). Xiao Liu saw it that way. Nevertheless, I can sensed that she was so scared in this scene even if she acted coward. But then her determination in not leaving Quig Shui town is so determined. For my taking, it means she did not want involved in any of the political wars going on. We can also sense, apart from beauty, Xiang Liu has rough (very), ruthless, non-nonsense and controlling nature with Xiao Liu. (Lol it stays like that till end). I mean he would not give in to any of Xiao Liu plead. After reading the whole scene, I can confirm that it is his controlling and rough nature and not about trepassing as some fans had mentioned before because they already made a deal on Xiao Liu working for XL.  Underneath his controlling nature, he seemed to care about what Xiao Liu had said, "I am just someone who has been discarded. I have no ability to protect myself, I have no one to rely on, I have nowhere to go"
And I also want to mentioned this. About this soldier from Shengnong camp, how he said he had family waiting for him, and that he's going home. That lead me to think about how everyone need comfort place, somewhere to belong, family, and war can bring them tragedy. 

And yep after this we get all comforting scene with XiaoQi and how Shi Qi marched into Shengnong army was cool. And the protective and possessive nature of Xiao Liu Towards Shi Qi ♡.

A soldier’s voice called out “Sir, someone has stormed the barracks.”
Xiang Liu took off and the noise stopped. Xiao Liu heard a soldier ask “Who are you and why have you stormed the Sheng Nong army base?” A scratchy voice replied “Ye Shi Qi. Xiao Liu.”
It’s Shi Qi! He came? Xiao Liu crawled outside and yelled “My lord Xiang Liu, please don’t harm him. He’s my servant and came to find me.”
Shi Qi ran towards Xiao Liu and his spiritual energy was stronger than expected because he deflected all the soldiers trying to stop him. But these were trained soldiers and if he took down two then four more would step up so Xiao Liu yelled “Shi Qi, stop! My orders.”
Shi Qi stopped and the soldiers encircled him and glared but Shi Qi didn’t even look at him and only stared at Xiang Liu “I. Am taking Xiao Liu.”
Xiao Liu tried to look alluring and yelled “My lord! I am already your person!” Those words…….caused all the soldiers at the base to grimace.
Xiang Liu furrowed his brow but lowered his hand and the soldiers parted. Shi Qi flew to Xiao Liu’s side and half carried half propped him up. His hand gently passed over his back. Perhaps it was mental comfort but Xiao Liu actually felt some pain lessen. Shi Qi knelt down “Let’s go home.”
Xiao Liu crawled on his back and smiled cheekily at Xiang Liu “My lord, I’m going home now.”
Xiang Liu kept staring at Shi Qi and Xiao Liu got nervous and actually grabbed Shi Qi’s face like a child would and yelled “Don’t you get any ideas about him. He’s mine.”
Xiang Liu was startled and was about to smile but stopped himself. He coughed a few times “After investigating and confirming you are a citizen of Qing Shui Town and not a threat to the Sheng Nong army, you are free to leave.”
Xiao Liu continued the charade and said “Thank you my lord, after I return I will be sure to spread word of my lord’s vast kindness.”
The soldiers left and Shi Qi carried Xiao Liu on his back and rushed off. It was only after there was no sound behind them that Xiao Liu wearily said “Shi Qi, I’m thirsty.”
Shi Qi gently put him down and took out a flask for him. Xiao Liu drank a few gulps and let out a long sigh “Let’s hurry before that Xiang Liu changes his mind.”

Shi Qi slowed down and turned to look at Xiao Liu and his lips touched Xiao Liu’s forehead. His hot breath brushed over Xiao Liu’s face and Shi Qi stiffly turned “Don’t be……scared.”
Perhaps it was because he was just tormented by Xiang Liu. Or because his hard shell that was forcibly opened wasn’t fully shut yet. Xiao Liu really craved this feeling of reliance and he closed his eyes and rested his head on Shi Qi’s shoulder and his head was pressed to Shi Qi’s neck. He was like a cat curled up against him...

The word home makes me feel something. Is it like Shi Qi is representing her home? But surely ..i feel her getting more attached Shi Qi.