"and Xiang Liu voluntarily planted the lovesickness voodoo" which means that the lover's voodoo is also called the lovesickness voodoo.

Yaoliu fan once asked the publishing house that the author(Tonghua) of this character relationship diagram had reviewed it.

If the publisher itself wrote the character relationship diagram, it would only use Lover Gu instead of Lovesickness Gu.

I don't belive XL knew about her 15 years promise with Jing or at least I don't belive the novel ever implied that he knew, but giving that he did witness how Jing tried to save her from CX, I belive he kinda got the drill.

I don't remember any mention of him knowing about the 15-year promise in the novel. I don't doubt that he knows about Jing's feelings for XY.

As to why did XY try to kiss Jing afterwards, I am not sure, I am bouncing between different theories. Could be because of what you said, could be out of pity, since that's what Jing felt or could be that, giving what she sacrificed for it, she was desperate to make this work, by using the same tactic as TianEr.

It's probably a combination of all of the above. There's a line in the novel that WXL easily softened towards 17 due to pity. Sometimes I wonder how much Jing deliberately used this to his advantage. I don't think he's some kind of mastermind, and his self-pity is pretty real.

I've been trying to pinpoint when Xiao Yao realized her feelings for Xiang Liu. As readers, we know that she loves him because the Lovers Bugs were successfully planted, but when did Xiao Yao recognise her feelings? At the least, by the time she had that conversation with her grandfather about finding a suitable person to marry, she was aware of her feelings. Even her comment outside the Dragon Bone Prison points to her knowing that she's vulnerable to falling for him.

Speaking of when did XY realise her feelings for XL, I am curious how you guys interpret XY's desire of keep wanting to poison XL. The lovers bugs are also reffered to as being a poison, so I have always interpreted her poisons and her persistency of wanting to poison XL as some sort of love-spell from her part. What I mean by that is that în her view, love was the equivalent of  commitment, hence her desire to find someone who is weak enough, that he will depend on her and thus can't abandon her for another purpose. Going by this theory, she poisoned Jing since chapter 2 and up until the discussion she had with XL on the boat, after she met with  Voodoo king, she didn't know that she also managed to poison XL, so she kept trying until the robbery, when XL made her to totally gave up, by killing all of her hopes of fantasised about him. It was only later, when she found out about her dad and had that discussion with XL afterwards, that she understood that you can love someone, while still picking a different path. 

Did XY ever depend on someone în the novel?  Yes, she was depending on XL, the bugs clearly points to that. Whenever she got lost and life became hard, she always found confort in the bugs connection. I can also interpret the bugs as a methapor for what XL meant to her, if he was to die, she will die too. She could have lived quite well without Jing, even Jing admitted that at one point, when he died she did suffer a loss, but she got up and continued living. Her trial had nothing to do with Jing,  because she never depended on him, her trial was about her learning to survive and see the beauty of life  despite of losing the one she depended on, which was XL. I belive that's what his condition would have been, when he made her promise to do a thing for him in the future. Her dependency was never on Jing, but on XL. After XL died, the blow was huge, even taking into account that the bugs / the dependency was killed, but she did survive, she did achieve independency. 

I belive her first step to achieve her independency started after the wedding robbery, when she finally understood that XL would never "choose" her, it was then when she started to seriously want to make medicine as a way of healing, not as a way of poison anyone anymore. Her feelings and dependency on XL started în QS Town, way before the bugs, remember how she always went looking for him or thinking about him whenever life got hard, as opposite to Jing, who was depending on her for his healing. She raised that bug for him precisely because she wanted to control him, she wanted to make him depend on her and that's because she thought that commitment comes with dependency. Problem was that these bugs acted as a two way highway, so she got poisoned too and between them two, XL was stronger and it was only after  that discussion she had about his father and uncle, that she understood that being loved doesn't always mean being picked and that there are other things în life that matters too. 

I am going back and forth with different theories though, so I am Interested to see how other people interpret her "I won't give up until I poison him one day"  persistency. 

I am going back and forth with different theories though, so I am Interested to see how other people interpret her "I won't give up until I poison him one day"  persistency. 

When did she say this sentence? After poison YSQ? 

I only remember the sentence in the beach scene in chapter 13 when she said she was poison king and she could poison the Nine-tailed fox demon then she believed that once day she could poison the Nine-headed sea demon. 

The poison in the novel has many meanings and its meaning changed over time. XY stopped her pursue of fantal poison for XL since chapter 16 just before she met FFB. She had all sorts of knowledge from various books, thus she was confident in her poison skill. Since then, she just wanted to make the poison more attractive but not more toxic. This means her poison could never poison or harm XL. 

In chapter 46, she told CX and FL bullshit story again that she had tried to poison XL, "For the past hundred years she tried every method to fell Xiang Liu with poison, giving him the hardest to find poisons to take him down. If she could counter his blood poison then Xiang Liu would have already been poisoned by her. "

I'll give my full opinion about the poison later


"When did she say this sentence? After poison YSQ?

Yes, she said something to that effect, I don't remember her exact words, but it was something about her going backwards if she faills. It is not that particular QUOTE that I am interested in thought,  but more like what lies beneath the whole picture of her wanting to poison him. Like what did she expect of achieving by that, what exactly were her expectations?  Her desire wasn't in the literal sense, obviously, I am sure no one here belives that what she aimed for was to actually kill him. She wanted to control him,  make him depended to her, but in what purpose? 

I did check that quote from chapter 46 and I personally belive that that part about her trying every method for years to fell XL with poison were her inner thoughts, the reply for CX and FL came after.  But I don't know how important is that. After  the love bugs, her poisons did change through out the novel according to her state of mind, but the fact that she kept sending him poisons regularly is what I find more important. What did she think when Jing stopped sending her the wine?  Basically that he had given up on her or something along these lines. I don't remember all the details, so I might be mistaken, but I belive that that's what she thought. Jing stopped sending her wine, so she gave up on him. XY never stopped sending XL poisons though, not until the crystal ball / robbery,  when she even told yellow emperor that that's going to be the last one. Again, yellow emperor was the man who knew everything that goes behind close doors, he already knew that it's pointless, since he, too, already tried to convince XL to change his priorities. 

Anyway, the switch between when she stopped making poisons and started making medicine to heal is were I, personally, draw the line. IMO her overcoming her traumas was never about her pursuing XL and surviving or not a lonely life without him, but about her learning not to depend on anyone and doing what's right. I belive that's what SirBi meant when he told XL that he is relieved that she picked Jing and not him. Choosing Jing was the right thing for her, the right man for her, even XL said so in the epilogue. Would she had choose Jing if XL wasn't so  determined to push her away? No, for sure and she would have been doomed, since she was so similar to her mom, but that was her lesson to learn.  CX could have gave up on the throne and leave the world în chaos to be with  the one he loved, XL could have gave up on his loyalty and choose love too, but they haven't, they haven't chose themselves. In fact the reason why CX and XL were able to control the bug and she wasn't could be because they were stronger in terms of being more independent, both of them had other things that went on their lifes, love wasn't everything that mattered to them, while XY always thought about her happiness as having someone next to her, who's unable to leave her. I belive XL was her lesson of loving and losing without getting scars from being abandoned anymore. 

I swear I'm not picking on you blahblah100. I'm also not saying that I'm right and your wrong or trying to convince you to my point of view. I enjoy having these discussions as they allow me to clarify and share my thoughts and also allowed me to contemplate other possible interpretations that I may not even have thought of. I hope you'll take these little exchanges for the light-hearted, good-natured way that they are intended to be :-).

I am not particulary fond of her either and that's mostly because I dislike Jing.

Look, you disliking Jing means that we can talk. I don't think I can talk to someone who likes Jing :-). I'm curious about what you don't like about him and why not liking him means that you're not fond of Xiao Yao. I'm working through some of my thoughts about these characters. Now that the initial feelings have passed, I can be calmer and more objective and fair (well, as objective as personal opinions can be:-).)

The reason why I am sympathetic to her is because, IMO, her request of wanting a partner who is willing to stay with her, without giving her up when life gets in the way is understandable.

I feel like wanting a partner who is willing to stay with her through thick and thin is different from someone who will always put her first, which is how I understood her meaning. If her needs and wants always come first, where does that leave her partner's needs and wants? Mine and a few other readers' problem with this particular demand from Xiao Yao is that she demands this from her partner, but she isn't willing to do the same thing. If Jing, for whatever reason feels that he has to support someone else for the throne, will she give up CX for Jing's sake? If they then separated due to this conflict, will she then sing that same self-pitying song about how no one put her first, how everyone abandoned her? I know that I harped on about XY's trauma, but that's where her limiting and distorted beliefs come from. 

If you ask me who would XL choose to save if XY and Gong Gong/the Shen Nong Army were to fell into a river, I'd say that he would choose to save the first, while throwing a lifebuoy at her to try and save herself,

We definitely have the opposite opinion on this :-). 

XL sacrificed himself for the army, not for XY

3 lives are not considered an adequate sacrifice? And goodness knows what else he had to do to save Jing. 

XL wasn't willing to keep on living for her sake, while XY couldn't sacrifice her oportunity of having a forever companion for a few years of bliss that were prone to end at any given time, especially considering that she wasn't even sure about XL's feelings

Who died and made XY the centre of the universe? :-) Why does XL's decision have to centre around XY's sake, her wants and needs? Now, of course, for XY, she's the centre of her universe and she wants someone like Jing who lives and dies for her sake. XL is not a good choice for XY, because he has his own ideals and goals that he wasn't willing to give up in order to make XY the centre of his universe. 

I don't think XY should sacrifice her opportunity to have her needs met. I believe that her feelings for XL exceed her feelings for Jing, but since XL couldn't give her what she wanted, I don't think there's anything wrong with her choosing Jing. She made a practical choice to meet her needs and she has every right to do so. My issue is the quick turn around between "choosing" XL and running back to Jing which had me questioning her sincerity.

Even after knowing about the Lovers Bugs? That was not enough a confirmation? Mind you, I don't think that that means she should choose XL given the whole impending death thing that he had going on.

XL knew about her 3 weaknesses since the beginning, as well as her wish for a forever partner. From the moment he fell în love with her, I belive his main purpose was to work towards helping her achieving her 3 goals, including helping her settle with "the right person" who will forever remain by her side.

I don't think those 3 wishes neccessarily translated to a wish for a forever partner. This was only apparent after she regained her female identity. I can see him interpreting "no one to rely" as simply that, a person that she can rely on and at the start he could provide that for however long that he could as he belief she wasn't adverse to short-term companionship. 

By the same logic, I don't belive that her accepting Jing means that she loved XL less.

You're preaching to the choir here as I absolutely agreed that she loves XL more than Jing :-). Heck, my interpretation of the Lovers Bugs means that I don't even think her feelings for Jing reach that "love" state. 

XY didn't choose Jing, XY choose herself with XL's help. I firmly belive that if not for XL who kept pushing her away from him, one would have died out of loyalty for the army, while the other out of love and loneliness.

I do agree that if XL hasn't pushed her away she would have ended up with him and died of a broken heart or like CX's mother. If XY didn't love him so much to the point that she would be willing to risk being abandoned, XL wouldn't have to take such drastic measures to kill her hopes. 

I'm not quite understanding this distinction between choosing herself and choosing Jing. Do you mean she chose to continue living instead of dying with Xiang Liu? If that's the case, she could do that without being with Jing. However, XY's psychological issues have not improved enough for her to stand on her own, so she still chose Jing to be that companion that she needed. IMO, of course.

I'd even give XY a bonus point for the crystal ball.

I do give XY point for the crystal ball. Unfortunately, I'll also take point away for it happening while she is engaged to another man with her marriage looming. I already talked about my view on the way XY handled this entire situation, so won't go into it here.

Again, thank you for continue to engage in these exchanges. If you don't, I'll have no one to reply to and I'll just be talking to myself. LOL!


No worries, I am definetely enjoying these discussions. Just to clarify, I am going back and forth between many theories, I am not yet convinced of any in particular, since all of them have its gaps, so I  am definetely open to read different interpretations. In fact I like reading you guys more than I like exposing my own ideas, precisely because I am unsure of them and I keep changing them :) 

"I'm curious about what you don't like about him and why not liking him means that you're not fond of Xiao Yao."

First because he is a wimp. Second because subconsciously I need to find a culprit to blame for why this story didn't end the way I wanted to. Of course he's not at fault, but I still need to take my dissatisfaction out on someone. 

"I feel like wanting a partner who is willing to stay with her through thick and thin is different from someone who will always put her first"

No, I am not viewing it like this. Again, it's been a while since I read the novel, but to my understanding, what she really wanted was for someone who will never abandon her. Yes, her  fear of being abandoned came from her wrongly belief that that's because no one in the past put her first / loved her enough, but then again, wasn't she kinda ok with Jing when he became clan leader? I don't think that what she really wanted was to monopolize someone, more like making sure that she won't get abandoned down the road, if that makes sense. 

"3 lives are not considered an adequate sacrifice?" 

I am definetely not trying to minimize everything XL did for XY, what I was trying to point out is that ultimately he didn't do himself right because of his loyalty to the army. 

The meaning of Poison in Lost you forever (part 1)

Note: in this note, I use "she", "her", "herself" to refer to both WXL and XY. 

I would like to start my note with the excerp of the introduction of the first volume of "Lost you forever - Like first seeing "in the 2019 revision

Lovesickness is like a glass of poisonous wine. It is sweet in the throat and ecstasy in the bones. Until it enters the heart and lungs, there is no cure. When the poison breaks out, it breaks the heart and lungs. Only the smile and companionship of the sweetheart can cure it. If it can not cure it. , all that remains is the deep love that lasts until death. The story continues.

Poison throughout most of the novel was the visible connection between Xiao Yao and Xiang Liu. We hardly see and hear XY expressing her emotion or feeling to XL. In fact, she used poison to express her thought, her emotion to him. That is the unspoken language, message from XY to XL. 

First,  poison was her best skill which had saved her many times in the past, given her strength and confidence to cope with difficulty in life. And in their first encounter, her skill and talent in poison (together with the song to lure fei fei) drew XL's attention and played significant role in XL's decision to spare her life. In order to survise, WXL agreed to "work" for XL. A first XL had certain requirement for the poison that WXL made for him. It seems that in the beginning, XL only cared for the toxicity of the poison; WXL did not have idea on XL's usage.  She had thought that he had used the poison to harm someone else so she made the poison so weird appearance. XL did not care. After some time, she deduced that XL used the poison for himself to train.  Thus she made the poison with the most horrible taste ever.  So the poison in this period that WXL made ought to followed XL's order about the deadliness. It seems that XL also had certain understanding in poison. Althought, WXL had freedom in the taste, appearance of the poison, she still had to follow his requirement in toxicity. This period lasted for 1 year. 

Other than, occasionally a mall white condor would come find Xiao Liu, bringing something and taking away something. Xiao Liu made the poison for Xiang Liu but always held something back. If the poison was beyond deadly that it fit his requirement, but then it would have an odd color or smell. Whatever the reason, it was impossible to use it to kill those powerful people under tight protection.

Xiao Liu thought that as time passed Xiang Liu would come raise a fuss but Xiang Liu appeared to not care about “color, smell, and taste” and as long as the poison met his specifications he accepted it all.

Xiao Liu used his haphazard medical and poison skills to deduce that Xiang Liu was a very unique being and his power came from using poison to train. All the poison that Xiao Liu produced was likely consumed by him.

After he figured it out, Xiao Liu breathed a sigh of relief, and then proceeded to make the most horrible tasting poison ever.

After 1 year, XL probably had no more doubt about WXL that she could harm Sheng Nong army or him, he wanted to know more about WXL and came to Mazi's wedding. I don't think the way WXL interpreted XL's visit correctly. In her view she considered his visit and gift as the warning that he had one more hostage. WXL considered his visit as a threat. Moreover, her attemp to literally poison him was regarded as her revenge for his punishment of 40 lashes to her. 

Xiang Liu looked at the excitement in the world and asked with disdain and confusion: "When they all die, I'm afraid you will still be the same as you are now. Is that interesting?"
Xiaoliu said: "I'm afraid of being lonely and not being able to find long-term dependence. Short-term companionship is also good."
Xiang Liu looked at Xiao Liu, who poured him wine diligently, "Since you're here, let's have a wedding drink. I brewed it myself."
After Xiang Liu drank a glass, he said calmly: "Except for the poison in the wine, there is no redeeming feature."
Xiaoliu asked with concern: "Are you poisoned?"
Xiang Liu looked at Xiao Liu with disdain, and Xiao Liu was slumped.
Xiang Liu asked: 
"Do you really want to poison me?"
Xiao Liu said honestly: "I am not Xuanyuan's soldier. There is no life-or-death hatred between you and me yet. I just want to whip you a hundred and eighty times."
"Stop dreaming in this life." Xiang Liu drank another glass of wine and drifted away.
Xiao Liu said to Shi Qi angrily: "
Sooner or later I will find his weak point. If the poison can't kill him, I will walk backwards."
There was a slight smile in Shi Qi's eyes. 
When Xiao Liu saw his transcendent look, he wished he could squeeze him hard with both hands. He couldn't help but pour him a glass of poisonous wine, "Drink!"
Seventeen took it, tilted his neck, and drank.
Xiaoliu was stunned, "It's poisonous."
The smile in Shiqi's eyes did not dissipate, but his body fell softly. Xiao Liu hurriedly detoxified him and cursed: "You idiot!" 
But there was a little unexplainable ripple in his heart.

About the WXL's poison action on YSQ, that came suddently from WXL's frustration to XL. She was angry because XL undermined her poison, and didn't take her ability seriously. In her eyes, she felt that YSQ's transcendent look meaned he didn't understand her feeling. She vented her anger by order YSQ to drink the wine. This action also underlined her power, influence on YSQ which is opposite to her relationship with XL. YQS's acceptance without hesitation and his no complain reaction later gave her proof that YQS fully obeyed and willing to take her request. Thus that explained why there was a little unexplainable ripple in her heart.

After Mazi's wedding banquet, Nine-lives Xiang Liu would occasionally come and sit in the small courtyard of Chun Tang, drink a few glasses of wine that Xiao Liu poured for him, and eat a few slices of snacks made by Xiao Liu. When he left, his face remained calm and his heart did not beat.

Xiang Liu's attitude of not taking Xiao Liu seriously at all angered Xiao Liu. When Xiao Liu entered the medical profession, he took a wrong path from the beginning. The purpose was to kill people, not save them. Xiang Liu took his poison as a jelly bean, and after letting him reflect, he decided to sink his mind and study how to harm people, and continue to move forward on the wrong path, with the goal of poisoning the devil sooner or later!  (Chapter 2 - google translate)

So, from the above excerpt, we can see that after XL and XY had more meetings, knowing each other better and building their "friendship", WXL started to improve his poison skill in order to make a poison which could have poisionous effect on XL. The reason for that is: 1) she still wanted to revenge on him for the 40 lashes; 2) she felt that XL was at higher position in their relationship and XL undermined WXL, thus she felt angry; 3) Her self-esteem was triggered. She had already said that she had no life-death hatred with XL. Thus the line "if the poison can't kill him, I can go backward" doesn't mean she wanted to kill him but she wanted to make poison that could threathen his life so that she could play controlling role (like XL did), deciding his death/life or could return him what he had done to her.

This is like the relationship between men and women. In time, those who are in love may not be able to be together, and those who are together do not need true love. No wonder the clan always attaches great importance to marriage. This is probably the reason.

Xiaoyao asked: "When will you marry Xinyue?"

Zhuanxu laughed at himself: "Do you think I can marry you if I want? She will never marry me now! In this world, except for a silly girl like you, Everyone who wants to help me needs to first weigh what I can give them."

 Xiaoyao was shocked to realize Xinyue's plan. She herself had been unwilling to get married, but in order to help Zhuanxu consolidate his power in the Central Plains, she pushed the Zhuo family away. Come out, so that she can advance to attack and retreat to defend. If Zhuanxu wins, she will stand on the top of the sky. Even if Zhuanxu loses, she will still be the queen concubine of the Shennong tribe without the title of queen concubine, and she can still choose the best man to marry. Xinyue is not unkind to Zhuanxu, but that love is conditional. Xinyue was like a shrewd businessman, clearly weighing what Zhuanxu could give her and what she could give.

didn't xiaoyao do the same thing?


what she really wanted was for someone who will never abandon her. Yes, her  fear of being abandoned came from her wrongly belief that that's because no one in the past put her first / loved her enough, but then again, wasn't she kinda ok with Jing when he became clan leader?

Because of XY’s insecurity and negative attitude, she did not trust anyone , she needed someone who was willing to give first and she was the 1st choice in that man’s heart. Jing gave her such promise even though he was unsure and in fact could not deliver it in practice. 

there are several reasons that XY was “ok” when Jing had to accept the clan leader role.

1. being clan leader did not mean he would abandon her

2. Jing’s grandma would die soon, thus his biggest family obstacle and strongest connection would soon be gone

3. He did it because of his grandma which proved that he had kind, soft heart which she liked most from him. Based on her conversation with CX in chapter 47, saving Jing and healing his heath, his heart gave XY hope that her scars from the past would be healed too. She treasured him as her achievement, responsibility 

the problem of being clan leader was that Jing could not return her YSQ quickly as he had promised her

Guys one thing that I don't get about poisonous bug is that the 2 sides can't be together cuz of what?


Guys one thing that I don't get about poisonous bug is that the 2 sides can't be together cuz of what? 

It's not the poisonous bug that keeps XY and XL apart.  It's like Romeo and Juliet, their families were enemies.

the problem of being clan leader was that Jing could not return her YSQ quickly as he had promised her

I don't think she was all that great with Jing becoming clan leader.  Didn't XY come take her away because she was unhappy?

I don't think she was all that great with Jing becoming clan leader.

No, XY was not happy with that because she just needed YSQ. But she still could compromise with that. She did not bin him when he became clan leader. She even wanted to help Jing's grandmother with the bug problem. Jing had hoped that his grandmother would approve XY but she was strongly agaist XY due to XY's complicated political view. And within a few months, FFYY got pregnant. And then XY's hope shattered.

Xinyue was like a shrewd businessman, clearly weighing what Zhuanxu could give her and what she could give.

didn't xiaoyao do the same thing?

Interesting point.

They were similar, and both of them had early trauma that dictated their relationship needs.  But I'd say Xin Yue's choices were also driven by greater concerns.  Her choice could literally be life and death.  If CX failed, he and his family would be executed -- and their failure could even extend to her clan, who she was the heiress to.

If XY's choice failed, well, we saw what happened.  She was depressed.  Nothing was going to blowback on her royal family.