Xiao Yao: You really eat people?

Xiang Liu: You dare to talk nonsense now?

Episode 5

Xiang Liu drinks her blood to heal himself but that other dude thought there was something else going on ??


They're on the way XD

I knew I could count on you!


Episode 5

His eyes when they turn red are so pretty like a ruby. Also, your body is a treasure? ?

That's one heck of a pickup line.

thought there was something else going on ??

LOL that's because *there was* something else going on lololol

I can confirm. I'm feeling it.

This song

"There was no pain, only the frisson of cool excitement." ?


This song

"There was no pain, only the frisson of cool excitement." ?

Woah, perfection! Utter perfection.

I tried to cut out most of XY's facial expressions ? omg I was on Viki to check which episodes had the neck biting scenes and the timed comments kept hating on XL. It's so funny how some of them did a complete 180 and support him now lolol, especially when he first appeared ahahah so much loathing.


I tried to cut out most of XY's facial expressions ? omg I was on Viki to check which episodes had the neck biting scenes and the timed comments kept hating on XL. It's so funny how some of them did a complete 180 and support him now lolol, especially when he first appeared ahahah so much loathing. 

Are they still hating on our man? Or back then?


Are they still hating on our man? Or back then?

no, only back then. episodes 3 - 10 ?

I just posted the most ridiculous thing on our Harvard thread lolololol I'm getting all mixed up with these many discussions hahaha


I just posted the most ridiculous thing on our Harvard thread lolololol I'm getting all mixed up with these many discussions hahaha

ahahahahaha it's hard to keep up

It was supposed to be here

Ok, so I bought these really cool glasses today and I thought they were really cool in a very Audrey Hepburn way, but now that I'm trying them on again, I look like Willy Wonka. 

But I don't want to return them, whatever, I'll find an occasion to wear them ?

I like that second video. I've seen a couple from that channel. Besides being subbed, he usually explains words and idioms afterwards.

So it is a kind of education, right? I'm trying to feel less guilty ahah


no, only back then. episodes 3 - 10 ?

Good to know.