
Ahahhaha! I thought you were going to say something about that chicken leg ? ??

Girl, you all know me by now. Nothing to hide hahahahahaha

And a video:

De Beers Interview

We need Awkward Derp to help with the subtitles :)


Girl, you all know me by now. Nothing to hide hahahahahaha

We have nothing to hide here, quite the contrary: BRING IT ON ;-D 

Ok, gotta work 'cause drooling won't get me anywhere in life hahaha

I'll be back later!


We have nothing to hide here, quite the contrary: BRING IT ON ;-D 

We Are All Adults Here™ LOL


We Are All Adults Here™ LOL

Love TJC with the Heart-fingers.. and the trade marks w available in this chat :-P 


Love TJC with the Heart-fingers.. and the trade marks w available in this chat :-P 

Trademarks are important bahahahaha


I laughed at how all the comments say how handsome he is.... 

I mean I know he is but still....


Yeah, it's funny because that's so obvious, but with every new video or pic that comes out, it's like he's even more beautiful than the day before. It's a kind of sorcery hahahah

I think it's chameleon ability.  I mean, we've all remarked on how adorable and cute he looks, like on Hello Saturday, and then how he looks so sexy in a photoshoot.

I also just watched a video where he said something to the effect that he didn't think he was always handsome, but he can turn on the handsome if he has too.  I'll see if I can find the link.  He's always so good in the interviews.  I wish more of them were had English subs.


It's impossible to get our hands on those goodies :( Everything sells out in a matter of hours!

I don't even try.  :(

I'm sure there's a second hand market, but I'm not on there either.


This last one, tho.

The first one....

Would he stop (don't) teasing 


One of TikTok funny moments for TJC  ??? 

OMG.  More eating!!!  Here's another one from Go East to add to it.


That chicken leg also has more purpose in life than I'll ever have.

LOL!  I was going to remark on him licking that chicken leg.  LOL! I've got to watch Centimeter of Love.  That character ... too funny.


I think it's chameleon ability.  I mean, we've all remarked on how adorable and cute he looks, like on Hello Saturday, and then how he looks so sexy in a photoshoot.

I also just watched a video where he said something to the effect that he didn't think he was always handsome, but he can turn on the handsome if he has too.  I'll see if I can find the link.  He's always so good in the interviews.  I wish more of them were had English subs.

I have to agree. On Hi6 he seems very normal. Not what I would exactly call breath taking...

Then in some of his concerts he is on fire... Then again in those he shows off his neck and arms ( love the biceps)

As XL he is absolutely the most f' able thing alive. The photos angles and wardrobe is very very pleasing.

I like that he is normally this nice humble guy who is just super talented

Go East seems really fun. Do you know when it would be out?


OMG.  More eating!!!  Here's another one from Go East to add to it.

LOL!  I was going to remark on him licking that chicken leg.  LOL! I've got to watch Centimeter of Love.  That character ... too funny.

The way he eats... such a pleasure to watch that scene from  go east... hope they release it soon!